Oh? Is it Miyuki? Is this your name?

That's right... As for the last name, you should have it, right!?

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Tang En next to Miyuki.

Oh? You don't know her last name?

Of course I don't know.

Shiba Tatsuya's attitude made Ichijou thoughtful.

At this time, he also discovered Tang En standing beside the three goddesses.

that person……

Ichijo Masaki felt that this man was extraordinary.

This is the intuition of a top magician.

It seems to be a very powerful opponent.

After muttering, he stopped paying attention to Tang En and the others.

Just as they turned around, Tang En glanced at a few people without leaving any trace and grinned.

Shiba Tatsuya, Ichijo Shoki, Kichijoji Masakiro.


Suddenly, the entire banquet hall darkened.

Tang En and others also looked towards the stage.

I saw a female host standing there.

But what puzzled 393 students was that it shouldn’t be the master who spoke!

Tang En's expression was playful.

This legendary master still likes to show off.


Both Midnight and Maya laughed out loud.

To say that this master on the podium has some connection with Zhenye and Zhenye.

decades ago.

This master was their teacher when the two were young.

In other words, there is a teacher-student relationship.

But how can there be true unity within the ten master clans? This is nothing more than a transaction.

When Maya was kidnapped, the master did not show up.

When something went wrong at the late-night wedding, he didn't say anything.

As an outsider, Tang En saw things clearly.

As the head of the Nine Master Clan and the Nine Islands, facing the strength of Yotsuba, he tried every means to weaken them.

Over the years, it seems that he has lived a happy life, because in the eyes of these ten master clans.

The best seeds of the middle-aged generation, Midnight and Maya, are dead.

This also allowed them to spend decades in peace.

But now, things may have changed.

The first one is the appearance of Tatsuya Shiba!

As for the second one...

Hehehe... I just used a little trick, students, please don't interfere... eh?

Just when he was about to brag, the dull eyes of Retsu Jiushima, a master of magic, suddenly showed a look of horror.

Chapter 90 Why are they still alive?

However, as a veteran magician, although he was shocked, he still controlled his emotions in a short period of time.

If it hadn't been such a huge impact on him, such an episode would never have happened.

Although it was only for a moment, careful people could still detect something from the grandmaster's expression and language.

Just now... the grandmaster seemed to be very frightened.

It must be an illusion. How could such a master be frightened? Besides, this is just a dance.

Tang En was standing in the corner with a sinister smile on his face.

How could he not know what this Kudo Retsu was afraid of?

Late at night, Maya stood there smiling, which was the best shock.

Of course this old man recognized the already dead Midnight and Maya.

That's a chain reaction.

Now he was not in the mood to talk, so he left in a hurry.

No one knew what he went to do.

There was really a huge wave of panic in Jiudao Retsu's heart.

No...impossible. Midnight and Maya are still alive? And they are alive and well and come to participate in the nine-school battle! They are still wearing the uniforms of the First High School!? What are they going to do? Participate in the competition!? asshole.

Jiudao Lie was thinking a lot, but he didn't understand what was going on! Why do people who have disappeared for many years appear in the public eye again?

Although many people would not recognize them at all, Retsu Kushima was already 90 years old. He was in his prime when he taught Maya and Midnight, and the two of them had the identity of the Yotsuba family. It would be strange not to be impressed.

Huh... The Yotsuba family must not let the Yotsuba family know about this matter. Also, do they really need to investigate their matter...

On the other side, although Retsu Kushima left in a hurry, the dance party had just begun.

Many people secretly looked towards Midnight, Maya and Miyuki.

Because the dancing part has come, I don’t know how many people are eager to invite these three stunning beauties to dance with them.

There is always no shortage of brave men in mankind.

No, a buddy came up and invited me late into the night.


Excuse me.


This guy's face turned pale in a flash.

Many people saw this scene.

Even Tang En almost burst out laughing.

You said you wanted to let people finish what they said, but you were blocked before you even finished saying it...

Late at night gave Tang En an annoyed look.

This dance is really boring, let's go back first.

I really can't stand these young people late at night, so when I see a beautiful woman, I just go to them.

Tang En smiled and nodded, and it was time to leave.

This dance, although not long, was very fruitful.

Not only did I see Shiba Tatsuya, the third high school student, but Ichijo Shoki.

I also saw the grandmaster known as Retsu Kushima.

Thinking of that grandmaster, a disdainful smile appeared on Tang En's face.

Although he was the one who established the order of the Ten Master Clans, he was also hailed as one of the strongest magicians in the world about twenty years ago - the ultimate and most skillful Magician .

At the same time, he was honored as Grandmaster by the magic world.

But this was nothing in Tang En's eyes.

If it weren't for his willful behavior, would Midnight and Maya have suffered so much?

Will Miyuki be forced to be suppressed in the family because Yotsuba faces pressure from other families?

Therefore, Tang En did not have a good impression of this old man at all.

Moreover, he was the first to propose the concept of magicians as weapons.

It's fine now. Because of his grandson Mitsunobu Kushima, he wants to exclude the magician from the weapon sequence.

Haha, now that we have become a weapon, it is not that easy to quit!

This world is so cruel!

Tang En directly used his power to move his, Miyuki, Midnight, and Maya's rooms together.

This makes it much more convenient for them...

In Tang En's room.

The family gathers here.

They're looking at the schedule now.

This year’s nine-school battle is the same as the previous ones.

The main game and the rookie game are five days each, making a total of ten days.

The rookie competition is held from the fourth to the eighth day.

The results of the nine-school competition can affect all aspects.

For example, competition results may affect the evaluation of each school. The school's focus on competition betting may be greater than that of famous sports schools on traditional national competitions; not only people from the government and the magic field, but also many people from general companies and overseas countries come to appreciate, conduct research, or poach talents. It is also a gorgeous stage for high school students in the magic department.


The events that Miyuki participated in were Star Reaching in Fantasy Land and Icicle Attack and Defense.

The event I participated in late at night was to compete for points with a group of players.

Maya's projects are precision shooting and surf racing.

Because his temperament is relatively quiet late at night, Tang En is very satisfied to be able to participate in a relatively simple project.

And Maya is more explosive.

Also participated in a surfing competition.

But for her, whether it's racing shooting or surfing racing, it's a piece of cake.

Several people studied the time and found that the time was very loose.

These days, they happened to watch the performances of senior students.

After chatting for a while, Tang En asked the three girls to go back to the room to sleep.

He himself was tinkering with something in front of the computer.

For the students in charge of Tang En, the number one on the first-year girls side has been taken over by Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki, so they can only say sorry to the others.

But the boys' side really gave Tang En a headache.

Just like theirs, it is estimated that Sangao will win all the boys' championships in the rookie competition.

But even so, Tang En only plans to decode a secret tablet.

As long as they get one less victory, even if the worst case scenario for the senior class is to tie with the second place, then the first high school will eventually win the first place!

Thinking about it, Tang En decided to go out for some fresh air.

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