Yes, how did Yotsuba Genzo, the earliest head of the Yotsuba family, die?

Due to the continuous use of mental interference magic, the areas in his brain were overloaded, which led to his rapid death. there really a limit to the magic I've learned?

Maya's face changed slightly and she looked at Tang En.

Tang En stood up, took two steps and lit a cigarette.

Of course, your magic has only scratched the surface. How can magic that simply changes the rules of physics be called magic?

Now, I will teach you real magic. My kind, pure magic. The magic of miracles.

Maya's lavender eyes lit up immediately!

She had only seen Tang En's magic, the huge and terrifying void, and the mysterious skill that annihilated everything.

Listen to Xingye, you must remember everything I say next, and this is also the secret of our Tang En family. Once you learn this method, you will be considered a member of my Tang En family!

Who are you from the Tang En family?

Maya suddenly raised her voice!

Tang En looked at Maya, whose face was red, playfully.

Still young!

Okay, I won't tease you anymore. Come on, I'll tell you.

The Three World God Methods are methods that can change your destiny.

Although Maya is a magician, in the end she is only human.

But after learning the three methods of the world god, it will become completely different!

Whether it is the elimination of the calculation field in the mind, the creation of a larger and mysterious galaxy, physical problems, or her magical meteor shower, there will be a qualitative change.

Seeing Maya enter trance, Tang En nodded.

Not only does Maya work hard, she also has extraordinary magical talent.

In this world, if a powerful magician can face ten enemies of the same level, then he can be called a master, and if he can deal with a hundred people of the same level, then he is a strong man!

And how many such strong men can there be in the world! ?

If Maya continues to practice like this, within a few decades, she will no longer have to worry about her identity being discovered by Yotsuba.

Because she owns capital, that is invincible strength.

Let Maye practice here by herself, Tang En got into the underground garage.

He decided to modify this Mulsanne.

Of course, there is no need to say much about armor. Although the Ten Realm Divine Wheel Eye cannot be used, a lot of metal from the Golden Realm is still retained.

These metals are blended into the car, and countless magic circuits are embedded in the interlayer to further enhance the defense.

As for power, the engine will of course be replaced with a more advanced technology, and the source of drive is a Devil Fruit that Tang En got, the Youyou Fruit.

Two months later.

An invincible Mulsanne appeared.

The logo on the front of the car, sorry, has become the logo of Leisure.

The whole car looks like it's twice as big.

Those four wide wheels are like an armored vehicle, but they are elegant.

From now on, it will be his and Maya's car.

More than ten years have passed by in a blink of an eye.

After Tang En came to this world in 2062 AD, 14 years have passed and we have arrived in 2076.

Yotsuba Maya, who was originally twelve years old, also became a beautiful goddess in future generations.

Over the years, Tang En has watched Maya grow up little by little.

But just like that, he was a little confused.

The difference in fate did not change Maya's character.

Now at the age of 26, she is still so charming and has the temperament of a perfect goddess.

No matter what you do, it's so elegant.

It made Tang En feel embarrassed to let her work in the coffee shop.

But Maya, who has lived with Tang En for so many years, can also read his mind.

She did not agree with Tang En's suggestion, but changed places with Tang En. Tang En acted as the waiter, while Maya was at the bar.

On this day, the two of them were doing their daily work in the afternoon.

Wipe the entire cafe clean and dust-free.

Tang En brewed twice as much coffee and took it to sit next to Maya.

Then he lit a cigarette and read the newspaper.

The two of them were like a couple who had been together for many years.

There was no communication, but there was peace and warmth between the two parties.

Tang En, the sunshine is really nice today!

Maya picked up the coffee Tang En brewed himself, stirred it evenly with a spoon and took a sip.

As long as you like it... wait, look at this news.

Chapter 14 Winner in life?

Tang En pointed to the newspaper in his hand.

