As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes.

Tang En's face twitched.

I don’t know why, but the two sisters, Midnight and Maye, have gotten better and better at playing tricks on Tang En over the years, and his weaknesses have been firmly grasped by the two sisters!

Because they discovered that as long as he showed this pitiful expression, Tang En would definitely fall for it!

Even if he knew he was pretending...

Hey... I'm going to buy some. I wonder if there is a vending machine nearby.

Tang En sighed helplessly, turned around and walked under the overpass on the other side.

Honey, I want black tea! Iced!

Oh, got it!

Turning around the alley, Tang En's eyes lit up. Sure enough, there were vending machines. The place was indeed very convenient for traveling.

When he came to the machine, he put the card directly in and started to buy drinks.

But at this moment...

Little sister, don't you have eyes when you walk? Do you know that it hurts me a lot when you hit me?

An arrogant voice suddenly reached Tang En's ears, which made him twitch.

He glanced in the direction of the sound, but this glance made Tang En frown.

Chapter 35 Who are you?

What entered Tang En's eyes was four or five big men with round arms and waists, surrounding a young girl, and their faces were ferocious and vulgar.

What made Tang En even more disgusted was that they were actually wearing white half-sleeved military uniforms.

But what concerned Tang En more was the girl surrounded in the middle.

She has light blue hair, sky-colored hair, is wearing a white dress, and has a sunhat on her head.

It was Miyuki, the girl from the Yotsuba family whom Tang En accidentally met at the airport.

Seeing that the big men were about to attack Miyuki, Tang En's lips curved into a smile.

He took out his drink and card and walked towards it.

At this time, Miyuki was already panicking.

In these years, apart from being in that deserted family, he spent time in school.

But whether at school or at home, she seldom communicated with others.

Her appearance inherited the appearance of Maya and Midnight, and they were both as perfect as ever, but even so, she couldn't stop someone from slandering her! ?

There are many celebrities, isn't this normal?

Plus, being surrounded by relatively young and innocent children, they would easily believe any rumors.

So Miyuki was having a very unhappy time at school.

She didn't know anything about social communication, but Miyuki felt panicked when faced with the imposing men!

Who are these people?

Hey, are you so scared that you can't even speak?

Hey Hey hey!

You coward, hahahaha!

Suddenly, Miyuki's whole body trembled.

She remembered that at the airport, there were some tourist precautions, some of which she had read.

These people are the second generation of orphaned warriors who had a lot of bad behavior on the old island...

Known as the legacy of blood!


Miyuki was helpless at this time.

These delinquents had playful smiles on their faces, and one of them, a bald man, stretched out his hand to grab Miyuki's arm.


A harsh sound suddenly sounded.

The big man looked confused.

I saw that the originally bronze skin on his arms was red from being slapped.

Although it doesn’t hurt, there are so many people watching around me, and I can’t save my face!

He raised his head ferociously and saw a red-haired man wearing light blue cropped pants, a white shirt, and carrying a convenience bag standing in front of the little girl Miyuki.

He looked at the big men opposite him who were half a head taller than him with a smile on his face.

You must know that although Tang En is not very tall, he is still 185cm.

She was half a head or even a head taller than him. It was obvious that these people surrounded Miyuki and brought great oppression to her!

It seems a bit outrageous for you adults to bully a girl, right?

Boy, I advise you to get out of here and don't delay our good deeds!?

Haha, so that's how it is, are you deliberately looking for trouble!?

The fierce aura of the big men seemed to not exist at all to Tang En.

The moment Tang En appeared, Miyuki grabbed his shirt tightly and shrank her entire body behind Tang En, not daring to show her head.

Bullying girls is just looking for trouble. Should you apologize?


The big men looked at Tang En in astonishment. His request seemed like a fantasy to those who have been running rampant here all year round!

Several people looked at each other.

Hahahaha! Has this kid's brain been kicked by a donkey? He actually asked us to apologize!

This sudden laughter made Miyuki's body tremble even more.

Tang En felt it clearly.

He turned his head, patted Miyuki's little hand, and smiled at her.

Forget it, I'll take a step back and don't ask you to apologize. As long as you go back to where you came from, okay!? This is the best choice for both of us!

What is this silly boy talking about!? Boy, I think you don't want to hang out anymore!

You're looking for death!

Tang En's words instantly angered these people!

Tang En's lips curled up.

Why, didn't you hear me clearly? I've already made it very clear. I said, where are you coming from? Get the hell out of here.

Miyuki was horrified..., no! Don't say it again...

Haha, big brother? It's too late. I'll give you a choice now. Put your head on the ground and pray for our forgiveness. The injury on my arm is so severe that I may still spare you.

Oh? You mean you want me to kneel down for you? Otherwise, how about you kneel down and apologize to me?

Miyuki: It’s over…

The big man's eyes flashed fiercely, his mouth grinned, and the next moment!

He punched hard!

That huge fist reached Tang En's face in an instant with an ear-piercing scream!

Ahhhh! Miyuki screamed in fear.


She suddenly realized that something was wrong. The young man who was supposed to be beaten by the big man did not turn out as expected.

Miyuki carefully opened her eyes.

Then, she was surprised to see it!

The big man's casserole-sized fist was actually gently pinched by the man with one hand...

This is impossible!

Several companions around the big man also looked confused!

I am even more incredible!

The big man knows exactly what kind of strength he has when he is not in the right position!

With the weight of his fist, let alone an ordinary person, even a trained combat magician would not be able to easily take it!

And Tang En's light and weak hands caught it so easily!

Such a scene subverted everyone's three views!

But at this moment, Tang En's words brought them back to reality.

Very good, how dare you take the lead? Then I don't have to worry so much...

These people still don’t understand what’s going on!

Then I saw a black shadow, and with a bang, it kicked the big man in the abdomen!

Needless to say, that black shadow is Tang En's whipping legs that are so fast that he has no friends!

The next moment, the big man's eyes suddenly bulged, his whole body became like a shrimp, and he flew out!

Yes, that's right, Tang En's kick sent him flying into the air!

I am Cao!

How much does the big man weigh? You can tell by looking at his height and muscles all over his body. He won't be that light!

But he was kicked away by Tang En!

Ouch! Ouch!

Bang bang bang...

The big man's body crossed a high parabola and then fell on the lawn by the roadside.

Several partners in military uniforms turned their heads stiffly and looked at Tang En...

His eyes were full of horror!

He actually kicked the guy who was third in the fight and his whole family away!


Tang En smiled disdainfully.

What, do you still want to fight? Or should you say, where did you come from?


Those people were shocked by Tang En's sudden aura, and saw them retreating step by step.

Yes... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we didn't mean it. Let's leave now!

Chapter 36 Deep Snow

Whoever has the biggest fist has the final say. This is especially true in the military!

Shocked by Tang En, this group of people hurriedly ran to the strong man who was knocked unconscious by Tang En's punch, helped him up and fled in embarrassment!

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