Since they have shown overwhelming terror this time, it is impossible not to be noticed.

This day ended under the arrangement of various families' undercurrents.

On the second day, there was only one game with Miyuki.

Tang En brought Midnight and Maya to the auditorium above.

Because Miyuki's competition is about icicle attack and defense, there are no restrictions on the use of magic, so the competition is very responsible for safety.

When Miyuki appeared on the battle stage.

The entire venue fell silent...

They are not blind, looking at the player information...the word whirlpool is clearly visible!

Thinking of the performance of the two Uzumaki players yesterday...

You will know the next result...

Sure enough, Miyuki's interference magic broke through the local defense in just 2 seconds with its unparalleled crushing force!


Almost at the same moment, all twelve of the opponent's icicles exploded!

In fact, at the beginning of the game, the opposing players had already lost their will to fight.

The surging true magic in Miyuki brought tremendous pressure to her!

You must know that this is absolutely impossible for high school students.

Once it appears, it means that Miyuki's strength far exceeds that of high school students!

But why didn't Midnight and Maya leak this aura?

Of course it's because they are much stronger than Miyuki.

After all, Miyuki is only sixteen years old now.

There’s nothing much to say about the upcoming finals!

Facing the powerful strength of the three people in the Whirlpool, all the players were ruthlessly crushed.

In the women's competition, they easily won the Grand Slam!

It is worth mentioning that Mirage Star Reaching Miyuki did not use the flying magic taught to her by Tang En at all. She just relied on the rapid activation of continuous magic to easily crush her opponent!

In Tang En's words, flying magic, a magic that can turn things around, should be hidden if possible.

It's more tragic to be in the men's team.

Facing the powerful trio of three high-ranking players, Shiba Tatsuya, Ichiki Masaki, and Kichijoji.

They won the championship in each event!

On the score of the rookie battle!

Just the same as the first university!

Seeing this score, not only the students from the third high school, but also the students from other schools and the competition groups were excited!

They have been crushed by the first high school for too long!

How could you not be excited to finally be able to make a comeback this time?

In the excitement of the first high school.

A group of people were frowning.

They never imagined that the third high school could be so powerful! The counterattack has been completed.

Because there is also a secret tablet decoding in the boys' group project.

In other words, it is certain that the third university will surpass the first university in the rookie battle score.

Originally, everyone thought it would be okay to take second place.

But bad news always appears at this time.

A contestant from First High School participating in the secret tablet decoding was seriously injured in an accident.

This was also the foreshadowing that Tang En deliberately left behind.

It seems that not only the headless dragon but also the remnants are hiding in the competition group of the Nine Schools Battle. Even the traps they prepared in advance are still there.

But this might be the last one.

Because their trap is only set up to decode the secret tablet, because there are no items behind it.

Mayumi's hair is almost turning white. In this nine-school competition in which she was elected as the student council president, if she ruins the honor of the number one university, she would be a sinner.

Hey, Mayumi, what are you worried about?

Just then, Tang En walked in with Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki.'s Tang Enjun.

Mayumi is quite embarrassed to see the Tang En brothers and sisters now. After all, she informed the family about them.

Tang En chuckled.

Why, are you a little embarrassed to see us? You don't have to think so. Even if you don't notify us, your family should know our information. We had no intention of hiding it.

Chapter 102 Come on stage

Chapter 102 Come on stage

In the temporary base tent of First High School.

Huh? What...what do you mean?

Mayumi didn't understand.

Haha, your father must understand. Let's not talk about this anymore. I will participate in the next secret tablet decoding. My teammates will be Leo and Mikihiko.


Mayumi's eyes widened immediately! ?

The figures of Tang En's family disappeared.

Mayumi is still in a daze now.

Tang En actually wants to participate in the competition...

This... breaks the rules again!

But who is the manager? Mayumi can’t say anything.

Although other students' impression of Tang En was very...fucked.

But it's worth it for him to stand up and lead No. 1 University to victory at this time.

But just a few seconds after Mayumi was happy, her expression suddenly changed!

As if he had thought of something, he was completely stunned. The look in his eyes almost made everyone around him laugh out loud.

In the afternoon, it’s the group stage of Secret Monument Decoding.

Tang En found Leo and Mikihiko.

What? Let the two of us participate in the decoding of the secret tablet?

Yeah, those three funny guys were seriously injured and retired. For my sake, I have to participate, not to mention that I still have fun things to do. You two just need to do your responsibilities well, and other interactions will be fine. Give me.

Hey, hey, hey...Twain, are you mistaken? Those three people from the Third High School participated in the secret tablet decoding!

I know, they are the ones to fight against.


Leo and Qian Bigu looked at him blankly, their whole bodies like wooden boards.

You...what are you talking about? You want to challenge the authority of the Ten Master Clan? Don't you know the unspoken rules? Or maybe it's not the unspoken rules, but it's obvious that the Ten Master Clan are invincible.

It's not as exaggerated as you said. Don't be ridiculous. Watch how I beat them.

...Okay, now that you've said that, what else can we do?

Okay, here are the rules of the game. Take a look at it. It's very simple. Leave all other matters to me. You two just need to guard the stone tablet.

After speaking, Tang En handed them the materials and then handed Leo a CAD.

This is?

I made it specially for you. I call it the Dragon Cavalry. After being remotely strengthened, its attack power is higher, which just makes up for your magic shortcomings.


Leo looked at this strange weapon.

The weapon might not be considered a weapon, just a slightly larger spear.

But the gun head is very special, it is a combination type.

Once activated, you can fly out and attack. this a toy you made?

No, no, no, this is not a toy! This is called special CAD.

Okay, just say yes.

Leo grimaced.

Time flies.

In the afternoon, the secret monument of the boys' group of the rookie competition was decoded, and the first university entered the competition again!


When they saw the four characters named Whirlpool Tang En, everyone was confused again!

Where is the whirlpool coming from?

In the past few days, everyone who paid attention to the battle between the nine schools had been internally injured by the person named Uzumaki.

That powerful strength completely makes the enemy unable to resist!

However, those were three girls, so let these people just talk about it.

But now a man appears here.

Then I can't bear it!

If this boy is also that perverted...

The self-esteem of these students from elite universities would probably be beaten to pieces by Tang En.

Late at night, Maya, Miyuki and others all came to the audience today.

Because there is Tang En’s competition!

It's not them!

Erica, Mitsuki, and the students from the first department.

Including Nanakusa Mayumi and Jumoncon Keto were all paying attention to Tang En's game.

Although he knows that his strength is terrifying, crushing other colleges and universities is not a problem at all.

But it's not the little shrimps they're focusing on.

But the final battle.

If Tang En really defeated the combination of Shiba Tatsuya and Ichijo Masaki.

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