He is indeed a potential stock who can become the vice president of the student union as a civilian.


I hope Jumonmonkaidou will not let down his guard, and will definitely raise the alert level!

The above is the request from President Mayumi Nanakusa.

It turned out to be a request from Mayumi Nanakusa.

I understand. Just go and be responsible for the security outside. By the way, since you were patrolling just now, did you find anything unusual?

Is there something wrong?

Well...if that's the case, I really discovered something.

Tell me about it.

Because I knew the location of this competition and it was arranged by the school, I came here to check it out.

Compared with the last time here, there may be more foreigners on the street.

Wu Ming, what do you think?

Well... because I am more sensitive to changes in the atmosphere. I feel that compared to usual times, the originally bustling streets outside today seem to be filled with a strange and chilling atmosphere. Although I am not sure...

Is it……

Jumonji stood up, crossed his arms, closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking about.

This way, you guys put on your bulletproof vests.


The security personnel who were patrolling outside suddenly received a communication from Jumonji.

Here is Ichigo Jumonji, who rules the joint security team. From now on, all members will wear bulletproof vests.

Repeat, all team members, from now on, put on bulletproof vests!

Time passed quietly in the tense atmosphere.

14:58 pm.

There are two minutes left before the game starts.

Tang En, Miyuki, Midnight, and Maya were sitting in the front row.

Behind him are Erica, Leo, Mikihiko, and Mitsuki.

Because of Tang En's relationship, they also knew that there was an undercurrent in this competition and something would definitely go wrong.

You can tell it from Tang En's smiling expression.

Tang En was very happy.

But that's obviously not the joy of the essay competition.

Then something must have happened that interested him.


Mikihiko, who possesses ancient magical elf magic, can be said to have the strongest perception among everyone.

Moreover, he had the foresight to place a sensory barrier around the venue.

Nothing happened...Erica.

Uh...could something happen?

Miyuki chuckled softly.

Erica, can't you hope for something good?

Miyuki, you don't know, how can you finish the game quietly? That's impossible, isn't it Tang En!

Tang En shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

But his attitude proved that this competition would not be peaceful.


At this time, the lights dimmed.

That's when the game begins.

First place, first college team!

Their topic is: the feasibility and miniaturization of gravity-controlled nuclear fusion reactors.

Tang En's face twitched.

Whenever he heard this topic, he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

At the same time, I lamented that today’s high school students are so terrible.

Is this the miracle of magic?

When the lights came on again, Lingyin was already standing on the podium.

What is needed to put nuclear fusion power into practical use has been pointed out in the last century [the 3.9th century of the 20th century].

After saying that, Ringtone controlled the tablet and pressed the start button.

Suddenly, the device behind him produced countless electric sparks.

With this look, Tang En felt a familiar sense of déjà vu again... Isn't this the miniaturization of his Thunder God's body... Tsk tsk.

Following Suzune's explanation, the topic of First High School was soon finished.

After the second high school was over, everyone's mind was no longer on the game.

Because Tang En discovered that this auditorium had been invaded.

Just when Na Kichijoji of the Third High School walked to the podium with his tablet in his arms!

There was a loud boom and suddenly exploded!

Kichijoji's scream of Ah! spread throughout the entire auditorium through the microphone...

He was GAY and was holding on to the wall angrily, with a panicked look on his face!

what happened!

Chapter 124: Leave you paralyzed

Chapter 124: Leave you paralyzed

Another control room tower!

A trailer container truck loaded with liquid bombs slammed open the iron gate that had no defense at all!

This scene shocked the guards!

Look carefully, there is no one in the cab! This is completely a pre-set line, a fully automatic remote control attack!

The big truck roared onto the surveillance tower!

next moment!


The building made of reinforced concrete turned into a pile of construction waste in an instant!

That’s consent time!

The International Conference and Exhibition Hall was also invaded!

A coffee shop somewhere.

Fujibayashi Kyoko frowned.

The feared incident still happened.

Although the independent magic equipment brigade was prepared, they could react immediately and launch a counterattack.

However, Di Ran's military strength is simply not something that their troops can compete with!

Judging from the two attacks just now, the enemy carried out attacks in a planned, disciplined and purposeful manner.

Once they take control of the auditorium, the students will become their hostages.

This leaves a way out for people on his side. Even if the plan fails, it doesn't hurt!

The more he thought about it, the uglier Fujibayashi Kyoko's face became.

Even if Siba Aotian and Ichijo Shouki were to take action, how many people could they deal with?

It's just a company, and this is when the opponent is not equipped with anti-magic weapons.

Once the opponent's anti-magic troops join the battle, the magician's power will be greatly weakened.

This is also one of the consequences of Tang En coming to this world and changing the world's established destiny.

That is, as he came here, the research on ordinary technology and raw materials was accelerated, and a powerful anti-magic ore was born.

This kind of ore is more powerful than the anti-magic stone. Not only can it interfere with magic, it can also interfere with the arrangement of ideas, making it impossible for magicians to use magic at all.

Unless they are really powerful magicians or magic technicians with lots of actual combat experience and strong resistance, they will not be affected in any way. Others, such as high school students, will not be able to resist at all.

Moreover, the weapons used by the soldiers who invaded this time were all high-speed bullets specifically aimed at magicians.

Therefore, the strength of both sides was completely stretched.


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Various explosions came from outside, and the huge sound could be clearly heard in the auditorium.

Late at night, Maya and Miyuki looked at Tang En.

Tang En raised his eyebrows.

It was grenades, RPGs, and high-speed projectile attacks. There were 60 people who invaded this auditorium...

Uh... 60 people. It seems that this is one of their key targets.

Tang En stood up and prepared to walk outside.

The three Miyuki girls also followed Tang En.

Now, the students in the entire auditorium are in panic, no one knows what happened!

Even Nanakusa Mayumi was very worried and didn't know what happened again.

Just as Tang En was walking towards the door.


Put your hands up! Leave the CAD on the ground!

Suddenly, groups of people came in with weapons that looked like high-speed assault rifles designed to fight magicians!

Judging from their uniform attire and rational assignment of tasks, it is obvious that they are not some garbage organization.


Kichijoji, who was almost pissed in fear in the stands, became furious.

Raising the CAD on both arms is like fighting back.


A high-speed bullet hit him directly on the side of the head!

The wall behind exploded with countless cracks, and fell down with a crash!

Judging from the power of the hit on the wall, you can know that if this high-speed bullet hits the magician, it will probably turn into meat paste.

Do you want to die? Put the CAD on the ground, you GAY boy!


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