In this world, there are many people who are more powerful than his brother, and they can be counted on one hand!

She didn't think that the human man in front of her with the same hair color as him would be one of the slim chances.

What's more, he is a real human being!

Tang En and Akeno were chatting, but he didn't know yet that in the heart of Rias next to him, he had been labeled as a human being.

If you insist that he is human, that is correct.

But obviously this is not correct!

Tang En is a god, or he has surpassed the scope of a god. It is more accurate to call him a super god.

After just chatting for a while, Tang En still had many customers to take care of, so he said hello to the two girls and returned to the backstage.

At the same time, another thing was happening in another part of Kuao Academy.

Please date me, please!

An outstanding-looking girl confessed her love to the wretched male high school boy opposite in front of many classmates and with the stunned onlookers watching!

I wipe it! ? ?

What's happening here?

What kind of bad luck did you have to let such a beautiful girl chase after you?

As for the person involved, Hyodo Issei, his mind was also in confusion and he panicked!

He looked at the girl opposite him in disbelief.

Amano Yuma, a very cute girl.

As for her purpose of dating Hyoudou Issei, that was for the funeral.

However, as a virgin, Hyoudou Issei, how could he refuse such a cute girl’s request to date? He happily agreed!

Soon, Rias and Akeno finished the huge amount of food gracefully...

Nima looked at Tang En and was a little stunned.

Even if you are a devil, you can't eat like this, right?

But Tang En only expressed surprise at how much they both ate.

After all, after seeing the huge greedy attributes of those in the pirate world, he is relatively calm about this kind of thing.

But when this kind of thing happens to the devil, it still makes him a little awkward.

The noon rush hour gradually passed, and Tang En also had half a day of free time. He leaned against the wall at the door and smoked, squinting in the direction of Hyoudou Issei and Amano Yuma.

The powerful perception made Tang En watch the scene just now as if he were watching an anime.

A slight smile appeared on his lips.

Just then, Rias and Akeno walked over.

Boss, what's the best? You look very happy.

Well, of course I'm happy! It was so popular on the first day of business, I didn't expect it at all.

So that's it, then I wish you a prosperous business, boss. This is my little gift, I hope you like it.

After Akeno bowed slightly, he handed a small card to Tang En.

Chapter 7 The night is dark and windy

When people are busy, time always feels like it flies by.

Soon, school will be over at Kuou Academy!

As for Tang En, he was also preparing to pack up the shop and go home. He knew that there was another good show to watch tonight.

Standing in the back kitchen, he took out the small card Akeno gave him from his trouser pocket, and a smile appeared on Tang En's face.

Is this the card that summons demons? Now demons are so fashionable. They have started to hand out flyers for the sake of performance. Life is forcing them!

The guy shook his head, closed the shop, and walked towards the park next to his house.

Occult Research Society.

Through the curtains, Akeno and Rias looked at Tang En, who was leaving school with a cigarette in his pocket...

The two looked at each other and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

This handsome red-haired guy is obviously an ordinary person. I didn't find any special marks on him.

I did find one, but I'm not sure.

That weird lighter...

Hmm... But it's also possible that he got it by accident. He probably didn't know that there was magic residue on it.

I'll just wait and see for a few days, by the way. Did the child do anything this afternoon?

We don't know what kind of artifact is in that child's body. Whether he can awaken or not depends on him.

Tang En followed the path, passed through the woods, and stood in the shadow of a street lamp. Then, his figure twisted and completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

This is just a superficial use of one's own abilities, integrated with the shadow!

Tang En knew this little detective trick when he was 5 years old!

After just waiting for a short while, Tang En discovered his target.

It was none other than Hyoudou Issei and Amano Nishima.

The two were holding hands, with happy faces on their faces.

Tang En was fed countless tons of dog food in the shadows, which made him very uncomfortable!

Grass mud horse...isn't it abusing a dog?

the other side.

I'm really happy today!

Well, today was awesome!

The two people slowly walked to a fountain.

Under Tang En's gaze, Amano Yuma ran two steps, turned around happily, and put her hands behind her back, showing off her girlish demeanor.

Hey, Issei-kun, in order to commemorate our first date, can you listen to a request of mine?

As he spoke, he took a few steps towards Issei.

Hearing what the girl said, Issei immediately lost his mind!

Even Tang En could hear his beating heart.

Tang En instantly raised his hands to cover his face, Damn, I can't stand it anymore. What a shame!

Is this the legendary...

What is it, that request...

After hearing Issei's reply, Amano Yuma raised her head slightly from her lowered head.

Haha...can you die for me!?

Hey? Is that...hey?

Issei was a little embarrassed and raised his hands to lick his ears sheepishly.

Yuma-chan, I'm sorry...can you say it again? There seems to be something wrong with my ears.

Amano Yuma agreed to his request, took two steps forward, put her ear against his, and said softly:

Can you die for me?


The words just fell!

Amano Yuma instantly transformed into a girl!

Puff puff!

Tang En's nosebleeds spurted out!

Crazy shouting in my heart!

What a hot chick! Are all the girls in this world in such good shape!? She's just a two-winged fallen angel cadre, but Dunima has such an amazing figure! Especially her looks are also very good!

Not only Tang En, Hyoudou Issei was also stunned!

Look...I saw it!

Although it was only for a moment, it was indeed the real European Volleyball Team!

Finally, I can get close contact with the European Volleyball Team for the first time!

Tang En looked at Hyoudou Issei's explosive mood swings and was speechless.

Sure enough, this character, without the aura of the protagonist, would have died countless times.

But now that Tang En appears here, he has no chance. This time he didn't have the little card issued by the devil...

At this moment, Amano Yuma's transformation was completed!

What appeared in front of Tang En and Hyoudou Issei was a beautiful girl wearing a leather jacket and leather pants with only a few pieces of fabric, and two black wings appearing behind her!

Maybe he shouldn't call him Yuma Amano now.

It's really pleasant. Although it's just such a short relationship, I'm dating you in this innocent way of pretending to be drinking at home. I will cherish this thing you bought for me. So...

Speaking of the taste, the fallen angel Rena Lei raised her arms and faced Hyoudou Issei with both palms!

The next moment, a scarlet light flashed!

Looking over again, I saw a blood-red energy spear appearing in her words!

Then she held the spear with both hands and raised it high above her head!

He said to Hyoudou Issei, who was already sitting on the ground in a frightened state, with a voice that sounded like he was caressing his lover:

Go to hell...

call out!


Huh? Uh-huh!

At this moment, Hyoudou Issei opened his eyes wide with an incredible look on his face! ?

There are countless whys in his mind?

Why is this happening?

Isn't this my girlfriend?

Why did he become a human with black wings?

What is this red energy spear?

Why did she want to kill me?

He didn't understand any of this.

At this time, Renalei put away the energy spear...

In contrast, Hyoudou Issei had a huge hole in his stomach...

Puff puff puff puff!

Countless blood erupted from his body!

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