But that little brat actually discriminates against second-year students. It seems he needs more education.

Thinking of this, Tang En took two steps forward.

But before he could speak, Erica's little temper got the better of her.

Hey, second-year students, what's wrong with us second-year students? Why, do you want to take action?

Miyuki was caught in the middle, feeling embarrassed.

Tang En's face darkened slightly.

He walked up to Miyuki and patted her shoulder.

Go Miyuki, I've finished eating here, and I still have some unorganized documents, so I'll go back first.

Hey, Tang Enjun, you.

Miyuki, I'm going to get you some food. You and your classmates can go there.

Brother, I...

It's fine.

After touching Miyuki's head, Tang En walked towards the meal window.

There are thousands of words to say, but it is better to scratch the surface.

This is Tang En's special move against Miyuki.

No, Miyuki's eyes suddenly narrowed into crescent moons when Tang En touched her head, her cheeks turned red, and she looked very happy.

Tang En knew very well what Miyuki liked to eat.

He came back with the plate, placed it in front of Miyuki, and said softly:

I'm going back to the office first and have a good time in class!

Okay, brother.

Before leaving, he went to Erica's table and said hello, then left unsteadily.

Looking at Tang En's leaving figure, several people next to Miyuki frowned.

Why is this person walking so carelessly? He doesn't look like an elite student from a high-quality elite school like Magic High School.

Uzumaki-san, who is that person?

After Tang En's figure completely disappeared from sight, Miyuki's expression returned to its normal calmness.

That's my brother.

Oh? He is also a second-year student, right? I didn't expect Uzumaki-san's brother to be like this.

Haha, my elder brother is the administrator of this school, not a student. Also, please apologize to my elder brother.

Someone dared to speak ill of her brother in front of her. This was a minefield.

Miyuki's face looked cold, and an icy chill erupted from his whole body. This was a sign that the wide-area interference deceleration magic was about to go berserk.

Over the years, Miyuki has gotten better and better at controlling her terrifyingly huge magic power, and this kind of rampage shouldn't happen now.

But there is only one situation where Miyuki would behave like this.

That's the thing about Twain.

Tang En's status in Miyuki's heart can be imagined. Once Tang En is involved, it will be detrimental to Tang En.

Then, Miyuki's magic power will naturally go wild!

This has nothing to do with her exquisite control!

It's an emotional wave.

Miyuki also inherited the shortcomings of late night.

Uh... I'm sorry, Uzumaki-san. I apologize.

Seeing Miyuki's terrifying aura and cold eyes, these top students who were still in school were all frightened!

The murderous aura coming out of Miyuki was not fake! It is true.

At this moment, everyone had one thought in their minds, that is, the Uzumaki Miyuki in front of them was essentially the same as them.

After apologizing, Miyuki returned to normal a little, but this male classmate obviously would not offend Miyuki so easily.

The afternoon passed quickly.

It's time for school to end.

Tang En put down what he was doing, looked at the time, and was about to pick up the car, pick up Miyuki, and head to the coffee shop.

Came to the backyard, drove the car and headed towards the school gate.

At this time, Miyuki would normally have arrived at the school gate, and Tang En was pretty accurate about her schedule.

Miyuki is a very self-disciplined child.

But when he drove the car near the school gate, what happened made him frown.

Damn it, these bastards are done, right?

Although the purpose of investing in this school is to make some money, collect intelligence and obtain upper-level scientific research information.

But if Tang En is really offended, he doesn't mind doing something outside the rules.

Please don't get entangled like this!

Hmph, we have something to talk to her about, and who are you? We want to talk to Uzumaki-san.

That's right, can't you give us some time?

It's already school time, and Miyuki wants to go home with her brother! Why do you want to stop her and his brother? What right do you have to order her to do things she doesn't want to do!

The ones confronting the first subject were Leo, Erica, and Mitsuki.

Because of Tang En's relationship, Miyuki's relationship with the three of them was much better than that of his classmates.

Because they don't have the attitude of putting their eyes above their head.

Uh...Mizuki, what are you talking about! So shy...

The leading first-year student opposite was dissatisfied.

This is an internal issue of our first-year Class A. Zhicao and others should not talk to our Corolla!

coming! This mysterious sense of superiority!

Tang En heard these shocking words from all the way away.

When this guy finished speaking, the expressions of Erica and Leo on the other side darkened.


Mitsuki's tone was a little soft.

Aren't we all freshmen? In what way are you Corollans better than us at this moment?

When Tang En heard this, he was suddenly stunned.

It's not good, tsk tsk. I hope nothing happens.

This is a school, and it is obviously against the rules for Tang En to take action. Besides, Tang En also wants to save face.

The boy opposite, a second-year student in the first subject, laughed angrily.

The corner of his mouth curled up and he laughed.

You want to know what's better than you?

Leo took a step forward.

Hmph, that's interesting. Please give us some advice for our second-year students? Sir, our first-year students!?

The boy flexed his fingers.

Well, let me tell you.

After saying this, the surrounding students all stayed away from the two of them.

The next moment, yellow quantum light lit up all over the middle school boy.

That's the gap in talent!

Then, his eyes suddenly opened!

Raise your hand and point directly at Leo!

And in his hand, he actually held a CAD!


Leo stepped forward and rushed forward!

Tang En held his forehead speechlessly.

Awesome my brother!

Obviously the other side is faster, okay?

The magic activation ceremony has been completed, and you still run over. Are you waiting to be beaten?

Fortunately... there is someone faster than Leo!


Chapter 66: I’m all confused [I’ve been fed tons of dog food in the past two days]

Chapter 66: Everyone is confused

A figure appeared in front of Leo in an instant!

He turned around and did a jumping chop. He lifted the special CAD in his hand from bottom to top. Like a swordsman, he directly lifted the magic activated CAD in the hand of the second-year middle school boy opposite him!

This is the inheritance of the Chiba family, swordsmanship.

In this era, pure swordsmanship has declined.

Only with the help of magic can you become more powerful.

Obviously, Erica Chiba did a good job in this regard.

The second-year middle school boy was a little confused.

He never expected that as a top student among the first-class students who were so proud of heaven, he would be defeated by a second-class student!

And it was a complete failure!

Even if he lost his CAD, what capital would he have to fight against Erica Chiba, who was obviously a melee fighter?

Erica's move not only confused the second-year middle school student, but also all the other first-year students.

They secretly compared it in their minds, and deduced it if they were placed in the position of young people who were just in the second grade of middle school.

The final result was their complete defeat!

Hey, hey...is this really a second-year student? You're kidding me.


The second-year boy covered his wrists with his 12 hands and looked at Erica, Leo, and Mitsuki with gritted teeth.

Hehehe, within this distance, is it faster to use physical skills directly??

Erica smiled softly and pointed at the middle two opposite with the special CAD in her hand.

Leo sighed.

I feel the same way about this, but you guys, you just wanted to hit me with my hand, right? It will hurt a lot!

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