His words were very profound and would definitely not be understood by those who are still in high school.

Not to mention them, even the magicians from the ten master clans would never understand.

Maybe no one in this world can understand this sentence.

Only when you reach a certain level can you understand what Tang En means.

No matter what kind of magic it is, whether it is mental magic or physical magic.

In the end, it will all become the same system because it is powerful to the limit.

And this limit is the limit of magicians in this world.

If you can break through, it will be another dimension!

But to the magicians in this world, it is like a fantasy, and it is absolutely impossible to see it.

They don't even understand the basics of magic now, and they still want to understand the essence of magic to break through. How is this possible?

After clearing all the enemies in the hall with a wave of his hand late at night, Tang En assigned tasks.

Let everyone go to the command center here.

This international conference center has a huge conference room.

There, you can use the Internet to pay attention to the current situation in the outside world.

In war, intelligence is always the first element.

Everyone listened to Tang En's words.

And he, Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki, the four of them, left here.

He was not interested at all in the information studied by those high school students. What he was interested in was the information about the Magic Council branch!

The family left from the main entrance of the International Convention Center. As Tang En walked, he stretched his hand into the air, groping for something.

After a while, I found it.

He smiled mysteriously and said to Maya, Late Night, and Miyuki:

Let's go and change some clothes. It can improve some defense. This is 100% made by Forging Master Whirlpool Tang En!

Maya curled her lips.

The function doesn't matter, just don't be too arrogant... I don't want others to laugh at me.

It seems that Maya cares about his image very much.

Of course! I will definitely satisfy you.

Raising his hand, a golden light directly hit the head of an enemy who secretly attacked him, Tang En said with a smile.

Chapter 127 Request

Not to mention the ongoing costume change on Tang En's side.

outside world.

The roar of artillery fire and the splendor of magic have become the main theme of this tourist resort island!

Except for the fact that the sky was not invaded by local fighter planes, whether it was on the sea or on the ground, they were all local troops!

Along the entire coastline, warships transformed from camouflaged cargo ships into attack-type strongholds -!

This scene appeared in the eyes of the customs patrol officer, which seemed a bit incredible!

Cao Nima! It's that traitor! Are you happy if our island is completely destroyed?

The patrol captain roared angrily!


A cruise missile turned the speedboat they were on into a ball of fire the next moment.

And this is just one of them.

Countless defense teams and customs were crushed to pieces by the ruthless war.

The enemy's landing ship quickly docked and began to continuously send troops to the ground from the inside!

I saw that there were no infantry at all when they landed on the beach!

In addition to armored vehicles and tanks, there are also more powerful war weapons, Gundam!

Although it's just...a very ordinary crawler-type Gundam, its lethality is terrifying enough.

Not to mention magicians, even armor and buildings can be destroyed, let alone humans?

I saw the precision engines of these Gundams roaring and rushing onto the streets of this city!

Although their attack was very sudden, the evacuation of the people here was also very good!

Ordinary people who have nothing to do with it have already been sent to various air-raid shelters.

Whether it's underground or wherever.

Looking at the deserted streets, these armored troops began to invade!

Twain, when did you do this? I've never heard of it?

Maya looked at the armor on her body happily.

This is the armor designed by Tang En.

The whole body is made of the most precious gold metal, and is also inlaid with magic circuits to improve the wearer's various values!

And the speed of absorbing external magic power has increased exponentially.

Moreover, this armor has the same function as a magic amplifier!

For example, if the river of oblivion in the middle of the night is increased by this magic, its range and power can be increased by 10 times!

What a concept! ?

In other words, using one square kilometer of magic power late at night can cover an area of ​​ten square kilometers!

The battle armors worn by Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki should be said to be battle skirts more appropriately! (Refer to Joan of Arc and Saber!)

The lower body is cut from precious metals and equally delicate fabrics.

On his hands and feet, there are boots and gauntlets made of mysterious metal!

The upper body also has a small piece of armor covering the chest and back!

Basically, it protects the owner of the armor in all aspects!

Of course, the protection provided by these metal objects is just the icing on the cake.

What really makes this armor’s defense powerful is its extremely mysterious magic circuit!

It is born with the absolute attribute of restraining mystery, plus an invisible shield covering the armor that can resist magic as long as it provides magic power.

With such defense, it would be difficult to die.

Tang En's battle armor is similar to the three of them, and they are also wearing battle skirts.

This is ten thousand times better looking than the battle uniforms of those outside.

Look at that hat...especially Jumonji's clothes and hat, they're so cool!

After the four of them looked at each other, Tang En waved his hand and walked out of the hotel!

At this time, the war has broken out in full force!

As soon as Tang En and the four of them walked onto the street, they saw an approaching Gundam!

When he saw this big toy, Tang En had a sneer on his lips.

This scene was also completely seen clearly by the pilot of the Gundam.

What...what is this? COSPLAY?

But in an instant, he didn't think so anymore!


The Gundam pilot and his mount were instantly turned into a huge lump of ice.

It's Miyuki.

After the increase in power of this artifact armor, Miyuki only used a little bit of magic power to turn this fierce battle weapon into a complete scrap!

So...so strong!?

Miyuki looked at her hands in disbelief.

At that moment, she clearly felt that the magic power released was amplified many times by this armor!

Miyuki was not shocked, only surprised!

She has the strength to protect her brother!

Tang En said with a smile:

Doesn't it feel very strong? Let alone this Gundam, even if it's ten, it only takes a matter of minutes.

Midnight and Maya also laughed.

Around Tang En, they could always feel the strong sense of security that seemed to have materialized.

Always makes them feel at ease.

Even if the world is destroyed, they still believe that Tang En will protect them!

at this time……

Tang En's phone rang.

The three women immediately looked at Tang En's cell phone.

Uh... I don't know who is calling at this time.


it's me.

Ah...it's Xiangzi!

Tang En glanced at the three women guiltily and found that there was no change in their expressions. But just because there was no change, Tang En was even more heartbroken.

Can you...can you help me?

...Is it your own request?

Yes... we are surrounded. The enemy's firepower is too strong. Many people on our side have been sacrificed! I'm begging you, Tang En!

If that's the case, then fine. But you should be at the International Conference Center, right? How could it be like this?

It's a long story, but you just need to know that the enemy's follow-up troops have followed up, and now their combat goal is to eliminate the resistance organizations here and control the students here. So... this place can no longer withstand it. !”

Okay... Since it's your request, there's no problem.


Toot toot…

Tang En looked at the three women.

Something happened at the International Convention Center, let's rush there.

...There are so many students there, but they are also magicians? How could they be surrounded?

Tang En frowned.

It stands to reason that the situation should not be like this. There are Shiba Tatsuya, Ichijo Shoki, Jumonji, and Nanakusa Mayumi, all direct magicians of the ten master clans, who have experienced actual combat. The situation should not be like this.

If you don't understand, don't think about it. Let's rush there first.


As soon as the sound fell, the four of them, led by Tang En, activated in an instant!

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