However, the reality is always so cruel!

Wearing a red kimono late at night, the smile on his face finally disappeared.

Her face was dull, her hands were gently holding her in front of her, and her whole aura suddenly changed.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, Siye gently opened her red lips late at night and spit out three words...

I reject.

In an instant, the entire banquet hall fell silent.

People who are about to cry out are like chickens and ducks that have their necks strangled.

The people who were about to clap their hands were as stiff as if they were stuck on popsicles.

And when Yotsuba Maya looked at Shiba Ryuuro, her expression also turned ugly in an instant.

Not to mention Eisaku Yotsuba.

His face turned livid in an instant, and my microphone 837 hand almost crushed the microphone.

He stared at Siye Midnight with a pair of fierce eyes, as if he wanted to know why Siye Midnight did what he did!

Under the stage.

Pfft, I didn't expect to encounter such a good show. It's interesting... I don't know if the Yotsuba family has been cursed by others or offended God these years. Why are they so unlucky!

Who knows, first it was Yotsuba Maya, and now Yotsuba is causing trouble late at night. These two sisters are simply a nightmare for their family!

Hehehe... The magic world is lively again this time! There is a scandal in the Yotsuba family.

Yotsuba Eisaku's face was full of anger and he shouted in a low voice:

Why don't you agree! What are you thinking in your mind late at night, Siye! Don't you know what the situation is now!

The aura in the middle of the night became more and more deserted. It was not as gentle and charming as before, but cold and noble, as cold as ice without disturbing the world.

This is what she really wants to show in her heart.

No reason, I absolutely mean I don't agree. Is there any other meaning? are looking for death! If you weren't a bloodline of the Yotsuba family, do you think you can still live so freely now!

There was a sneer on Late Night's face.

First become the family's weapon, and then become the family's reproductive tool. This is your purpose!

Four leaves late at night!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 22 Melee in the Dark

Just as Yotsuba Eisaku growled!

An explosion suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, the power system of the entire banquet hall was cut off!

Darkness is coming!

Tap tap tap tap!

A series of footsteps came from all directions. Listening to the rhythmic and neat steps, the people who came must have been strictly trained!

Not a soldier, definitely a private army of some organization!

Bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, the armed gang surrounded the entire banquet hall and opened fire!

Countless tongues of fire are so conspicuous in this dark environment!

Yotsuba Eisaku was stupid at that time.

As the previous head of the Yotsuba family, he never expected that someone would dare to attack the terrifying Yotsuba family!

Darkness may not be a big problem for magicians, but the same can be said for guests!

Ahhhhh! Help!

what happened!!!

Everyone was panicked.

Only the people from the magician families, such as the Ten Master Clan, could still remain calm.

They quickly took out their CAD, activated the magic activation, and launched defenses one after another!

No matter what kind of electromagnetic armor or what kind of wall phalanx, they all appeared in the eyes of everyone!

That's... the Jumonmonji family's trump card magic!

The faces of the guests who were lucky enough to be protected by the phalanx were full of joy!

On the ceremonial stage.

The moment darkness struck late at night, there was no movement, she was waiting.

It's not that she doesn't want to move, with her current body, strenuous exercise is impossible, let alone using magic.

At the same time, standing next to her is a master who can be ranked high in the Yotsuba family, Yotsuba Eisaku!

Suddenly, the touch on her hand told her that someone had grabbed her hand.

This hand squeezed her little hand, as if sending some signal.

Laughed late into the night.

She used her peripheral vision to see a figure appearing behind her.

No need to think about it, it must be Tang En.

The two of them did not exchange any words, and Tang En quietly retreated to the edge of the stage with Midnight.

Here is an inconspicuous corner.

Although most people were dealing with the incoming enemies, some people still noticed the movements of a figure late at night!

Siye late at night, where are you going?

A gloomy voice suddenly reached Midnight's ears.

She paused and turned her head.

Eisaku Yotsuba, does where I go have anything to do with you?

Hahaha, it seems that you have wanted to betray the Yotsuba family for a long time?


Very good, then I won't be merciful. I wanted you to make your final contribution to the Yotsuba family before you die, but it seems it's not necessary!

Buzz buzz!

As soon as the words fell, a large amount of thoughts were suddenly released from Yotsuba Eisaku's body. Such a quantity frightened countless magicians!

The huge silver thought was like a huge wave, wrapping Eisaku Yotsuba in the middle!

I saw him raising his hand, palm open, facing Yotsuba Midnight.

I didn't expect that I would kill you using this move. It's a pity.

Yotsuba Eisaku's actions attracted some people's attention!

After all, this is the stage.

Did Yotsuba Eisaku get kicked in the head by a donkey? What is he doing!

Is that...Siye Midnight? An internal conflict within the family!

Haha, you are overthinking. Are there internal conflicts within the Yotsuba family? With their policies like that.

Yotsuba Eisaku's face was illuminated by the dim light of Soko.

You can see that his face is ferocious and crazy.

This is Yotsuba's challenge to his rights late at night!


boom! ! ! ! ! !

A large number of ideas, with Yotsuba Ying as the center, began to crazyly interfere with reality and change reality!

That is his special field of calculation!

Obviously, what Yotsuba Eisaku is good at is not mental magic, but large-scale magic in the field of special calculations.

The temperature of the entire space began to drop.

Countless frosts spread rapidly from the ground toward Yotsuba Midnight.

She was about to freeze to death completely.

But that's it.

Frost stopped strangely.

Then, something happened that confused Eisaku Yotsuba!

Just for a moment!

His Super A chicken magic was shattered like a mirror!

The huge idea suddenly disappeared without a trace.

It's as if Xiangzi suddenly doesn't exist in this world!

What? This is impossible? What is going on!? What did you do to me!

Yotsuba Eisaku screamed!

He discovered that his magic had failed!

This is absolutely impossible!

Crazy, he once again burst out with a lot of thoughts, but nothing happened.

At that moment, a huge amount of thoughts arose in him again.


It's like a fully inflated balloon suddenly bursting!

Then, there was nothing.

This phenomenon almost caused Yotsuba Eisaku to collapse!

As a magician, and a magician from the Yotsuba family, what does it mean to be unable to use magic?

It means that they are not even qualified to be weapons!

You must know that the Yotsuba family does not have any human feelings or family ties. As a weapon, it is a symbol of their status.

but now.

Haha, Yotsuba Eisaku, my good uncle? What's wrong with you? Where is the magic you are so proud of?

Taking the opportunity late at night to add insult to injury, these words let out all the negative emotions she had under Yotsuba Eisaku's oppression over the years!

You must know that with Midnight's character, it is impossible to say such things.

Siye Midnight! You devil, what on earth did you do! My magic! Why was it dissipated!!!

It wasn't late night that answered her.

Strangely, a figure covered in pitch black appeared behind her.

The hoarse voice seemed particularly muted in this chaotic hall.

Eisaku Yotsuba, how are you? How does it feel to be a forbidden demon?

Forbidden Demon? Who are you!??

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