Since you are from the school, shouldn't you also reveal some information to us? For example, this attack or something.

Tang En looked at the conference room. Since this was already the case, there was no need to pretend to be a good student.

He lazily walked to a corner and sat down, then took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket and lit them up in a swaggering manner.

A group of people’s eyes almost bulged out!

They have never seen a magician smoke.

You know, the magician's body must be kept in good health. Even a simple cold may significantly reduce the magician's ability, let alone smoking.

As long as a magician with normal thinking or a person who cherishes his hard-won talent will never smoke...

But Tang En...

Look at the number of actions of holding a cigarette, lighting a cigarette, and smoking in one go...

They all know that Tang En is a... regular smoker! you you...Tang Enjun, you actually smoke!???

What's wrong?

A rhetorical question completely confused everyone present!

They were all stunned and completely dumbfounded! The whole person was sluggish.

Mayumi turned her head mechanically.

Mi...Miyuki, your brother is at home...

Miyuki answered calmly:

Yes, this is my brother's habit, but I usually don't smoke when I come to the student council room or in front of students.


Now, they knew that Tang En could no longer pretend.

After thinking about this, the people in the room looked at Tang En in a strange way...

Okay, don't study me anymore. Let me tell you the whole story.

The force that attacked the school is the terrorist organization of the anti-magic group, Blanche. The one who infiltrated the school is their branch, the Equality Society. that Blanche?

That's Blanche... On the surface, it's to win over students and let them gain support in society, but secretly, the real purpose is to build our school's database.

What does it mean!?

Molly frowned, she didn't understand.

Mayumi, who was born in the Nanakusa family who was the most well-informed, was thoughtful.

She asked Tang En tentatively:

You mean... what Blanche needs is magic information? That doesn't mean...

Tang En took another puff of cigarette and exhaled it gently.

Just as you think, the supporters behind Blanche's organization need the magic information of our school, so they provide supplies to Blanche's organization and let them do it, while the black hand hides behind the scenes.

Tang En's news left them stunned.

How could they, who were just students, think so much.

Only Mayumi's vision could have thought of this.

Then...the supporters behind them.

Tang En glanced at Mayumi with deep meaning in his eyes.

You can go home and ask your father, he will definitely know.

Mayumi was stunned.

What does Tang En mean by this? Go home and ask about her father? Isn't that... the current head of the Nanakusa family?

It's so serious! ?

Mayumi considered it in her heart.

Okay, it's getting late. There is such a big mess in the school. As representatives of the students, you should be very busy. I will take Miyuki back first. Not to mention, Blanche's leader and the remnants of the party , still waiting for me to clean up.

After saying that, Tang En stood up, greeted Miyuki, and the two of them prepared to leave.


At this time Erica stopped him.

Hey, Tang En, why don't you take us to have some fun? Seeing as you are so strong, there shouldn't be any problem, right?

Tang En's face twitched as Erica continued to laugh...

Is she that belligerent? ?

Then I noticed Leo next to me...

What!? You're going to deal with those terrorists!? That's not possible. That should be a social matter, right? It should be left to them to handle.

Tang En looked at Mayumi with a half-smile.

I'm not going to let them run away. I've already investigated Blanche's lair. It won't take long to deal with them. Of course, most of the time will be spent on the road.



Chapter 79 Killing people is like drinking water

In the end, no matter what everyone said, Tang En left resolutely. The remaining people looked at each other, and in the end they could only pray that nothing would happen to Tang En.

Likewise, the club leader, Jumonji, was notified of this matter.

On the other side, Sayaka Mibu, who had been severely brainwashed, had been sent to the hospital, and everyone went to watch.

Because her crime was only used and did not cause anything detrimental to the school, Mayumi and others discussed it and let it go.

This made Kirihara Takeaki very happy.

In Sayaka Mibu's ward, she bumped heads with Jumonji.

In the end, Jumonji took the lead and they decided to check out Tang En's battle.

When Mayumi revealed Tang En's true strength, Katsuto Jumonji, the next head of the Jumonji family, frowned.

