
I was speechless late at night, but what Tang En said made sense.

Presumably, it would be difficult to find students from First High School who are willing to do this kind of thing.

After all, this is an elite school, and few fools are willing to do such self-destructive things.

A little is a little, but that doesn’t mean there is none.

When everyone went home at night, the sky had cleared up.

The air after the rain is so clear and audible, and the smell of earth is like a luxury accessory at the end of the 21st century.

On the way to the cafe, a group of people chatted.

Not only Tang En, Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki's family, but also Leo, Erica, Mikihiko, and Mitsuki.

Hey, Tang En! I heard that because of the essay competition, we have to recruit a lot of protectors, right!?

Erica's words made Tang En pause, and his face twitched.

Helplessly, she turned her head to Erica, who was full of curiosity and eagerness to try, and said:

Erica, what kind of protector are you? Because of the security issues at the essay competition venue, we need some protection personnel... To put it bluntly, they are the security guards at the venue. We are not the only ones from the No. 1 University. The security team needs the cooperation of nine schools. In terms of responsibility, assessment and training, it should be Jumonji people.

Uh...? Security guard? Are you kidding me?

Tang En spread his hands.

What's the point of teasing you? But if you can take on this task, it will indeed have many benefits for you. The improvement of strength and actual combat surprise, both of which are very valuable.

Yo! I'll sign up, how about Leo!

As he spoke, he slapped Leo on the shoulder.

Ah ah ah, I know! I will join too...

Tang En's family all laughed.

Erica and Leo are simply happy enemies.

Agan, what about you!

Ah...I, I have already participated...in training with Jumonmonji-senpai.

You're despicable! You secretly participated without telling us...

No...no! I just saw the news about the club, didn't you guys see it?

Erica was quite speechless. She didn't join any club at all? How could it be possible to know.

Walking into the coffee shop, Tang En, Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki went to the kitchen to prepare coffee beans and water.

Erica and the others were chatting on the table.

Should we go out and question this stalker uncle?

I feel the same way. He's been following me so secretly that I don't know how long I've been following him.

Agan, I leave it to you.


Dunn is grinding coffee beans.

Please be quiet, this is a residential area.

I know, I know, Tang Enjun, don't worry! Leo and I will attack, and we will definitely kill him instantly!

It's just because it's you that I reminded you.


Miyuki followed up with a last-ditch attack:

What Onii-sama said is true, Erica.


The others almost died laughing.

Erica didn't care about everyone's teasing, and went out with a confused Leo.

At the same time, before this, Mikihiko's fairy fantasy world had been arranged.

A middle-aged man in a windbreaker was standing at the corner of the coffee shop, staring closely at the shop.

Hey, uncle, you are a stalking maniac, is it really okay to stare at people like this?

Erica suddenly walked out from the other side of the alley, holding her special CAD in her hand.

Hearing Erica's voice, the uncle was stunned!

Turning around suddenly, he found that the person coming was none other than one of the students from the First High School he was monitoring.

You...when did you come here!?

After saying that, he quietly stepped back.

Uncle, there is an old saying that goes like this, once you come, take care of yourself. Don't leave in a hurry. Let's sit down and have a good chat.

Leo's level of sinisterness is no less than Erica's.

His figure came out from the other side of the alley!

The two people just sandwiched the spy uncle.

Get it at your wits' end!

Uncle seems to have no choice...


It's useless, even if you scream and break your throat, no one can save you, because this area has been shrouded in a barrier, uncle!


While grinding coffee beans, Tang En used his senses to pay attention to the battle outside.

Judging from the spy's strength, he shouldn't be an ordinary person, perhaps an enhanced person enhanced by drugs!

Tang En's judgment makes sense. During the entire battle, he had been using physical skills and did not activate any magic!

And his physical fitness is actually on par with Leo.

Leo is a magician with a quarter of the blood of the laboratory and a half-strengthened NDA physical fitness!

Although this spy is extremely powerful, it is only within the framework of ordinary people.

