
Tang En lifted the backpack behind him, and under the suspicious gaze of the True Red Dragon God Emperor's huge dragon eyes, he stretched out his hand...

He made a move that made him look confused.

I saw Tang En's thumb and index finger rubbing back and forth.

WTF? What does this mean?

Tang En looked contemptuous...

Don't you understand this? If you don't get any benefits from asking for help, what do you want to do?


The huge dragon eye of the True Red Dragon God Emperor almost vomited after hearing Tang En's words, trying to prevent him from falling from the void...

Chapter 3 Finding a Place to Stay

I don’t know what kind of shady PY deal the True Red Dragon God Emperor made with Tang En, but in the end, the guy happily shook his head, flapped his wings, and walked away using snake skin!

From the looks of it, he was quite happy!

While it was flying, it didn't forget the new songs Tang En taught it along the way, and it got drunk by drinking alone!

Looking at the fat back of the True Red Dragon God Emperor who was beaming with joy and leaving with joy, Tang En had a mean smile on his face.

After weighing the benefits of its contribution, hey hey!

What kind of artifact? What kind of divine destruction tool? Is it useful for hanging? From now on, this thing of mine is the strongest!

Now, Tang En has a domineering toy in this world. Yes, it is the red toy in his hand...

A certain country...

Someone has changed out of his travel clothes and put on a black shirt, white tie, black trousers, leather shoes and belt again.

I no longer had to carry my backpack, so I threw it into the air with my backhand.

This guy loosened his tie.

Zhoucao, why is it so hot? Let me fuck your sister!

Tang En's head was drooped, and he looked up at the huge sun in the sky with a blank look on his face.

Every time he arrived in a new world, Tang En would face a problem that he had to answer.

That is, money!

Tang En has no shortage of these things. He has never liked banknotes, virtual currency, or other such things.

He loves hard currency!

What's more, he has been a pirate in the pirate world for decades... Bah, traveler, after serving the people for so many years, I don't know how many treasures have been recovered from pirates!

These things, no matter which world they are in, are hard currency.

Now Tang En was looking for a gold shop on the street, ready to exchange some money for use.

He has already made up his mind to buy a similar villa, and of course everything such as a lawn and a swimming pool must be included.

After that, in order to enrich myself, I have to find a leisurely job!

Thinking of the wonderful life in the future, this guy smiled obscenely.

Hey, Mom, this weird guy smiles so obscenely!

Baby, come here with mommy. This guy is not a good person at first glance. Let's stay away from him!


Tang En's smile... instantly froze on his face.

Weird sorghum? I turned into a weird sorghum????

Tang Ensheng is so loveless!

It is obvious that he is the winner in life with these thirteen beautiful and charming wives, but Ta Ma is actually called a weird squid!

If the wives were here, no need to think about it, they would definitely be ridiculed endlessly.

Thinking of the lovely wives at home, this guy gained confidence again, straightened his back, patted his face, restored his warm smile, and then walked towards the gold shop not far away with his head held high!

Hey, the weird guy suddenly turned into a big brother! It's so strange...

The sound coming from behind made Tang En stumble and almost fall to his knees!

What’s wrong with the naughty kids nowadays!

Open the door and walk into the gold shop.

Tang En did not hesitate and sat directly at the VIP customer window.

Sir, do you want to buy something?

Tang En smiled slightly at the front desk.

No, I want to sell something, what do you charge here?

When the front desk heard that the red-haired gentleman wanted to sell something, his expression did not change and he introduced Tang En:

As long as they are valuable items, such as precious metals, gold, silver, platinum, etc., antiques, gems, we accept them all!

Tang En nodded and took out a big bag from somewhere behind him with a calm expression.

Under the stunned gaze at the front desk!

It fell on the table with a crash!

Damn, this backpack is like a bottomless pit, it took me a long time to empty it!

Pile it high on the table!

The front desk looked at the pile of gold, gems, and various treasures shining with various lights in front of them! Her little heart almost popped out!

This is a big customer!

Then she moved her gaze from the treasure to Tang En's face.

Well, with red hair, although it feels a bit like burying the family, it’s very personal!

The face has sharp edges and corners, especially the pair of deep and mysterious eyes, which attracts the hearts of CHUN girls all over the world!

He has a well-proportioned figure, with a height of 188cm. He has no overly bulging muscles or skinny bamboo poles. He has a golden proportion of body, which adds a lot of points to him!

Look at the treasure on the table again!

Needless to say!

This is a male god!

Height, body, appearance! Great dressing sense too!

He has a sunny smile and seems to have a good personality!

the most important is!

Year! few! many! gold!


Tang En was speechless. What was this nympho girl thinking? I'm not an ordinary person, okay?

I'm sorry, miss, can you calculate how much these things can be exchanged for? I'm in a hurry.

Oh oh oh ok! Wait a moment!

It took Tang En's words to bring the receptionist back from her fantasy...

When he walked out of the gold shop, his face almost stopped laughing...

Not only the receptionist, but also the fat proprietress of the gold shop was killed in the end!

Zhancao, with that figure, he almost scared him to death without stepping on the horse!

Fortunately, he ran away quickly. After changing the money, he took the bank card and ran out as if he was running away!

Fuck...this world is simply too scary!

Tang En glanced at the door of the gold shop in fear...

Then he quickened his pace and walked towards the real estate agency.

Money makes things easier, this is not just a saying!

The house that Tang En chose had an outdoor area of ​​almost five acres, a huge lawn, a forest, and a small river that ran through the entire estate. A real mansion!

Standing on the huge front lawn, Tang En dismissed the enthusiastic salesman from the real estate agency and carefully walked on the lawn!

This is his home in this world.

Soon, Tang En visited the manor inside and out.

He is still very satisfied with this new home.

But it's just a little less popular here.

Therefore, Tang En decided not to live here for the time being!

Waiting for the bubble... ahem, just go and find a place to stay first!

Tang En bought two properties at the agency just now!

There is another place where he specially chose a semester room!

The school is not bad, it is a private aristocratic school, and the children there are generally of high quality.

As for Tang En, he is going to do his old job in school, that is...

Of course it’s a leisurely ramen shop!

The camera turned.

Tang En arrived at his small residence not far from Kuou Academy.

It's not too small to say the least, a two-story house.

Tang En went to the supermarket for a big shopping trip and enjoyed a delicious dinner by himself in the evening.

Sitting alone at the dining table, while eating, I realized the importance of my wife!

Usually at home, Tang En doesn't have to cook by himself!

While eating noodles, this guy shed tears... He's so pitiful!

One night just passed!

The sun was shining high, and Tang En took care of himself.

Still dressed in black, he looks very satisfied when he looks in the mirror.

After walking out of his house, locking the door, Tang En raised a smile and walked towards Kuoh Academy!

Komaou Academy...interesting! Hehehehe!

Chapter 4 The leisurely ramen shop opens

Today is Monday, and the time Tang En goes out coincides with the time when students go to school!

As a result, this happened.

Wow, look, that uncle is so handsome!

You have red hair! You have such a stylish figure!

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