You know, his father has abdicated, and now the actual person in power of the Jumonji family is his agent.

Two people are in the corridor. 15

You mean...Whirlpool Tang En can use that spell to disintegrate, and there are also some high-level magic that we have never heard of!?

Yes, Jumonmonji-kun, it's not just that. Tang En-kun's shooting prowess is something that even I, who specialize in, am ashamed of. Coupled with his extremely powerful physical skills... this is too scary!?

There's something wrong with his identity.

Mayumi remained silent.

Except for the supernatural powers and genetic magic of the ten master clans that can create powerful magicians, it is absolutely impossible for a perverted magician like Uzumaki Twain to appear among ordinary people, unless he is also a person with inheritance, the Uzumaki family? Why haven't I heard of it? Could it be a hidden lost family or a magician from some force?

I don't know, but if he can become the manager of the First High School, he is obviously not a natural member of the Tenth Master Clan. This is expressly prohibited.

That's right. Then it can only be a magician from other forces. I didn't expect that such a powerful magician would appear outside the Ten Master Clan.

This is absolutely not allowed to be provoked. If... I mean if he defeats any magician from the Ten Master Clans, then... if this kind of thing is known to the family, you will understand the consequences.

This is what Mayumi is worried about.

If this is really the case, then the Ten Master Clans will never let Tang En go.

The dignity of the ten master clans cannot be challenged!

They are the pinnacle of magicians in this country!

No one should be allowed to surpass them.

After a few people finished chatting, they got a military jeep and headed for the coordinates Tang En told them.

But just before they set off.

Tang En and Miyuki had already begun ruthless killings.

He didn't want to dirty Miyuki's hands, so when faced with these little shrimps, Tang En was too lazy to clean them one by one.

Through perception, he did not let the enemy see his figure at all, and directly threw the particle cannons at him!

Pfft, pfft, pfft!

The huge cabin instantly turned into a hell on earth.

It wasn't over yet, Tang En didn't stop at all, he just fought all the way!

In less than ten minutes, the abandoned factory began to be filled with the nauseating smell of blood.

If people saw this scene inside, people who have never experienced a real war would probably vomit with nausea.

After cleaning up one room after another, they soon found the leader of this organization, Si Yi.

Tang En still wanted to chat with him for a while.

Raising his hand again, he was separated by a corridor and wall.


One shot hit him directly!


The terrorists who were aiming their guns at the door were shocked to find...

The weapon in his hand was disintegrated!

It was Tang En's disintegration of the technique.

Then, Tang En took Miyuki over without any scruples.

Xiao Xiami also needs to be disarmed. What if something unexpected happens?

Tang En's heart is not that big yet, after all, Miyuki's mysterious attributes are not high enough.

Squeak, squeak, squeak.

The sound of opening the door was quite harsh, and the steel was already rusty.

Hehehe, welcome.

Tang En's expression remained unchanged, and he looked at the man opposite him with a retro hairstyle and retro clothes.

Si Yi is right, the de facto leader of the branch organization.

Hehehe, you must be the Whirlpool Tang En, the alien in this action plan!

Oh? I'm interested, and they say I'm an alien. Then tell me why I'm an alien.

Originally, Tang En wanted to fight quickly, but after hearing Si Yi's words, he decided to give him a chance.

Uzumaki Tang En, the manager of First High School, hahaha... manager, is this really a general term? My younger sister, Uzumaki Miyuki, is a student in Class A of the first year, and she is also the freshman representative. She is very outstanding.

But I just don't understand why you want to disrupt our plan? Wouldn't it be wrong to make the first- and second-year students equal?

Haha, you launched a terrorist attack and you turned out to be talking to me?

Tang En smiled contemptuously.

If the organization behind you hadn't given you support, do you think you could have reached out to No. 1 High School?


Do you really think I don't know who is behind you?

Wukelan Baisuluosi split up the independent faction again. I didn't expect you to be linked to them.

Hehe...hehe... As expected, we still underestimated you! When you appeared, we had already taken action in advance! But so what?

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