Midnight, now that your body is almost ready, you can practice my method.

Dharma door?

Late Night blinked her lavender eyes, tilted her head slightly and looked at Tang En in confusion.

Well, it may be a bit incredible. Modern magic and ancient magic both use psionic particles as fuel, then write the activation sequence, and finally release the magic.

But mine is different. My magic is pure magic. In other words, you used to use pseudo magic, but I use real magic.

So what's the only difference between the two?

Tang En smiled.

The difference is that the pseudo-magic you use can only change the intelligence body no matter what! But my magic can create and destroy out of thin air. For my magic, change is just a scratch.

This is the first time Tang En has revealed what he cultivates!

Late at night, I opened my beautiful eyes wide and opened my little mouth into a shape of O...

Then... doesn't that mean you can create life?

Tang En shook his head.

How is it possible? I really can't do this, but if you mean to create some life without intelligence, I can still do it!

Maya and Midnight were both dumbfounded!

Doesn't this mean that there is no difference between Tang En and the gods? ?

Okay, back to the topic, what I want to give you next is the same technique as Maya. I call it the Supreme Three Techniques.

Among them, the Great Sun View idea can completely reconstruct your mental interference calculation field. Your current calculation field is too... bad!


Next is the method of creating and connecting with the gods. This method is the supreme method for improving physical strength. Maya is also practicing it, and it is quite effective now.

As for the final Ten Thousand Realms Virtual Mysterious Technique, it depends on your free play. Everyone practices the Ten Thousand Realms Virtual Mysterious Technique differently.

Because everyone's core capabilities are different. In other words, it varies from person to person.

Chapter 28 Three years in the blink of an eye

After saying that, Tang En looked at Maya.

Maya completed the star series of magic based on her own imagination, so the Wankai Xuanxu method gave her the real dark night magic.

Well, what you are good at late at night should be spiritual magic, or spiritual interference or something like that.

Late night nodded.

Her talent, in the field of special calculations, is to interfere with the spirit, which can also be said to be spiritual magic.

It's pure and terrible.

If she explodes with all her strength, she can explode watermelons on enemies within a certain range in an instant, and even freeze people and their thoughts.

It's terrible.

The magic of the two sisters, whether it is the Dark Night Stars or the River of Oblivion, is the topmost existence in the magic system of this world.

Okay, I will teach you the formula now. I will put the life energy into your body. You must remember my route.

Tang En said solemnly to Midnight.

Next, comes the formal practice.

This process is very long.

Even Maya has been practicing for three years and has just achieved some success.

Why is it that Maya has been with Tang En for so long and has only been practicing for three years.

That's because the physical quality of humans in this world is too fragile, and it is impossible to compare with the people in the Pirate World and Naruto World.

So in order to lay a good foundation for Maya, it became like this.

But Midnight is different. Her foundation is very good. After all, she is already an adult magician.

No matter in theory or thinking, or in will or body, he can better integrate the three supreme laws of the Tang En family.

Starting from late at night, a compulsory course of daily practice, the family's life returned to normal.

Every day, in addition to teaching the two sisters about cultivation and magic development and research, Tang En also tinkered with the things he liked. He occasionally used the Supreme Throne from God's perspective to pay attention to the trends of the major forces in the world.

The second thing is to find something to do. The small coffee shop is still running tepidly.

Over the years, there have been more and more repeat customers.

A leisurely life makes people feel that time always flies by.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

At this time, the hot summer season has arrived.

A family of three took refuge in the shade of a tree beside the stream, enjoying the peaceful afternoon.

In the blink of an eye, I have been here for three years.

Lying lazily on the deck chair late at night, enjoying the cool breeze brought by the creek, it is very comfortable.

Gee, my sister is also obsessed with days like this. Don't you feel that there is a big contrast between being at Yotsuba's house and here!

I lamented late at night.

My fate is obviously much better than some people. In the family, if I don't have the strength, I don't even have the qualifications to scheming. I don't understand what they are all for?

Tang En closed his eyes and listened to the conversation between the two sisters.

Because of power and status, this is the lifelong pursuit of human beings, and it is also human nature.

