The vast and unfathomable super energy cannot be explained by quality and quantity!

There is also a perverted attribute in it, which makes Ddraig's soul tremble with just a slight perception!

It can feel that if Tang En uses this power, its soul will be wiped out in an instant!

This man is so terrible!

It even surpasses the power of gods!

Hey! Who are you, you monster!

Tang En, who was walking home, paused and took a look!

Damn it, of course I am a human being!

Ahem, of course I'm a human. I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Whirlpool Tang En. Please give me your advice in the future!

Uzumaki Tang En? What the hell is the name of this horse? It's neither east nor west, garbage!


The veins on Tang En's forehead were beating wildly!

This stupid dragon needs education! Spicy chicken!

Tang En quietly mobilized the supreme power in his body and sneaked towards the small red ball of light.

Ddraig, who was thinking casually, suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing!

Turn around suddenly! I saw the supreme divine power coming towards it with a horrifying momentum!

No, no, no, no! I was wrong, I was wrong! Brother, old man, don't do it!

Can't you just be quiet? What's the big deal? Aren't I just a little stronger? Why make such a fuss? You idiot! Do you know what this is? Ah? Come on, let me tell you, this is me. The supreme divine power that I have been born with since I was born! It is above all energy! Don’t talk about chakra, natural energy, magic energy, these are all scum in front of my supreme divine power! Are you afraid? Leave me alone as a teacher. , when I get home, I will start tinkering with this artifact! I don’t even want to complain about Taima being so weak and daring to call the God Destruction Gear...

Ddraig is convinced! He stared at Tang En in stunned silence as he kept talking, his whole soul was trembling!

I, Cao, this new master is more capable than this old virgin dragon soul that has been holding back for thousands of years!

This speed of speaking and this logic are simply amazing!

Okay, okay, my dear master, I'm convinced! I'm convinced, why not! Please stop talking!

After hearing Ddraig's words, Tang En stopped!

Sample, I still can't control you? If I hadn't had these two moments, how could I have survived until now?

This time, it's quiet!

Soon, Tang En returned to his small home near Kuou Academy.

Take off your coat and get into the bathroom!

I happily took a shower, went to the bedroom, lit a cigarette, took out the magic array communicator, and reported the situation here to my wives!

Now Tang En and his wife's daily life consists of communicating with the magic circle and talking on the phone!

Does it feel like a long-distance relationship?

Fart, it’s obviously a relationship from another world!

After hanging up the magic circle, Tang En looked inside and came to his lower dantian to face Ddraig.

Looking at the huge boom in front of him, Tang En curled his lips.

Being big is useful for showing off, but what other use is there besides showing off?

Ddraig, do you think it's appropriate for us to chat like this? Should we consider the height of my master?

Oh! So that's it, I'm used to it!

As he spoke, Ddraig scratched the dragon's head with his short and thin dragon claws, then deployed his magic power and shrunk!

Then the picture looked like this, a little Bang Bang sat on Tang En's head!

Okay, Master! If you have anything to do, just ask, I will definitely tell you everything!

Okay, first question. Which generation of host am I, the Cage Hand of this artifact, the Sekiryuutei?

Uh, I can't seem to remember clearly, there are just a lot of them anyway!

Then here's the question. I know that there should still be resentments left by previous hosts in this artifact. This thing will affect my affairs.


Ddraig didn't expect that this new master would know so much about the Sekiryuutei's cage!

Those resentments are the most important secrets!

In other words, that is the secret of unfolding the ultimate form of the God-killing Gear, the Tyrannosaurus!

Master...don't you need the help of those resentments? If they disappear, then you will not be able to use the Tyrannosaurus state!

Isn't that a state that requires too much vitality to be used? Why do I need such a disabled skill? Don't worry, tell me where they are. I will remove them and then transform this artifact. Otherwise, there are so many impurities inside, and the transformation will not be perfect!

Well, now that you say so...then please come with me!

With that said, Sekiryuutei Ddraig flapped his wings and flew towards the depths of darkness!

Soon, one person and one dragon arrived at a cemetery deep in the darkness...

Here, there are dozens of tombstones arranged crookedly!

Tang En looked attentively.

There are many names written on it.

Obviously, the owners of the names on these tombstones are the hosts of past generations!

Their deaths were basically caused by the use of Tyrannosaurus!