Late night glanced at Tang En doubtfully with her lavender eyes, then put down the teacup and leaned over.

A wisp of fragrance penetrated Tang En's nose.


There was a hint of intoxication on Tang En's face.

Mayeye's bright eyes and white teeth glanced at Tang En with a half-smile.

He is now twenty-six years old.

She is quite confident about herself in terms of appearance.

Let's just say that no woman she has seen in the past few years can surpass her in appearance and figure.

And she herself is also working hard to improve her cultivation and enrich her knowledge.

She is an absolute goddess inside and out!

Needless to say, there is no need to say more about her attraction to Tang En.

What's more, Maya has been living with Tang En for fourteen years and has no feelings. Who believes this kind of thing?

The two of them have been living an ordinary life. This kind of warmth and tranquility is something that no one can give to Maya.

Tang En himself is also a reliable and secure man.

Whether it was her acting coquettishly or being angry at certain times, Tang En would always let her go.

The two of them just haven't spoken out, but their relationship is better than that of a couple, and they both know it.

Maya slowly leaned over, put one hand on Tang En's arm, and looked at the news in the newspaper.

The Yotsuba family, Yotsuba Midnight will hold a wedding with Shiba Ryuro in three days in Kyoto.

An inconspicuous piece of news, neither big nor small, contains a huge amount of information.

When Maya saw the words Yotsuba Midnight, she suddenly grabbed Tang En's arm.

Tang En raised his other hand, touched her hair and said:

I haven't seen your sister for more than ten years. I wonder how your sister is doing now.


Maya bit her lip.

It is impossible to say that she misses her sister.

Tang sister...

Tang En looked at Maya's profile, hugged her shoulders and said:

I know, let's go there and take a look tomorrow. The wedding will be held in three days. There's still time.

I don't know how my sister got here all these years.

Tang En smiled.

It doesn't matter. I should know very well what your body looks like now, so even if your sister uses excessive mental interference magic, it will be fine.

You...want to take my sister over too!?

Maya's eyes flashed, and she immediately guessed Tang En's little thoughts.

That's what I think... sisters! Not to mention twins?

Maya put her little hand directly on Tang En's waist.

Ahem, don't pinch, it hurts!

You really have a lot of bad intentions!

Tang En shrugged innocently.

Your sister must have suffered a lot in the family over the years. Now that she is marrying outside, the position of head of the family has fallen into the hands of others.

When she got down to business, the smile on Maya's face disappeared.

She knows what her family is like.

In these years, although we have been far away from our family, we have obtained a lot of information. I am very curious about how you obtained the information about our family. You must know that our family pursues mysticism. Basically, it is not a big deal. To be visible, especially in the field of magical research.

Yes, over the years, Tang En has used some unknown means to keep an eye on things in the magic world. Of course, he has only focused on a few places.

The Yotsuba family is one of them.

The corners of Tang En's mouth curled up slightly.

Maya, have you ever heard of something called Hlidskjalf?

The seven people who have access to Hlidskjalf are called the Seven Wise People because they hold all the secret information in the world.

After hearing Tang En's words, Maya opened her mouth and looked at him with an incredulous expression.

I have never heard of this organization, and you actually...

The Yotsuba family should have information about them, but you were still young at that time and had no access to such things.

To put it simply, no matter which force's information it is, the Seven Sages can obtain it through Hlidskjalf. And these seven people's identities are unknown, and no one knows who they are in reality.

So you are one of them?

Maya asked curiously.

Dunn grinned.

How could I be one of the Seven Wise Men? They only control the access rights of Hlidskjalf. They can only be said to be the users of Hlidskjalf, and I... am the owner of Hlidskjalf!

This time Maya was completely dumbfounded!

She had no idea what earth-shattering things Tang En had done unknowingly under her nose these years!

It is simply unimaginable that he could control the entire world's confidential information so easily.

But after thinking about the three supreme methods she now practiced, she felt relieved.

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