Late at night, he seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and glanced at Tang En, who was lying next to him, with his lavender eyes.

Then as you say, you are not a human being? I have been with you for so long, and I find that you have no special pursuits. It is true that you are becoming more and more nerdy.

Tang En opened his eyes in shock, and at a glance he saw the beautiful eyes that were getting deeper and deeper in the night, as if they could see through him.

Miss Late Night, are you kidding me, you actually said that I have no pursuit!

Maya also interrupted at this time and said:

Do you have a pursuit? Study retro toy cars every day.

Ahem, can't you see my pursuit?

Tang En clenched his fists with both hands!

My pursuit is a leisurely life!



Okay, I get it, stop talking. Your dream has now come true...

Maya said weakly.

Tang En curled his lips.

How is it possible? This is just the beginning. I recently got some information from the High Throne. Do you two want to hear it?

Tang En's words immediately attracted Maya and Midnight.

It would be false to say that they are not interested in things in the magical world. After all, they are also magicians themselves, so it is always right to pay attention to them.

Tang En stood up, walked further away and lit a cigarette.

The recent actions of your Yotsuba family have been quite significant. The artificial magician has been activated again, and the experimental subject has been confirmed to be a newborn boy.

As soon as the words artificial magician appeared, Midnight frowned.

She knew this plan thoroughly. After all, she was also the researcher of this plan and was the core of it.

Tang En, is your news wrong? Without my help, why would the Yotsuba family restart this plan? You must know that the Yotsuba family no longer has a magician with spiritual powers.

Tang En felt a little distressed when he saw the frown on his face late at night.

He stepped forward two steps, raised his hand to smooth Midnight's eyebrows, and then touched her beautiful hair.

Who knows, as far as I know, this child is born with terrible power. In the magic system of this world, it is not an exaggeration to be regarded as a rule breaker. In fact, this kind of magic has touched the real magic. If there is no effective control, then if this child goes berserk in the future, it is not impossible that the Fourth World War will occur.

You can imagine the current situation and the Fourth World War, right?

Tang En's words made Midnight and Maya's expressions suddenly change.

As two people from the Yotsuba family, how could they not know what Tang En was going to say!

With the power of magicians in various countries now, especially those big forces.

If war really comes, this star may be completely destroyed.

The more they thought about it, the uglier their faces became.

At this time, Tang En suddenly laughed.

Okay, don't be afraid, but don't forget that you still exist in this world? Maybe me too!

The two sisters were stunned, looked at each other, and suddenly realized.

Indeed, they have forgotten their own strength.

If war really comes, or trouble finds them, the enemy will never want to get the final result.

The late night of the river of forgetfulness, the true night of the dark night stars.

The strength of the two sisters, in Tang En's words, is called: extremely terrifying.

Tang En's words are based on the strength of the world's power system.

Although the two girls do not have the ability to activate strategic magic for the time being, that does not mean that their regular combat abilities are weak.

On the contrary, it is too strong!

After practicing the three supreme arts of the Tang En family, their strength exploded step by step. The original dilapidated magic calculation field was directly replaced by the spiral galaxy. The originally weak body also began to transform into a combat magician with enhanced physical skills. , maybe stronger.

Chapter 29 A new era is coming


The core abilities of the two~, not to mention!

In this case, it is only a matter of time before Maya and Midnight's magic evolves into strategic magic.

That's why Tang En said this.

A strategic magician can be said to be the foundation of a force, an organization, a family, or even a country.

Like nuclear weapons a hundred years ago, they are not just force, but deterrence.

Now, it is 2079 AD.

There are almost 50 strategic magicians in the world.

And the only ones with names are the Twelve Apostles. (Lina is not included)

Countries and organizations with strategic magicians are also powerful organizations in the world.

Of course, Tang En, Midnight, the country where Maya lives, also has a strategic magician!

She is also one of the twelve apostles on the list!

This is also the reason why her family can be called the Ten Masters!

Mio fifth wheel!

A member of the Gowa family after the Yotsuba family.

Thinking of this, Tang En's lips curled up.

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