And unfolding the Tyrannosaurus is, of course, for fighting!

Dozens of tombstones, dozens of lives, all fighting the same person!

That is, the old enemy of the Sekiryuutei!

White Dragon Emperor!

One white and one red, two heavenly dragons, fighting each other since ancient times!

After that battle, the two dragons were destroyed by the three major forces in the Bible, and turned into two divine destruction tools that have been passed down to this day!

However, fate is fate. Even if they become a god-killing tool, it will not end the fate between them!

The fate of the two dragons is closely related to their hosts. It can even be said that they are two sides of the same body!

Therefore, the hosts of the two artifacts in each generation will engage in earth-shattering battles!

As long as we encounter it, we will fight to the death!

Tang En looked at these stone tablets with a calm expression. After a long time, he waved his hand gently!


Purple-gold light illuminates the entire dark space!

Hey, what are you doing!

Tang En did not look back, but said softly:

Of course, purify their residual thoughts and let them rest in peace!

The next moment, the light shines brightly!

This is exactly one of the Tang En family's three world god methods, the idea of ​​viewing the sun!

The powerful spiritual energy instantly shattered all circumstances and resentments!

Both Tang En and Ddraig seemed to have an illusion. When these residual thoughts disappeared, the air in the entire space seemed to have improved a lot!

Huh... now this artifact belongs to me as it is, so the next step is to transform and evolve!

Chapter 10 Wow, golden legend!

Hearing Tang En talk about evolution, Ddraig flapped his little wings and flew over!

He is not stupid, he knows what Tang En has in his hands!

Since this artifact is going to evolve, it must be the direct beneficiary!

My dear master, how do you want to modify this artifact?

Tang En glanced at Ddraig with a half-smile.

Of course, the stronger, the better! As the Sekiryuutei, it's not okay to not have decent wings after the Forbidden Hand Transformation! I think the wings of the White Dragon Emperor are good. But the effect is definitely not that I can't use the White Dragon Emperor. of!

Oh! You're talking about that. You said its forbidden-hand wings are beautiful. I'm speechless.

The next step is to strengthen the armor's hardness. This armor will break into pieces if I hit it, so I still have some use for wearing it...


Ddraig was speechless. Damn it, this is a divine annihilation tool. The armor after the Forbidden Hand transformation is so powerful that ordinary people cannot break it!

Unless you encounter an opponent of the same level or stronger.

Finally, the speed of power multiplication is too slow!

It only takes ten seconds to increase the amplitude. Let's reduce it to once a second!

I, Master, do you want to die? There is an upper limit to the increase, and the upper limit is your body's ability to withstand it!

Tang En laughed!

Ddraig, let me ask you. When playing League of Legends, do heroes practice restraint?

Yes, I have!'s not up to the hero to decide whether to exercise restraint or not.

Dear master, who has the final say!?

Damn it, of course it's the Summoner who has the final say! You funny bitch!

What about my body's ability to withstand it? As long as you can increase it, I can bear it! Whether I can bear it or not is not up to me, the summoner!


Ddraig was completely speechless.

Damn it, what kind of monster is this host!

The supreme divine power with terrifying quality in the body has just shown a terrifying and powerful mental power!

Now, he said that as long as it increased his blessings, he could bear it!

Does this mean that his body is as powerful as a monster?

There is no way, the three methods of the Realm God correspond to these three aspects. Am I too strong? I am a monster, so it is my fault! ?

After Tang En and Ddraig said hello, they escaped from the magical spiritual space.

Coming to the outside world, he raised his left hand!

Suddenly, a deep red light lit up from his left arm!

The next moment, a red metal-shaped gauntlet reaching his elbow appeared in front of him.

Tang En shook hands, felt the fit between his claws and his arms, and nodded with satisfaction!

Then, he raised his left hand and reached into the void. He touched it with his eyes closed and quickly found what he needed!

Ddraig, who was in his body, almost drooled over the entire artifact space when he saw what Tang En was talking about!

Just listen to his crazy roar in Tang En's heart!

I'm so confused! I'm so spicy! MMP! It turns out to be... it turns out to be! It turns out to be the dragon marrow of the great Red Dragon Emperor, the true Crimson Dragon Emperor! I'm so confused!

I want it, dear master! Make a PY transaction with me! As long as you can give me this thing!

Tang En's eyebrows jumped!

Is this guy mentally retarded? ?

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