For example, Kichijoji...

He sat directly on the ground!

And, for no apparent reason, I sat on the ground...

Kichijoji, what's wrong with you?

No...nothing, it's just that suddenly...there's a terrifying aura!

Huh... It must be my illusion. Don't worry about me, Jiang Hui.

Masaki pulled Kichijoji up...

Just such an action was seen by countless people...

Oh my God, those two people are really gay!

I thought Uzumaki-san from First High School was joking!

Yeah... I didn't expect it to be true.

Those female classmates in the third high school must be heartbroken.

Standing in the corner, Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki, of course, also noticed Tang En's little hidden moves.

She looked at his back dancing with Mayumi with a smile.

Tang En felt like a thorn in his back, knowing who it was...

He smiled and said to the stunned Mayumi:

I hope your father won't do anything stupid. Even if his strategy is strong, it is based on absolute strength. However, to me, the Nanakusa family seems to be a bit underwhelming.

After saying that, Tang En patted Mayumi Nanakusa's soft shoulder with deep meaning in his eyes, turned around and left.

Nakusa...what did you say?

He is a Jumonji character.

His original intention was to let Qicao get close to Tang En and convey the family's words to win over him.

But Nanakusa Mayumi didn't say it at all.

Tang En pushed him back.

She said bitterly:

Tang Enjun... seems to have a bad impression of the Ten Master Clan...

This is what it should be. The impression of the family from outsiders has always been that it is extremely strong. Isn't it normal to be hated by others? But can't Tang Enjun not see the formality? He is not afraid of being suppressed.

Jumonmonji, do you think that with the strength of him and his sisters, do you need to be afraid of this? What's more, the family has no time to deal with domestic affairs now.


Jumonji was silent.

Yes, some forces are ready to take action now, and the family has discovered their whereabouts.

Coupled with the headless dragon incident, even the Independent Magic Equipment Brigade has found deeper information.

That is, the headless dragon is ostensibly here to open the market.

But secretly, the deal with the dark forces is a magic amplifier.

The Headless Dragon, an international criminal organization, is the source of supply of magic amplifiers.

Magic amplifiers have spread quite widely among various criminal organizations in recent years.

In popular terms, it is a hot item.

For this world, magic amplifiers should not exist in this world.

Tang En was chatting with them late at night, and at the same time they were talking about the topic of headless dragons and magic amplifiers.

Magic Amplifier? I have never heard of this thing before.

Late at night, the erudite man said with his beautiful lavender eyes narrowed and his white fingers supporting his chin as he thought.

Brother, the magic amplifier, from the name, should be used to increase the power of magic!

Tang En nodded.

Yes, although this thing is very useful, but... it shouldn't appear.

Do you know what this thing is made of?

All three people looked at Tang En.

Tang En narrowed his eyes and sneered at the corner of his mouth.

It's a human brain... no, more accurately, it's a magician's brain.




This time, even Midnight and Maya, who had seen a lot of darkness, were shocked!

Not to mention Miyuki!

She opened her eyes wide, covered her mouth with her hands, and looked at Tang En with an incredible expression.

He said in a deep voice late at night:

This kind of thing really shouldn't appear in the world. This is no longer a public enemy of the magic world, it's anti-humanity!

Yes, it's a prop against humanity.

Chapter 112 Student Union Election

This world, because of war, has to survive.

People subconsciously and actively use magic as a weapon.

At the same time, magicians were incorporated into the military system and various experimental units were established.

But fundamentally speaking, what they need is a magician.

Rather than treating the magician as a real component.

Therefore, whether it is the ten master clans or the independent magic armor brigade.

The entire magic world absolutely does not allow the production and use of magic amplifiers, such anti-human items.

And from a moral perspective, things like magic amplifiers are extremely scary.

For various forces, the amplifier that increases the magician's ability is an extremely powerful threat when used in military affairs or in battles between forces.

According to the information Tang En received, not only was this side very vigilant about this matter, but even the Lighthouse Intelligence Bureau had analyzed the same results as this side.

Therefore, they also asked for help from the inside.

This is also the reason why the Ten Master Clans have no spare time to take care of things here.

time flies.

From the end of the Nine Schools War to the last few days of summer vacation, it passed in the blink of an eye.

Of course, this is only for the Tang En family.

Their lives are simply not too leisurely.

Every day I either read books or go to the cafe to help, or I just chill at home and chat.

Occasionally I go shopping and buy some beautiful clothes for these three girls.

Such a comfortable daily life is certainly not comparable to those students who work hard in class.

Which one perceives time passing faster is clear at a glance.

During this period, many various things happened.

For example, a first-grade boy accidentally meets a girl from a certain organization.

And there were fierce sparks.

Tang En also knew the news, but did not interfere.

Because next, he has to attend a school event.

That is the student union election.

Because it is the second half of the semester, senior high school students have to prepare for graduation and assessment, and at the same time, third-year students have to step down from various positions.

Among them, the three positions of student union president, club leader, and disciplinary committee president are vacant.

As a school administrator and a participant, Tang En must take control.

Because these three positions really have a lot of power.

Tang En meant to let Miyuki become the vice president of the student union.

Because of his age, the position of president can only be held by third-year students, so Miyuki is not qualified to become the student council president.

But next semester, she almost became the default student union president.

The auditorium of the First University.

There is an election campaign for a position in the student union.

In fact, there is nothing to see, just look at Tang En's bored sigh in the corner.

Miyuki just stepped down.

Because Miyuki came on stage, the cheers from the students below almost lifted the roof of the auditorium!

Miyuki's powerful aura and elegant temperament almost made everyone vote for her.

At the same time, Miyuki became the vice president of the student union smoothly.

But Miyuki became the student council president alone, and these students were obviously unwilling to do so.

They frequently paid attention to Tang En, Late Night, and Maya.

The meaning couldn't be more obvious.

Why did the two beauties Uzumaki Midnight and Uzumaki Maya not participate in the election! ?

This is also one of the things that gives Tang En a headache.

What a joke, aren't you making trouble by letting Midnight and Maya become members of the student union?

If it weren't for Tang Enya working in this school and accompanying Miyuki.

Late night and Maya went home to drink tea early.

In the end, the election results came out quickly.

Nakajo Azusa became the new student council president, and Uzumaki Miyuki became the vice president.

The secretary is Mitsui Honoka, fifty miles away.

The election was successfully held, Tang En greeted Miyuki, and the four of them prepared to go home.

Tang Enjun!

Several friends also came over!

Tang En smiled and said:

Are you going to stay at school for a while?

Hey... I can't help it. I failed two subjects last semester, so I have to stay here to make up classes.

Leo looked bitter.

Oh? Didn't you ask Mikihiko to help you with tutoring?

Uh... I've taken extra classes, but I still haven't passed.

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