Whirlpool... Maya...

It would be a fantasy to find a person with the surname Xuanwo in their seriousness, the circle of friends around them, or the information on the Internet.

But now, two appeared at once.

Uzumaki Tang En, Uzumaki Miyuki, Uzumaki Midnight, Uzumaki Maya...

Could they... have anything to do with each other?

Nonsense, how could it not matter! ! ! ! !

There is no fool who can enter the first university!

In an instant, everyone's eyes turned to Miyuki, who kept a calm smile.

...Uzumaki...classmate, these two transfer students, are...are they?

That's right, they are my sisters.




Damn it! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Damn it, Uzumaki Tang En, the executioner, actually has three such beautiful sisters! ?

Damn, why don’t we have one?

What kind of bad luck does this guy have?

At this moment, Tang En attracted a large amount of hatred...

Looking at the male classmates, their eyes are red and their noses are snorting heavily, you can tell how angry they are now.

But if these people knew that these two sisters had become Tang En's wives, would they go straight to the blade?

Looking at the students below, both Midnight and Maya couldn't stop laughing.

Tang En's hatred value in school is very high!

Ahem, you can go sit next to Miyuki-san.

Okay, Teacher Tang En!

Midnight and Maya's smiling expressions, calling their teacher from the bright red mouth...

Tang En had some different emotions in his heart.

Looking at the slender figures of the two people walking towards their seats, Tang En felt worried about Xiao Jiujiu.

Do you play some special games when you go home at night, such as teacher-student romance, uniforms, etc...

Although the students slapped Tang En with a knife blade, they were still attracted to Midnight and Maya.

No matter whose sister he is!

Anyway, it’s good to be beautiful and elegant!

Humans always like beautiful things, don’t they?

Okay, let's start the class. Today's class is the magic activation type of advanced engineering.

Tang En held the baton and began to speak blatantly.

However, few people actually listened to the lectures.

More or less, there were secret glances at Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki.

Before Midnight and Maya came, Miyuki's rate of turning around was terrifyingly high.

Now, let alone that!

Tang En had a dark face and patiently finished the morning lecture.

Ring ring ring...

In the corridor, the sound of lunch break sounded.

Tang En hasn't gone out yet...

Blah blah blah!

Um, Uzumaki-san...can I have dinner with you?

Yes, Uzumaki-san...

I saw a group of people surrounding the three women in the middle of the night and began to pay attention to them.

Then Tang En looked around him again...

Damn, the gap is so big!

But he didn't care.

Holding the book, he stood in the corridor and lit his cigarette very naturally.

The students who were passing by saw that the bloody devil of the school was actually here!

Immediately, a vacuum zone formed around him.


Tang En raised his eyebrows. It seemed that because of the last incident, his reputation was completely ruined.

But it's okay.

After a while, the three girls, Late Night, Maya, and Miyuki, came over from the class.

Coming to the opposite side of Tang En, he said with a smile:

Let's go and eat.

Late night was very smart and did not say Tang En's name.

Since she entered the school as Tang En's younger sister, of course she couldn't be called dear.

But I didn’t seem to get used to calling him brother, so I just stopped calling him.

Let's go.

Since there are four of us, it’s not easy to eat in the office.

But Tang En and others could never imagine how fast the message transmission speed is in this ultra-modern society!

Along the way, countless people stopped and cast curious glances at the four of them.

Among them, some are horrifying, some are stunning, some are envious, some are jealous, and some are hateful? ?

Of course, what was shocking was that Tang En actually walked together with three super beautiful girls, or in other words, three super beautiful girls hooked up with the bloody devil!

The surprise was of course given to Midnight, Maya and Miyuki.

Envy... it must have been the male classmate who looked at Tang En.

Jealousy...Female classmate.

As for hatred...

They should be the relatives and friends of the disabled students who were beaten by Tang En.

In other words, it accidentally ruined someone's plan or something...

Tang En experienced the various conditions in the world, and a sunny smile appeared on his face.

What are you thinking about?

Late at night, he raised his head and looked at Tang En's profile.

It's nothing, just a sigh. Human emotions are really complicated.

Inexplicably, Tang En thought of Si Bo Aotian, who had seven emotions and six desires.

Chapter 83 Selection

Now that the Nine Schools Battle is about to begin, we can see Long Aotian again.

I don’t know how it is to get along in the third high school?

However, Tang En's face showed excitement at the thought of being able to beat him and Ichijo Masaki, a boy who had unreasonable thoughts about Miyuki, right away.

You look eager to try, what are you thinking about!

Maya rolled her eyes and patted Tang En on the arm.

Ahem, it's nothing. Just find a place and I'll get food.

With that said, several people had already arrived at the canteen.

The moment the four people walked into the canteen.

The originally noisy sounds in the cafeteria disappeared...

For a moment, it was eerily quiet.

Everyone's eyes were looking straight at Midnight, Maya, and Miyuki.

Plus the bloody devil walking next to them.

The feeling in my heart can be described as ice and fire.

On the one hand, seeing the beautiful trio of Miyuki, Maya, and Miyuki, they all felt passionately and wanted to strike up a conversation.

But when they saw the big devil Tang En, their hearts became cold again.

Too confused.

Midnight and Maya looked at each other.

They all saw the smile in each other's eyes.

Apparently Tang En became their protective umbrella and shield.

No one caught up to chat with me at all.

Miyuki's incident in the cafeteria probably won't happen either.

Look, those first-year students over there can only watch with gritted teeth, not daring to take action at all.

Hey! Miyuki, this way!

By chance, Erica, Leo, and Mitsuki were having dinner together, and they also had a new friend.

Miyuki smiled, nodded towards Midnight and Maya, and walked over.

Yo, Erica.

Several people had been to the coffee shop once, and they obviously knew Midnight and Maya, but they never expected that Midnight and Maya would actually come to study at First High School!

When they came here, the three of them started doing it late at night.

When I was in class in the morning, I heard that there were two transfer students from Class 1A! They are said to be super beautiful, and it turns out they are well-deserved!

Erica looked at Midnight and Maya carefully.

It's not as exaggerated as the legend says.

Late Night said gently.

It's hard to tell where she looked proud.

This kind of them greatly increased the goodwill of Erica and others.

Hey, Tang En, I didn't expect that the two beautiful girls hiding in your family would come to No. 1 High School. Counting Miyuki, all three of them have become the school's good looks!

You are truly a winner in life. You really make me envious and jealous.

Leo was more upright and directly put his arm on Tang En's shoulder and said.

Are you envious? But I heard that you seem to have a sister.

Hey, forget it. It's all tears.

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