Our Naruto world is developing pretty well. I heard that Naruto has become the Hokage and is married and has children. The Pirate world is still the same, but I heard that pirates have not decreased. I don't know why people in this world admire it so much. Freedom is different from the concept of the Naruto world.

The world of FATE...is a bit weird, but I can't quite understand it for the time being.

Tang En thought for a moment.

How many years is it there?

It seems like eight years have just passed.

Upon hearing the news, Tang En narrowed his eyes.

8 years? It has been 8 years since the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Then according to the established destiny line of that world, the fifth Holy Grail will also begin.

But Saber is already here with him. I wonder who will be the class of Saber after the Holy Grail War starts over there?

Finally, there is the world of Devil High School. This world has not changed much, but the order is much better than before. Rias's original vampire dependent has become a transcendent!

Tang En smiled.

It must be Gaspar. I knew he had potential. With two God-killing tools and the ability to time, I would be surprised if he couldn't become a transcendent.

After saying that, Tang En stood up.

Came to the window and stretched out hard!

The weather is fine and the sun is just right!

On the lawn outside the house, Aisha, Crimson Dragon Emperor, Fenrir, Rebel, Le Fay, Wisteria Irina, Kitty, Kuroka, and Hilde were basking in the sun.

On the other side, Saber and Xenovia closed their eyes under the shade of a tree, obviously practicing something...

He turned his head and looked in the direction of the library.

Robin, Kaguya, and Rossweisse walked together, each holding a lot of books and walking toward the small teahouse over there.

By the sparkling lake, Kushina, Mikoto, Konan, and Irisviel were fishing and chatting.

Tsunade, Tina, Boya Hancock, Nami, and Perona were playing a guessing game in the woods. Of course, the losers drank.

Rias, Akeno, and Ophis were listening to the sound of running water by the waterfall and enjoying the caress of the mist.

Seeing the satisfied and happy smiles on their faces, Tang En also smiled brightly.

Hinata, I just left like this, which means I won't tell them for a few years. Time is dispensable to them anyway.

Are you leaving now?

Well, this time the God's Residence is still evolving, and I can't use the power of these eyes.

Does it have any impact on your strength?

Of course not. After all, the divine body given to me is still there, and the supreme divine power can also be used.

That means you can't use only your eyes, right?

Ahem, I also left the accompanying legendary artifacts at the source, especially the battle armor. Only through this evolution can he be completely on the same level as other artifacts.

...It turns out that the origin of destruction is used for this...

Tang En was a little embarrassed.

Although he longs for a leisurely life, what man doesn't want powerful power?

Especially people like Tang En who have a lot to protect.

Okay, I understand. By the way, I'll give you this scarf. Each of us sisters knitted a small piece and put it together for you!

After saying that, Hinata took out a Scottish colored plaid scarf.

The colors are very bright and very beautiful, especially when paired with Tang En's red hair, it is even more brilliant!

I love so much!

After Tang En finished, he put it on his neck and kissed Hinata's forehead.

By the way, Tang En, since you can't use your eyes, what about the empty world?

It's okay with the empty space. I've set it as a portable space.

Oh, that's good, then I wish you a safe journey! Remember to call 4.0's home!

Okay Hinata, then I'll leave first!

After saying that, Tang En stepped into the torn passage of all realms.

When his figure disappeared, the other girls appeared here instantly.

This bastard didn't even say hello when he left!

Forget it, just come back and ask for gifts from him. Anyway, it only takes a few years for him to go out, which is not as long as the time it takes for me to read a book...

Kaguya's words almost made the girls laugh!

It takes several years to read a book, but it is no ordinary book!

That’s a magic book that explains the roots!

Tang En didn't know what happened after he left. This guy treasured his scarf and put it into the void.

Then, he laughed haha and started a new journey!

PS: A new chapter begins, please subscribe! Please give me flowers!

Chapter 2 Technology side? The magic side?

It’s still the familiar bubbles, it’s still the familiar depth, it’s still the familiar channel to all realms.

Although Tang En's Ten Realm Divine Wheel Eyes are temporarily unavailable, his divine body is still powerful.

