The armor of the World God Emperor appeared in everyone's sight!

A pair of beautiful golden-red wings spread out behind you!

However, Tang En did not intend to leave it like this.

The God who travels across all realms comes to this world!

Dream and infinity, time and space!

A realm within a realm, a world beyond the universe!

Rely on that mysterious supreme power to show your true colors!

Buzz! ! ! ! !

The originally golden-red armor changed again!

This time, the purple lines on the entire armor are deeper and more complex!

Colleagues, the energy wings behind my back have turned into twelve wings!

Although it has become smaller, overall it looks more powerful!

You can see it from the divine power emanating from the wings!

The armor's eyes are no longer covered, revealing Tang En's mysterious pair of Ten Realm Divine Wheel Eyes!

The divine light behind his head appeared all over Tang En's body. They rose and fell, shining on Tang En's body like a hula hoop!







Countless amplifications resounded throughout the sky!

Didn't stop at all!

What does the increment increase once per second!

Can it increase countless times in one second?

With the accumulation of strength, the energy in Tang En's body can no longer be described as terrifying!

A huge burst of energy made the sky change color!

The bright purple-gold energy formed a human figure in the sky. He had thirty-six wings on his back, and his face could not be seen clearly!

But behind him, there are stars, sun and moon, flowers and trees, the sky and earth are dark and yellow, and the ancient universe!

All the elements are present!

This is everything in the universe, encompassing everything!

Everyone was completely shocked!

The power Tang En displayed has exceeded their knowledge!

Even Orpheus, whose expression had always remained unchanged, changed his color this time!

You are indeed no ordinary person, your power has surpassed mine...

Who are you? Where do you come from? Apart from me and those two guys, it is absolutely impossible for such a powerful person to be born in this world!

It wasn’t just Orpheus who was lamenting!

On the other side, hell.

Sirzechs, Azazel and a figure whose body looked like a skeleton were confronting each other.

Suddenly Tang En's momentum came, making the three of them stunned for a moment.

Feeling the familiar and supreme aura and sense of familiarity that transcended all characters, Sirzechs and Azazel looked at each other and smiled.

Hatis, if you dare to attack Ophis again, I think your fate will have been sealed without us taking action.

Hey, hehe, it's interesting. This person is the legendary Red Dragon Emperor, Uzumaki Tang En, right? In other words, he is also a god!

Really? Then you have to observe it with your own eyes.

In fact, Hades said it was easy, but mentally she was scolding her!

Are you drafting it? Where did this fierce man come from?

You can tell from the perception that it is not some idiot at all!

That is a truly extraordinary person among extraordinary people!

Not to mention the Second Heavenly Dragon, even gods like them are afraid of three points!

Although Hades is also one of the top ten people on the Heavenly List, from another aspect, his strength surpasses Loki and Fenrir.

Because he is a real god!

Have a brain!

But even so, in the face of this terrifying momentum that enveloped the three realms, he could only avoid it!

Hatis, if you dare to interfere again, or do some tricks behind the scenes, then...the god of death may have to be replaced.

Damn it!

After saying that, Sirzechs and Azazel ignored the furious Death and directly broke through the space and left.

Hmph, a whirlpool Tang En can threaten me? He's still too young. I've lived for who knows how many years, how can I still be afraid of a young man like you? Quack, quack, quack!

Obviously, this Death student was not interested in Tang En, so he still started his plan.

The target is the vampire family.

the other side.

Tang En's momentum was still rising.

The huge divine power released from the whole body has shattered the space of the underworld!

The spatial stability of the underworld is far from comparable to that of the human world.

But just like that, the space around Tang En shattered like a lens!


The weird Ten Realm Divine Wheel Eyes flashed with purple brilliance!

Then, the sky in the entire underworld turned dark!

Tang En clasped his hands together in front of his chest!

The wings on the back are spread to the maximum!

Countless energy particles floated away from the wings!

With him as the center, countless energies began to gather!

Tang En is like the brightest star in the sky, he lights up the entire underworld!

It points the way for the entire underworld!

I am the God Emperor of All Realms, Uzumaki Tang En!


The stars shine brightly across all realms and break through!!!!!!!


Tang En slowly opened his hands, and a mysterious light appeared in his hands!

You read that right! Just a light!

Tang En holds this light in his hands!

This is incredible!

Then, Tang En suddenly spread the light!

This star's brilliance extends infinitely in an instant!

On one side, we have reached the end of the underworld, and on the other side, we have reached the boundary of the underworld!

Then, Tang En held the light with both hands!


The next moment, Tang En danced!

He turned around violently!

Then, the light started to rotate with him as its axis!

Where no one can see it, this light is like a radar!

Sweeping the entire space of the underworld!

In Tang En's perception, all the targets that were regarded as enemies were swept away by this light and turned into ashes in an instant!

Looking at the sky, the invincible Tang En.

Everyone is crazy.

So handsome, so strong, so...

The girls’ faces turned red!

In their eyes, it doesn't matter how strong Tang En is, but if their man has this kind of responsibility and strength, then they will be happier!

The demons who are fighting everywhere in the underworld are also a little confused!

I am Cao, what is this!

Destroyed the magical beast that even we couldn't defend in an instant!

I don't know which demon king took action.

It can't be Lord Sirzechs.

Of course, the demons thought of the Demon King as the person who unleashed this powerful skill!

This is also true.

Stop joking, this is Lord Uzumaki Twain's trick!

Chapter 79 Return to the human world

In just a short moment, all the monsters that invaded the underworld were eliminated by Tang En in an instant!

For being able to push Tang En to this level, it can be said that among the divine tools, Warcraft Creation is number one!

Although this thing is useless in one-on-one combat, it is obviously a strategic weapon.

After it was over, Tang En disarmed the artifact and landed from the sky!


Rias, Akeno and others immediately gathered around!

Wow, Tang En, you are so cool!

Twain, what was that just now! It seemed like a light?

Why did your back... turn into twelve wings!?

Everyone wanted to ask questions.

Tang En answered them all with a smile.

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