Well...there are two underground shelters ahead.

Tang En waved his hand, and the armor made a sound that no one had ever heard before.

There's no need to go. The air-raid shelter over there has collapsed and you can't get in. Go to the city center. I think Mayumi and you should call for rescue through your family.

Mayumi was surprised for a moment, but then she thought about it. With his intelligence capabilities, he should have known.

Okay, but while waiting for the helicopter to defend against the attack, this...

Leave it to us, we're not in a hurry anyway.

Tenglin heard Tang En's implication that he had other things to do, but it was difficult to ask at this time, so he could only nodded and agreed to his proposal.

Tang En, Miyuki, Late Night, and Maya walked in front, leading everyone towards the city center.

On the way, Mayumi looked curiously at Tang En's gorgeous outfit that didn't look like a battle suit at all, but more like armor from a comic book. She couldn't help but ask:

Tang Enjun...this equipment of yours.

Everyone was listening attentively, not to mention the girl. Looking at Leo's eager expression, you can tell how much he likes this cool armor!

Tang En's armor, what else is it?

Of course it is the legendary artifact, the battle armor of the God Emperor of All Realms.

He smiled.

This is my armor. Its function...is pretty much what you imagined.

Of course Tang En knew that Mayumi was trying to find out what he was saying.

But he didn't care. Even if those forces knew about it, what would happen? Dare to take action?

Xiangzi raised his eyebrows.

The Independent Magic Armor Brigade has also developed a set of combat armor, but its appearance seems to be several levels different from Tang En's fantasy armor.

But obviously their armor is lighter and more powerful.

Tang En's armor looked... very bulky, and it was not meant for fighting humans at all.

Certainly not for humans…

The armor's ability increases every second. Can humans control it?

And must be driven by the supreme divine power.

Those missiles rained down just now, Tang En intercepted them as if they were just sitting there. Even if he didn't defend himself, could those things cause him harm?

Haha...Tang Enjun, I didn't expect you to have such a good thing. I've never seen you use it before.

Well, this was only available recently, so I didn't use it much before, or rather, I couldn't use it.

Compared to Fujibayashi and Mayumi, the others paid more attention to the battle skirts of Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki.

Simply... so beautiful!

The goddess of magic is nothing more than that.

The purple shawl hair floats behind her head in the wind, and the metal on the battle skirt reflects a mysterious light, as if there is a stream of light flowing on the surface of the battle armor, which is extremely mysterious.

This situation cannot be explained by technology and existing magic!


Four Gundams suddenly came from around the corner.

Be careful! Enemy attack!

Before anyone could start CAD, Tang En's figure beside him disappeared in an instant!

Everyone saw a purple light, running directly from the road to the end!

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!


The crowd was confused!

In an instant, the four Gundams' whole bodies seemed to have been chopped into pieces neatly by some sharp weapon, and finally exploded!

In the blink of an eye, Tang En was back to where he was...




Such low-key pretense made everyone look weird.

Including Fujibayashi Kyoko, everyone's minds are blank!

Tang En showed his invincible strength and their brains were no longer enough!

That's a war machine! The firepower installed on it is enough to kill everyone here in an instant!

But that's it... and was erased by Tang En in an understatement.

This red-haired man is so terrifying!

Chapter 131 Unrivaled Strength

Tang En's move completely made everyone understand what strength is!

It also made everyone understand another truth.

When a person's strength reaches a critical point, facing an army of thousands, he can suppress it with a backhand!

Even Kyouko Fujibayashi and Mayumi, who had seen Tang En's strength, were shocked!

Although they can suppress these mechanical monsters in an instant, they do not have Tang En's ability to solve them in an instant.

When magicians face technology, there is an inevitable fatal drawback.

That is the speed of magic activation.

For example, every time Mayumi and others use magic, they must first operate CAD to activate the magic.

But for bullets, the short time it takes to activate magic is enough to kill you thousands of times.

In the eyes of everyone, Tang En's physical skills and magic activation speed have exceeded human limits.

They had never seen Tang En operate CAD.

Not just them, including Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki.

Several people can use magic freely with just a wave of their hands...

When the four people fell from the sky just now, they did not ask, but put the question of flying magic deeply in their hearts.

Flying magic, this is a super magic that breaks the traditional rules.

I don’t know how many forces are studying this magic.

But none of them succeeded.

Today, they saw the flying magic that was still on the paper in the Tang En family. How could they not be shocked.

Along the way, waves of enemies kept attacking.

This time, Tang En did not take action.

But late at night, Maya, Miyuki took action!

Their magic is even more gorgeous!

The bright stars, the mysterious silver-gray river, and the snowflakes that can freeze the spirit...

Let everyone truly understand the horror of this Whirlpool family again.

Jumonji, who was seriously injured, remained silent along the way, but his eyes kept staring at Tang En's back, not knowing what he was thinking.

Presumably, after this incident, the attitude of the Jumonji family may change.

Soon after, a group of dozens of people arrived at the designated spot in the corner of the plane.

Okay, we have completed your request, Xiangzi. I have other things to do next, so I will leave first.

Uh...won't you leave with us? There's a war here.

Tang En grinned and suddenly touched Xiangzi's cheek.

This caught her off guard...and her face turned red.

What are you doing! There are so many people.

Nothing, I miss you very much. Goodbye! See you another day!

After saying that, in full view of everyone, Tang En's family lightly stepped on the ground and flew away with a whoosh sound!

Looking at the rainbow quantum energy that the four of them had tasted, Erica looked envious.

Flying magic, I'm so envious...

...It shouldn't be some low-level magic. Even if Tang Enjun takes it out, the one who can really use it is probably a magic master!

Erica curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

Erica, this is your knife.

A black car braked suddenly and stopped in front of them.

It was Erica's brother, Chiba Hisakazu, who had just arrived.

Tsk, it's an afterthought. There are no enemies anymore. What's the point of bringing me a knife?


Realizing that Erica's face was not looking good, Chiba Hisako wisely did not go to confront the gun, but instead asked Fujibayashi Kyoko.

Miss Fujibayashi, what's going on?

That's it. The guerrillas here have been almost wiped out. Just wait for a while and the rescue helicopter will come.


Chiba Shouhe looked confused.

Leo really couldn't stand it.

Erica's brother is escorted by Tang Enjun and three young ladies, Midnight, Maya and Miyuki.


Chiba Hisawa seemed to have some impression of the names Leo mentioned, but he couldn't remember them for a while.

The four Tang Ens who flew away from the city center were silent as they watched the various fires erupting on the ground.

This is war, cruel and bloody.

It is equal to everyone, and there is no right or wrong on either side.

But the law that either you die or I die is real.

Honey, look over there!

Late at night, the hand wrapped in a gauntlet pointed to the west.

Tang En followed her hand and saw heavy artillery fire over there, and occasionally flying missiles could be seen in the sky!

He narrowed his eyes.

The magic scene over there is very confusing. It should be a large-scale battle between magicians. It must be an independent magic armor brigade.

Shall we go there?

The three of you go over and help. After all, we are acquaintances. Just give us a simple help. I will go to the Magic Council branch myself.



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