Miyuki saw Tang En's wink at her and understood immediately!


A large amount of magic power explodes in a ring!

Lu Ganghu was affected in an instant!

Styx System·Frozen Twin Stars!

Chapter 121 Heading to the competition area

The tragic Lu Ganghu, who had just woken up from being beaten by Tang En, still didn't understand what was going on!

The light blue halo in front of his eyes flashed, and he was swept away!

Then...he discovered that he couldn't move his feet!

That's ice!

Lu Ganghu's face was twisted, and his amber eyes stared fiercely at Miyuki.

I am going to kill you……

With a hoarse voice, he growled at Miyuki.

Tang En shook his head and commented plausibly:

Tsk tsk tsk... As a melee warrior type magician, he doesn't bring BKB, you idiot.

As his voice fell, the ice that slowly covered Lu Ganghu accelerated in an instant, freezing him in the blink of an eye!

Seeing this result, Watanabe Mari and Nanakusa Mayumi exhaled heavily...

Facing an opponent of Lu Ganghu's level, the pressure was too great.

No need to fight, just standing there, you can suppress the people and make them breathless.

Although Lu Ganghu is very strong, but...

They seemed to have thought of something... The two of them looked at Miyuki at the same time.

Not to mention Tang En, late at night, really late at night.

Miyuki's strength has improved horribly.

It has only been half a year now, and she has become so powerful...

Watanabe Mori's mouth felt a little bitter.

As a senior, she was really embarrassed in front of Miyuki.

Watching Tang En 210 and his family surrounding Lu Ganghu who was frozen in ice.

Mayumi patted Watanabe Mari on the shoulder.

Don't be discouraged, Molly. They are special. Don't measure yourself by them...otherwise, you will lose confidence.

Uh... Mayumi, do you know anything about Tang En and his family?

Mayumi shook her head...

She only knew roughly, and the family kept silent about the identities of these people. There was nothing she could do.

But it was obvious that their father, Nanakusa Koichi, should be acquainted with them.

After an episode that was not too tortuous, the four of them returned home.

Ring ring ring.

Tang En's phone rang.

Seeing that, he smiled.

Dear Miss Xiangzi, don't worry, I'm going to leave for the venue tomorrow. Make sure to dress up nicely so we can go out on a date!

Asshole! Can't you be more serious!

Kyoko Fujibayashi on the other side of the phone turned red at what Tang En said.

This bastard Tang En is always able to arouse Fujibayashi Kyouko's nerves. I don't know why!

Could this be the legendary enemy?

Let me tell you something serious! From the information sent during the day, we found Lu Ganghu's lair, but Chen has already escaped. Xiangshan was too cunning. He escaped in advance when Lu Ganghu was caught.

This kind of thing was expected by Tang En.

From the literature, he had already known about Chen Xiangshan's magic.

Qi Men Dun Jia.

I don't blame you. His magic is very magical. If you don't have special abilities, you won't be able to detect his true form.

Huh? You know his magic.

I know something. It's called Qimen Dunjia. It's a very magical ancient magic.

...Okay, so be it, but I have a hunch that the matter is not over yet.

Fujibayashi Kyouko's words made Tang En's lips curl up.

From his observations, he learned that Chen Xiangshan and Lu Ganghu were just the vanguard, and their strategic purpose was to find out the location of the target and the message here.

So what's the use of this information?

Needless to say...

At the same time, Tang En discovered vigilantly that these two people could not sneak in without any reason. With the level of vigilance of various forces in this era, it is absolutely impossible for customs to let them go, so the only option is to smuggle them in.

Since it was illegal immigration and the two of them were unfamiliar with each other, there must be a cooperator lurking in the dark.

However, Tang En did not intend to tell the military this information, and it would not benefit him! ?

Helping the military and the ten master clans, isn't that nonsense? Let them use their hands to deal with him?

Do not make jokes.

The current situation is exactly what Tang En expected.

Finally, I made an appointment with Kyoko Fujibayashi and hung up the phone.

Listening to the sound of rain falling next door, Tang En nodded his feet and sneaked in quietly...

The next day.

The family packed up neatly, threw all their luggage into the sky, and prepared to set off lightly.

This time there is no bus provided by the school like the Nine Schools Battle.

Because there were only three people participating in the essay competition.

Other students from the security team purchased train tickets together.

As for the Tang En family, they naturally drove there.

A retro classic Lincoln Navigator, with super large Eurowing doors, spray-painted the same lavender color as Midnight and Maya's hair.

Late at night, Maya, and Miyuki were all sitting in the modified super luxurious seats in the back.

This journey should be perfect.

As for the driver, of course it was Tang En.

This car was reinforced by Tang En using magic circuits and modified using the remaining metal produced by Naga World.

Even if it is a cruise missile, it must not leave any traces on the car.

Of course, for the magic world, especially Ichijoki, a terrifying magician like Shiba Tatsuya who cheats must also be on guard.

The metal of the car has magic-breaking properties. As long as it is quantum-activated magic, it will have no effect on the car.

After the three girls were done, Tang En stepped on the accelerator and drove out!

at the same time.

The students from First High School also set off.

The destination is the venue for this essay contest, the island where Tang En's family visited three years ago, Okinawa Island!

A secluded residence somewhere.

Teacher Zhou, the organization said that it will send a fleet of ships over, so that this operation can be carried out smoothly.

The person who spoke was none other than Chen Xiangshan, who was running away.

Opposite, a purple-haired strange young man shook the wine glass in his hand.

It's my honor to be able to help you.

It was due to bad military luck that our adjutant fell into the hands of the other party.

Haha, I can only say that I am very unlucky.

I didn't expect Master Lu to encounter those monsters from First High School.

Hearing what Teacher Zhou said, Chen Xiangshan frowned slightly. Apparently he didn't know who the monster the young man named Zhou was referring to.

There's no way around it, but he's a very important person to our organization.

After saying that, Chen Xiangshan crossed his knees and bowed.

Can you please help me?

Of course, Your Excellency.

Haha, what a coincidence. In fact, Master Lu will be transferred to the prison on the other side tomorrow, and he will just pass by here.

Uh, is it true!

Yes, this is the best time for us to take action.

Because tomorrow is the opening of the essay competition, and basically all the force is concentrated at the venue, so things on Master Lu's side are not difficult?

It's just...although it's not really a deal, I want to avoid our place being affected by the flames of war as much as possible after the battle starts tomorrow.

No problem, but...the first target this time, the Magic Association branch is right next to this connecting road...

Furthermore, if you want to obtain the magicians and research materials gathered in the essay competition, it will inevitably be affected, but I promise you, we will control it within a certain range and try to avoid starting a war here.

Thank you for taking care of me...!

Chapter 122 Before the opening

Travel island.

Thank you, Miss Fujibayashi, for what happened this time. Otherwise, we might not even have a clue about it until now.

Haha, it's nothing.

But I hope you can go to the international venue tomorrow armed with CAD to participate in the National Magic College Essay Competition-


Haha, of course, it would be best if nothing happened.

October 30, 2095 AD. Tourism Island International Conference Center.

Today we welcome students from all universities across the country.

The main square in front of the originally huge building was crowded with students walking towards the house.

Not just students, but adults wearing all kinds of clothes or casual clothes.

Kyoko Fujibayashi wore a gray all-match sweater today with a white shirt underneath.

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