There will be no suspense when meeting a magician, especially when his opponents are Chiba Erica and Leo.

Tell me, who are you? Why are you following us!?

Okay, I said...

The uncle had no choice but to reveal his identity.

My name is Giro Marshall. I won't reveal my detailed identity to you, but what I can tell you is that I do not belong to any large force. And I am not your enemy. You can trust me.

Then tell me your specific purpose and current situation? Why are you following us?

Haha, my job is very simple, that is to monitor and prevent cutting-edge magic technology from being stolen by magic high school students by enemy forces. And to take necessary actions when high-tech technology that poses a military threat is leaked to the other party. .”

Hehehe, I thought your faction's peace dementia had been cured, but it turns out you are still stupid!

After saying that, the uncle instantly took out his pistol!

Don't move!


Let me tell you, whether it is the Sunset Organization or the Lighthouse Organization, the number of spies targeting Magical Engineering is increasing rapidly. Your school has become the target of these organizations!

That's why I'm spying on you!

PS: This chapter is a little late, the author forgot to upload it...

Chapter 117 The Spy Reappears

I've said everything I need to say, and it's almost time for me to say goodbye.

By the way, let me give you a final suggestion. Tell your friends to pay more attention to your side. You have been watched!


After saying that, a flash bomb exploded directly!

When the light dissipated, Erica and Leo opened their eyes and quickly looked for the uncle, but to their disappointment, the uncle had already disappeared.

Tang En here not only saw the whole process in the store, but also heard everything.

He dismissed the uncle's words. Because these are all nonsense, maybe Tang En didn't realize that the school was unsafe and was being targeted?

Even a spy was caught. Although he didn't know who was behind it, he was obviously targeting them.

Is this the girl?

Yes, he has deep conflicts with the student organization of this school. Perhaps it is wishful thinking, or he is willing to fall into darkness. All we need to know is that he has conflicts with other people.

Oh? Then we just need to let her keep an eye on the contestants participating in the essay competition and wait for opportunities, right?

You can't relax. Let her inquire about that thing in school and hurry up on the thesis.

Would it be too much pressure?

No, she is now driven by hatred and will not be tired at all. In theory, our goals are the same. Provide her with equipment. If she can avoid being discovered, she will not be discovered. If she is discovered, it does not matter, just run away. , say hello to our people and be ready to respond at any time.”

Yes, chief.

After listening to the order, the subordinate turned and left.

Judging from the way he walks, he is not an ordinary person at all.

As for the middle-aged man who had just released the mission, there was no expression clearly visible on his face, which showed that his professional quality was extremely high and extremely rare.

In the dim room, he quietly looked at the multiple monitors in the room, not knowing what he was thinking.

His subordinates also quietly stood behind him with their hands behind their backs.

Tang En had no idea what was going on here.

Even if he knew it, he would just watch it as a show.

A little spy certainly doesn't need his attention.

But when the spy was caught, he still looked stunned.

Here's the thing.

As contestants in the essay competition, Suzune and Isori were closely protected by someone, and this person was naturally from the Discipline Committee.

As the newly appointed leader of the club, Hattori served as Suzune's personal bodyguard.

Not to mention that Suzune herself is a direct bloodline of the lost family, even Hattori's strength is acceptable.

Apart from being slapped in the face by Tang En's instant kill, his strength is ranked among the best in the entire school, otherwise he would have taken over Jumonji Kejin's position.

Then, as long as the spies use their brains, they will not attack this group of people. Because the strength is not equal at all.

The only option is to follow the team of Isuri and Chiyoda.

As Isato's fiancée, the new chairman of the Discipline Committee, and Isori's bodyguard, Chiyoda does her job.

Two people were walking home and passed by a supermarket replenishing household supplies.

Chiyoda keenly discovered that they were being followed.

No one would believe that someone who could become the chairman of the Discipline Committee had a weak brain, although in terms of character, Chiyoda was a bit impulsive and not calm.

But that's just focusing on fifty miles.

Everything else is excellent!

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