Rias smiled.

My name is Rias Gremory, and I am a high-level demon. From now on, you are my vassal!

These three people are also my dependents!

This is Akeno Himejima, and her job title is Queen.

This is Kiba Yuuto, my job is to be a knight.

This is a kitten, and the job agency is a chariot...

And the chess piece for you to use is the bishop!

Finally, his eyes fell on Tang En, who was wearing a funny balaclava.

After hearing this, Aisha finally figured out what was going on! Then she gave Rias a cute smile!

Rias...Senior, and everyone, thank you!

Then, Lisa looked at Tang En, who was wearing a funny balaclava.

Mr. Funny, thank you for saving me!

Tang En shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands.

My sense of justice drives me! And I can't bear to see such a cute girl like you die! Then won't there be another single dog in the world?


Tang En's words made everyone laugh.

Akeno's eyes had narrowed into crescent moons.

The longer she spent with this funny man, the more familiar he seemed to her.

Especially the black shirt and trousers, with the sleeves rolled up.

Dressing up so casually, she is still wearing black clothes in summer.

Among the people Akeno has come into contact with, there are definitely only a handful of them.

But I just can't remember where I saw it.

After the incident ended, Tang En, Rias and their group walked towards the city together.

Talk while walking.

Although Rias and others asked Tang En about his identity in a roundabout way, Tang En cleverly avoided them.

When they arrived at the crossroads, it was obvious that Rias and others did not live in the same place as Tang En.

Then we'll say goodbye here. Goodbye, Mr. Funny!

Tang En also waved to the four people, but at this moment, he saw the bright color flashing across Akeno's face...

His heartbeat was racing, Akeno's brain was definitely good enough, she was not just a simple young lady!

Just like that, an accident happened!

Aisha, who had been following Tang En, suddenly took off Tang En's funny hood!






The scene was very embarrassing for a time.


The contrast between the front and back was so great that the four of them almost spit out a mouthful of old blood!

Mr. Funny is funny and has strong physical skills. He has a cool and handsome face under his hood!

The most important thing is the red hair!

Without thinking too much, within a billionth of a second, several people instantly recognized who this guy was!

Chapter 19 This is embarrassing

At the intersection at night, the dim streetlights fell slantingly on the bodies of several people.

Although the lighting is warm-toned, it obviously cannot alleviate the embarrassing scene.

Tang En's face twitched, he never expected it!

The sweetest Elsa, when did she become so naughty!

Ah, ah, ah, I'm still wondering why Mr. Funny gives me such a strong sense of familiarity! It turns out he's the owner of the ramen shop! Oh, hehe!

Akeno's eyes turned into crescent moons as she smiled, covering her surprised mouth with one hand.

Rias also narrowed her eyes and looked at Tang En.

Her guess was indeed correct, this boss was definitely no ordinary guy.

After hearing Akeno's words, Tang En shrugged his shoulders innocently, spread his hands and said:

I'm just out of interest. Besides, I'm a human being. I can't compare with you advanced creatures.

Boss, are you kidding me? Can an ordinary person catch a light gun thrown by an intermediate fallen angel with bare hands?

Do you think we are Muggles?

Rias tilted her head playfully, folded her arms, and asked rhetorically.

Ahem... What, Loli and I... Bah, Aisha and I are friends, and I've seen her use that healing energy, so after the fake priest said it, I knew what was going on. After all, I sent Elsa to the church yesterday.

Oh? No wonder you went to the church so impulsively. It turns out you met Aisha! Now that Aisha has become my dependent and subordinate, do you have anything to say?

Tang En's eyes rolled around a few times before he figured out what Rias meant.

His current apparent identity is that of an ordinary person, and Rias has obviously seen his strength. Do you want to draw him into her camp?

What's more, Aisha is here.


Tang En raised his eyebrows.

You want to recruit me?

Rias bowed to Tang En.

Just to introduce myself, I am Rias Gremory, a high-level demon. The next head of the Gremory family of the Seventy-Two Pillars.

High-level demons are qualified to recruit their subordinates, and subordinates are classified according to their job descriptions in chess.

King, Queen, Chariot, Knight, Bishop, Soldier, a total of 6 jobs.

Tang En glanced at Rias and several others.

Then you should be the king, Akeno your queen? Koneko is the chariot, Yuto is the knight, and Asia has just become the bishop. It seems you still lack soldiers, right?

Rias nodded.

Tang En knew that soldiers were the lowest level of job, but they were also the most special job because soldiers could be transformed into any job.

Tang En thought about it and realized that it was right. Joining Rias's team would be of great benefit to him. It was also the easiest way to the underworld.

He nodded and said:

Okay, I'll join you. Who made Aisha your dependent?

Rias smiled when she heard Tang En agreed, and Akeno, Yuto, Koneko, Aisha and others were also happy.

They have another partner, and the strength this partner has shown so far is already quite powerful! Being able to instantly kill an intermediate fallen angel was extremely rare before reincarnation.

Since he was going to be reincarnated into a demon, Tang En followed Rias and others back to the Supernatural Research Society.

Rias was very clear about Tang En's potential.

So she took out all eight soldier pieces at once.

Very smoothly, the eight chess pieces integrated into Tang En's body.

Everyone looked at this scene with smiles.

Welcome to join us, Tang En!

Devil? Of course, lifespan cannot be seen from the surface.

Tang En also didn't care about calling this kind of thing.

Later, Rias introduced to Tang En what the devil needed to do.

But Tang En didn't care. He wasn't short of money, didn't want to improve his honor, and had no interest in upgrading the demon.

It was getting late, Tang En said goodbye to Rias and others, and was ready to go home!

After looking at Aisha, Tang En smiled and said:

Elsa, how about staying at my house? You can't go back to the church now, can you?

Aisha was very surprised when she heard Tang En say this!

Really...really! Is this good?

Tang En chuckled.

What's the point? I live by myself anyway.

Ah la ah la, Tang En, are you living by yourself?

Akeno came over at this time, leaned her body softly against Tang En, and breathed softly into his ear.

This young lady Akeno! It made Tang En feel itchy both physically and mentally!

You know, traveling alone in the passage of the world, Tang En has not eaten meat for a long time!

He raised his eyebrows and quickly put his arms around Akeno's waist.

What, Miss Akeno, do you want to come too? I'm very welcome!

As he spoke, he squeezed Akeno's waist.


Tang En's actions made Akeno blush.

Although they had just met, Tang En's aura deeply attracted Akeno.

This is also the reason why Akeno and Akeno have been chatting happily since they first met at the ramen shop.

Hehehe, then I look forward to Miss Akeno's visit!

After saying that, Tang En took Aisha's little hand, waved to a few people, and walked towards home.

Watching the two people leaving, Rias turned to Akeno.

It seems that you are very interested in this man!

Oh, hehe, I'm quite interested! Is Rias going to compete with me for a man?

Rias pouted.

That's impossible to say...

Wow, it turns out that Tang En lives here!

Tang En smiled and said:

Aisha, this is your home from now on. I am your relative!

Twain is so kind to Aisha! Aisha is so happy...

Tang En touched Aisha's golden hair.

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