If you want to say, why did you die!?

Then let me tell you, your greed has brought you to destruction!

Hehehe, hehehe! Uzumaki Tang En! Are you angry? Are you desperate? Come on! Be happy! Li Lin's plan will be completed soon! Are you still in time now?

Tang En squinted his eyes, his expression cold.

No reply, but tell him with actions!


The twenty-four light wings suddenly unfolded, and huge energy erupted from behind at the same time!

In an instant, Tang En turned into a flash of light and suddenly landed in front of Nidhogg!


The moment he landed, the ground cracked!

Then, under Nidhogg's astonishment, the golden claws moved from top to bottom, from left to right!

It was torn off at him in an instant!

Poof! ! ! ! !

The blood and flesh being torn apart, the blood-curdling sound, did not cause any emotional fluctuations in Tang En now.

Ouch! Ouch!

Nidhogg roared in pain!

He is unwilling to die and must resist!

This is the will that every evil dragon has in its bones!

They are crazy, they are bloodthirsty! They want to destroy the world!

Regardless of the blood flowing all over his body, Nidhogg suddenly raised his hands flat, and the next moment he condensed huge magic power!

With the two of them face to face at such a close distance, it was impossible for Tang En to dodge no matter how fast he was?

Die, Uzumaki Twain!

Boom! ! ! ! !

The huge magic cannon instantly covered Tang En's body!



The black magic cannon shattered like a glass tube when it arrived in front of Tang En!

It shattered into pieces!

Nidhogg’s eyes bulged!

How can it be!

Nidhogg, you know nothing about power.

Under the purple-gold helmet, a pair of mysterious and vast Ten Realm Divine Wheel Eyes stared at Nidhogg coldly.

While talking, Tang En crushed the last bit of energy cannon.

The next moment, Tang En turned into countless phantoms!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!

In an instant, countless attacks hit Nidhogg's body!

Listening to that sound, every blow exceeded the limit that Nidhogg could bear!

Tang En's body was faintly flashing with diamond-colored light.

It was this legendary artifact armor that was increasing Tang En's power!


With one kick, Tang En followed up at the speed of light, put his hands on the ground, and kicked Nidhogg's spine directly in the air with his feet!

Oooh ooh ooh!

With a whoosh, and accompanied by Nidhogg's painful roar, he was hit to the sky!

Tang En spread his arms and raised his head.

Then this is the final blow. Use your death to calm the anger in my heart a little!

Buzz! ! ! ! !

The golden claws on Tang En's hands popped out with a snap!

After that, the golden claws lit up with purple light!

Covered by supreme divine power, use the strongest physical attack!

Tear Nidhogg to pieces! ! ! ! ! !

Ahem, hahaha... Uzumaki Twain! It's useless! Even if you kill me, this world is destined to perish! Hahahahaha!

Tang En's lips curled up in an evil way:

Are these your last words? Very good, I received them!



The ground instantly exploded due to Tang En's reaction force!

This barren land turned into huge pieces of rubble the next moment!

Dense cracks extend towards the edge of this dead space!

Women in the castle.

Ah ah ah, no, let's get out of here! Otherwise we will be affected!

With that said, several people spread their wings and suddenly flew into the sky!

As he accumulated strength, Tang En ejected into the sky with a bang!

His hands were crossed in front of his chest, his sharp claws flashing with cold light!

Nidhogg, be executed in a hurry!



The next moment, Tang En's voice disappeared, and what appeared in the sky at the same time was a positive six-pointed star!

This is precisely the pattern drawn by Tang En's high-speed flashing!

Mysterious, mysterious!

And the one imprisoned in it is of course the evil dragon Nidhogg!

Ahhhh! I'm going to kill you, kill you! Kill you!

Pfft, pfft, pfft!

No matter what defense Nidhogg uses!

Whether it's his dragon scales or magic enchantment...

In front of them, it's like they don't exist!

It's like a piece of paper, it breaks when you poke it lightly!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

A few seconds later, the sky was illuminated by a complex magic circle sphere!

Its surface is inlaid with countless runes.

And Tang En also flashed a purple stream of light and appeared on the back of the sphere.

Even if you shout until your throat is broken, you will only die. Because you have stepped on my bottom line!

As soon as the words fell, the magic circle disappeared...

Under the stunned gazes of several women.

There was a bang in the sky, and it rained blood!

Yes, rain of blood!

Tang En directly turned Nidhogg into a pile of minced meat!

Under the incomparable sharp claws made of the metal of the world of gold, the sky was cut into flesh and blood!

Ugh vomit vomit!

Rebel and Irina Shito, who had never seen such a bloody scene, immediately started retching!

This is too cruel and bloody!

Heige murmured:

Is this...is this really Tang En with a cheerful smile...

Ophis' expression remained unchanged, he just stared blankly at Tang En's invincible figure in the sky and remained silent for a long time.

Tang En turned his head slightly, glanced behind him, and then put the artifact away!

In an instant, he came to them.

Forget about that scene just now. I might be a little cruel, and you guys can't accept it!

No, you did it for us too!

Kuroka said hurriedly.

Tang En smiled happily.

I'm going to send you home and set up the barrier at the same time. I don't want something like this to happen again. Then, Li Lin and I's bills should be cleared.

Chapter 93 Return and Arrangements

A clear blue sky, a world full of colors.

Tang En and others finally exhaled.

Ha, I'm back!

Tang En also lit a cigarette and took a deep breath.

Let's go home. Next, I have to settle the bills with Li Lin. It's already been delayed long enough.

With that said, Tang En took Ophis' little hand and walked home with the four girls.

When I arrived at the door of my house, I saw my family waiting anxiously at the door!

Oh my God, you are finally back!

Rias and others immediately gathered around!

Tang En, just be okay! The evil dragons are simply too arrogant!

It's okay, it's just that Li Lin took away some of Ophis' power. Don't worry, I will get it back soon.

Having said this, Tang En's lips revealed a trace of evil intent.

Seeing Tang En like this, everyone became quiet.

Twain, come to the conference room.

On the other side, Azazel leaned against the door and said to Tang En here.

Okay. This time, just wait at home. You will not be able to participate in the subsequent battles. The level is too high!


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