My body is full of jealousy, my heart is longing for dreams——

I shall be as domineering as the white dragon——

Invite you to enter the limit of innocence!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Vali's aura began to grow crazily!

And, what’s even more exaggerated is that the starting point is 100 times!

200, 300,...1000 times!

This is the limit that Vali can bear, and at the same time, he has paid the price of hundreds of years of life!

But this mere life span of several hundred years means nothing to the devil!

Tang En stared at the current Vali.

Is this the legendary Tyrannosaurus unique to Ertianlong?

His whole body is burning with blue magic, like a demon standing from a waterfall of fire!

Silver-white with blue energy gems and azure energy wings, Vali now can be said to be the peak of DIAN in his life, the strongest state he can achieve!

The White Dragon King who has broken through the limits, I have to say that you have really reached level 8, a level that countless people look up to. But unfortunately, the world is so big, it is far beyond your imagination!

The starry sky is infinite, the God Emperor who travels through all the worlds!

There are countless living beings in this vast world, who is responsible for the ups and downs!

Descend from the highest throne and welcome the worship of hundreds of millions!

I am the World God Emperor!

Nan's low voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's No. 2 Middle School!

When Tang En remembered the spell and the sky barrier, they all trembled!

The entire Kuao Academy looks like a windshield shattered by a hammer, which makes people feel chilled in their hearts!

Er Tang En, the most powerful aura, slowly began to calm down, just like an ordinary person.

But everyone just looked at him, giving them a feeling of supremacy!

Especially those eyes under the helmet!

It makes people fall deeply into it!

How mysterious and vast are those eyes!

It seems to come from ancient times, revealing all kinds of mysteries!

Tang En's energy was restrained, but he still revealed the brilliance of his divinity.

This was also seen by Sirzechs and others.

The expressions of disbelief on their faces?

You must know that although the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor are powerful, neither of them are gods!

But divinity actually appeared in Tang En!

Can't you understand this?

Could it be said that he has crossed the limit of what a mortal can get?

Hehehe, the White Dragon Emperor who broke through the limits, and the Red Dragon Emperor who broke through the boundaries, I don't know who is better between the two!?

Vali looked at Tang En who had calmed down and grinned!

Good, good, good! I'm excited!

With a bang, Wally started!

Tang En was not to be outdone, and the two collided in the sky again!

But this time, Wally obviously miscalculated!

Tang En's power far exceeded his imagination!

That understatement and the defense like an iron wall are simply not something he can break through now! ?

What's wrong, Vali, where is your pride? Are you giving up now:?

Tang En calmly accepted Vali's fist and said close to his ear!

Do not make jokes!

But before Vali could finish speaking, Tang En's armor suddenly erupted with extremely bright light!

boom! ! ! ! !

There was a loud noise, and Tang En used a little more force this time. The next moment, Vali's White Dragon Emperor armor was directly destroyed by Tang En!

He actually destroyed the armor in Tyrannosaurus state!?

Unbelievable? How strong is the current Sekiryuutei?

Vali was also in disbelief. He stared at Tang En, but his body refused to obey and flew away!

It's over, Vali... I have realized your spirit, and there is no point in continuing to fight.

As he spoke, Tang En raised his arm, and a golden-red energy ball with purple light was held in his hand, and then raised above his head!




The sound of increasing sound echoed throughout the sky!

The small ball turns into a huge energy cannon!

Wally, this blow will completely defeat you! If you want to challenge me, you are not qualified now! Practice hard!!!

God of the Ten Realms·True Red Annihilation Cannon!

Suddenly, Tang En threw the blow!

Vali was hit by Tang En's supreme divine power, which made his whole body stiff! I can only watch the incoming terrorist attack!

I...I'm not willing to give in!!!!

But at this moment, Tang Enzhou frowned.

Is it really here?

Chapter 58 Monkey King

Hahaha, I didn't expect you, Vali, to be so virtuous! It seems that your enemy's strength is beyond your imagination!

Suddenly, a voice came to mind from this tense atmosphere!

Everyone suddenly saw a figure appearing between Tang En's attack and Vali.

The most eye-catching thing about this man is the weapon in his hand!

Dinghai Shenzhen, Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

Tang En smiled, and before the attack was completed, he calmed down, put on a black suit and shirt, and casually fell from the sky.

He turned his back to Vali and the visitor, and said softly:

Monkey King, Monkey King! You and Vali should leave! We have no grudges, so I'm not interested in being put to death or anything like that, as long as you don't disturb my leisurely life!

This is the mentality of being a strong person.

You can be as crazy as you like, I'll live a leisurely life!

Regardless of the energy explosion that suddenly flashed behind him, Tang En walked toward Rias and her group with a golden-red light on his back.

Man, never look back to see the explosion!

Rias and others rushed up and asked:

Twain, is everything okay?

Do you think I'm in trouble? White Dragon Emperor Vali is not my opponent yet.

Tang En smiled, touched Aisha's blond hair and said to the group!

Sirzechs and others also came closer.

Tang En, it seems that I still underestimated you far. I'm afraid your strength is...

Tang En made a gesture towards Sirzechs...

Sirzechs understood instantly.

Okay, now that it's settled, let's sign the peace agreement quickly.

Tang En, are you going to supervise?

Tang En spread his hands.

Since you give me this face, then it's okay for me to...just supervise you.

Haha, Sekiryuutei is too humble. With your current strength, you can definitely be called a supervisor. Even if you are a dependent of Rias Gremory, it doesn't matter.

Just then, Valli's voice came to mind on the other side!

Ahem, ahem, Sekiryuutei Uzumaki Tang En! This is my first defeat since I was born! And I was defeated at the hands of my destined enemy!

Hahahaha, your appearance has made me find the joy of fighting again! You are right, my goal is too high! I have not defeated you, how can I defeat the strongest person in my heart!

The smoke dispersed and everyone looked around.

Vali was supported by Monkey King, the Monkey King, and appeared in the giant pit.

Azazel narrowed his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the Disaster Group is actually full of troublesome guys, even Monkey King, the Monkey King, is among them,

Hahaha, Lao Sun is also bored, so he accepted the invitation. How about it? Our team is pretty good, right?

Not only is it good, but the configuration is very powerful?

Tang En lit a cigarette happily and started puffing away.

Oh? Sekiryuutei Uzumaki Tang En? It really surprises me that you can defeat Vali. It seems that Vali will be reprimanded by Orvis this time when he goes back?

Tang En's eyes were playful.

Orpheus admonished you? Stop making trouble, it would be nice if I don't let you buy ice cream.

Okay, you can leave. The old Demon King's plan has been destroyed. If you really want to control the entire world? You can only wait until next time?

Tang En's words were a bit ironic.

Hmph! Controlling the world is someone's business and has nothing to do with us. I just want to fight!

The next moment, a black magic circle lit up from under the feet of Vali and the Great Sage.

I'm looking forward to the next battle between us!

Before leaving, Vali Lucifer looked at Tang En, with hot flames dancing in his eyes!

Seeing Vali's appearance, Tang En almost choked on his cigarette.

Ahem, ahem, Vali, can you be normal? GAY is so angry, has he been bent?

Hmph! Let's go, Great Sage!

Oh, it's not your character to be laughed at by Sekiryuutei and not dare to talk back!

The two people's bodies were slowly enveloped in magic light, and they left while bickering.

When the matter was over, everyone returned to the conference room.

The old devil faction, the group of misfortunes, Ophis!

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