This type of person has two forms. When they need to burst out with all their strength, they can liberate their true body, complete evolution, and transform into will, resulting in a qualitative leap in strength!

This type of people are collectively called extraordinary people!

Shocked, horrified, dumbfounded, dumbfounded!

Everyone’s inner emotions are complicated right now!

The world is too big and there are too many things they don’t know!

They have never thought that such people actually exist in this world!

Tang En glanced at Sirzechs playfully.

For example, Rias's biological brother, your Demon King, Sirzechs Lucifer. He is one of the Transcendents in this world!

A person who is not like a god, but who is not a god but possesses the strength of a god, is a transcendent!

The message of the Transcendent shocked everyone!

Now another shocking revelation has come out of Tang En’s mouth!

Sirzechs Lucifer is also a Transcendent!

None of them know the truth!

Everyone was completely dumbfounded and stunned, looking at Sirzechs Lucifer with an unchanged expression next to him with wide eyes.

The whole school was silent, and the atmosphere was terrifyingly silent...

At this time, Sirzechs looked at everyone's incredible and completely stunned eyes, smiled bitterly on his face, spread his hands and said:

My good brother-in-law, there's no need to reveal my background like this, right? What's wrong with being a transcendent? Even if I'm a transcendent, I'm still the devil!

Tang En chuckled and looked at Vali again.

Wally, tell me, where do you rank in this world?

This sentence seems familiar...


It was exactly what Vali and Tang En said.

Wally snorted coldly.

What does it matter where I am? My goal now is to defeat you, my old enemy. Only by using you as a stepping stone can I climb to the top!

Oh? Use me as a stepping stone. This is the first time I've heard of it!

Tang En smiled, very happily.

After experiencing several worlds, no one had ever said such a thing to him.

It's no wonder that in the first few worlds, no matter how powerful they are, everyone is just a human being among all living beings.

But this world is different. Gods are everywhere here, and the strong ones are not as good as dogs.

Any strong man, placed in the world of pirates, is the strongest among them all!

You know, the angels, fallen angels, demons, and lives here are all close to eternity!

Their strength, even without training, can become extremely powerful by using their bloodline!

And people like Vali who possess all the talents, are motivated, and work extremely hard are even rarer!

So Vali has the ability to become one of the top ten on the Heavenly List!

If that's the case, then... come on, let's fight!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang En's originally lazy attitude disappeared!

For Vali, Tang En admired him!

Young people should have ambitions, dreams, and persistence!

The explosive and terrifying magic power in Tang En's body is rising steadily! This is even before he unfolds the armor of the World God Emperor!

Everyone looked solemn, and all their attention was focused on the two people in the sky.

Red Dragon Emperor, Uzumaki Tang En... How will they face the strongest White Dragon Emperor who possesses two extraordinary talents? I'm also looking forward to it!

This is a fight not to be missed!

Hahaha, let me open my eyes this time and see the collision between the legendary Ertianlong who can reach level 9, the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor!

Tang En just stood there quietly!

Violent magic erupts from all over the body!

Her short red hair stood upside down!

His whole body was enveloped in golden-red magic power, and traces of purple thunder appeared around the violent magic power!

Click, click, click...

The magic power skyrockets crazily!

Tang En's figure suddenly grew three feet taller!

At the same time, the muscles also bulged suddenly!

The whole person has changed from a sunny and warm man to a slam dunk master!

Everyone can feel it.

Now Tang En is more powerful than Rias and others imagined!

Just listen to Rias murmuring:

It turns out that Tang En is really that strong.

Sirzechs glanced at his sister.

Rias, your strength hasn't reached that level yet, so you can't see it. But I am different. When I saw him for the first time, I had a vague feeling that his power would far exceed ours. Imagine.”


After hearing Sirzechs' words, Rias, Akeno, and the others seemed to feel a little heavy.

As partners, as strong women, they are under a lot of pressure right now.

Gulefia seemed to see through everyone's hearts and said softly:

Don't put any pressure on you. Uzumaki Twain's strength is obviously not easy to obtain. Do you remember that time in the conference room? The huge murderous intention he released, not only you, but also me, felt oppressed.

That kind of powerful murderous intent is not something ordinary people can possess. His murderous intent has become his own domain. Coupled with mental power, it is a terrifying auxiliary method!

Azazel sighed and said:

A person with such murderous intent can say that he has experienced countless wars? The blood on his hands is enough to dye the entire sky red!

And he can still maintain such a free and easy character despite possessing such powerful murderous intent. It can be said that this man's miracle far exceeds Vali's miracle!

Is...that's it?

You have only seen his powerful appearance, but how much do you know about the sacrifices behind it?\

,"No one's success falls from the sky! Rias!

Sirzechs spoke solemnly to her and her family.

I understand, brother. I will work hard! We can't let Tang En fall too far behind us!

Haha, you have to be confident, you are from our Gremory family!

In the sky.

Wally, let me see your potential!!!! Haha!

Next moment! BalanceBreaker!!!!!!!!

Tang En shouted loudly!

The arm instantly lit up with a dazzling golden red light!

Chapter 56 Fight, fight, fight! !

With Tang En's low roar!

The golden-red light covered his entire figure!

here we go!

Sirzechs warned!

When the light dissipates!

The armor of the World God Emperor has been put on!

This time, there was a slight change in the armor!

That is, a golden-red tail appeared behind Tang En!

This is also the true armor form of the World God Emperor!

The huge energy wings also have mysterious purple lines on them!

Transform the entire energy wings into regular shapes!

Very good, Sekiryuutei, Uzumaki Twain!


The next moment, facing the huge pressure from Tang En, Vali also started to restrain his hands!

The blue light dissipated, white armor, streamlined armor shape, blue energy wings!

The two of them competed to shine in the sky, one red and one blue!

Tang En's body was burning with huge golden-red magic power, and Vali's body was also burning with blue magic power!

The momentum of the two people is rising!

Everyone on the ground was concentrating and waiting for the moment the battle began!

In the next scene, both of their spirits reached their highest point!

Almost at the same time!

The two of them turned into a ray of light at the same time!

With a bang, there was a collision!

Boom, boom, boom!

The low explosion sound is different from every time before!

It was a collision of energy, a collision of strength, a collision of speed, and a collision of fate and fate!

Vali used all his strength and took this battle seriously!

Tang En was paying attention to Vali's every move!

It is indeed a top talent!

The intuition and sense of smell in battle are beyond the comparison of ordinary people!

Bang bang bang bang!

The two people turned into two rays of light in the sky, spiraling and crossing in a beautiful arc in the sky!

As beautiful as double helix DNA!



Sekiryuutei used his innate skills to multiply!

Suddenly, Tang En's magic power exploded!

Hit Vali with a powerful punch!

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