Moreover, to deal with enemies on the energy side, he also has the super skill he just acquired.

Forbidden Demon Realm.

Tang En calls this thing the Silent Domain.

His Silent Domain is not like Li Lin's second sword.

But all-round!

As long as he is within this domain, or is locked by Tang En's perception, then this person's ability will be sealed!

It can be said that this is a BUG, ​​and this is also Tang En's magical skill in showing off in the world.

While thinking about his abilities, he walked towards the darkness in the distance.

With Tang En's current strength, the Ten Thousand Realms Passage can only be regarded as a trip for him.

Looking at the bubble worlds he passed over, Tang En sighed.

It seems that Wanjie is huge, but it is still difficult to find a similar world.

Occasionally, Tang En would enter those small worlds that were obviously just growing up.

There, it's like one and a half planes.

Some are still in the state of the beginning of the world. There is nothing in the whole world except lightning, thunder, volcanoes and lava!

Some have evolved into seas and continents!

However, none of them have broken through the last layer of shackles, which is the birth of life.

From this point of view, every world is like a newly born baby.

They need to learn and grow step by step.

Of course, if someone can help them, that's another matter.

Finally, after traveling for who knows how long.

Tang En discovered a huge bubble.

It can be seen from here that the energy level of this world is not even the slightest bit different from the DXD world.

You know, the dimensional wall of the DXD world is as thick as the earth's crust, let alone transparent, and does not exist.

But although this world is very big, you can tell by looking at the dimensional wall that the power level is not very high, but it is obvious that there is also a special power system.

Tang En's lips curled up.

As long as it's not a world like DXD where there are gods, demons, etc., it's easy to say.

In this way, he can also experience the fun of the new world leisurely.

Hey, your uncle Tang En is here! New world! Hahahaha!

Tang En laughed loudly, his figure suddenly became illusory, and in a flash, he passed through the thin layer of elemental wall.

However, what Tang En didn't know was that even though he crossed the dimensional wall so boldly, he didn't notice that at the moment he crossed over, the dimensional wall of the entire world moved slightly, as if the thread of fate had been stirred. …

I don’t know, what happened to this guy?

AD 2062.

Tang En walked in the cold joint with a look of helplessness.

Look up at the stars, yes! That’s right, it’s the starry sky.

It was a bleak, cold, lonely night.

The moment Tang En appeared in this world, he regretted it!

Nima, what's going on in this world? Is it so difficult to find a place to eat at night!?

Yes, our protagonist is in such an embarrassing situation now.

He found that the night in this world was a bit quiet and scary, right?

There is absolutely no sense of entertainment and entertainment that should be found in the modern world.

There were no roadside stalls open at night.

Your sister!

Finally, Tang En swore violently.

I had no choice but to take out the bread and ham that had been stored for who knows how many years from the void...

You know, this time he went out without his wives thoughtfully preparing food for him!

Even though he is the God Emperor of All Realms, it doesn't matter if he doesn't eat, but for Tang En, three meals a day is a must!

This is a habit that comes from the bones.

With a dark face and gnawing bread, he walked towards the suburbs.

Along the way, Tang En also came to know that the place he was in now was a city that was neither big nor small.

As he walked, Tang En left the city and arrived at the suburbs before he knew it.

He still hasn't figured out where this is.

Is it a world he knows.

After finishing the bread and touching the residue at the corner of his mouth, Tang En came to sit on a bench next to a park.

After lighting a cigarette, he closed his eyes.

With a buzz sound, the beautiful galaxy in his mind suddenly vibrated, and then, the majestic spiritual power surged out in an instant. They were like radar, centered on Tang En, spreading in all directions.

Tang En was lucky. In just a short while, he was able to find out a lot of information.

For example, some buildings in the city center have a bright time on them, 2062 AD!

At this moment, Tang En was suddenly confused.

Is this world too modern? Your sister!

You know, what kind of FATE world did Tang En go to, the devil's high school world, that can be considered a person from the future! After all, he was also in 2017 AD, and he also had a sense of superiority.

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