This is a world for dreams and friendship!

A few months later.

Nothing has changed in the world!

What has changed is the world’s top leaders!

Now, the world has established a world parliament.

The world is divided between the revolutionary army, pirates, and navy!

Members are for the royal family of each country!

Of course, only a royal family like Alabasta that is supported by the people will continue.

And the tyrants, haha...

Leisure number...

Tang En, are you done?'s not that easy to repair the space rules!

Are you sure you didn't take the time to hook up with a little girl?

How can...

Kushina had her hands on her waist and stared at the sweating Tang En with evil eyes like a tigress!

Now the Tang En family has returned to the Realm of God.

The Leisurely is docked right next to the huge lake.

This time in the pirate world, it can be regarded as a fruitful harvest.

Not only Tang En, but his strength has gone even further.

The strength of the girls has also improved a lot.

If calculated according to the level of Wanjie.

Since Tang En dares to proclaim himself emperor, it is obvious that his strength is about to reach its peak.

The girls are just under the title of Emperor.

In other words, even if it is a world with gods and demons, they can still go there.

However, the girls all said that they were tired of playing and they wanted to take a break.

Especially the power system of the three worlds.

The sacred tree has gradually grown.

The five methods analyzed from the root are not yet fully understood.

In addition, the world origin obtained from the pirate world this time contains countless law fragments!

This allowed all the girls to find interesting toys one after another!

Helpless, Tang En had to stay with them at home for a few years, and then set off to the next world alone.

For the Tang En family, ten years have just passed by.

As a reincarnated three-dimensional otaku, this guy can't sit still anymore!

She knows that there are countless two-dimensional worlds among all the worlds!

The dreams of the previous life must be realized one by one!

Not only do you want to live a leisurely life, but you also want to take the girls you like home one by one!

Therefore, he spoke to his wives, and with their impatient waves, he smiled bitterly and jumped into the passage of the world...

④ Leisurely life at Devil’s High School!

Chapter 1 The Yuan wall is a bit thick this time!

Tang En was wearing a jacket, jeans, a backpack, and sunglasses, walking in the dark...passage of all realms.

Okay, looking at this outfit, people who don’t know better would think that they are going on a trip.

It's not wrong to say it's a trip, but this is not an overseas trip or a galaxy trip.

Damn, this is a cross-border trip!

Fuck... the world this time is a bit huge! How long have I been walking here and I haven't seen a single small world!

Tang En complained. To be honest, traveling alone in the Ten Thousand Realms Passage was quite a torture.

He had no choice but to contact his family occasionally to brag about B and report on his current location and so on.

However, every time Kushina appeared on the magic circle, she looked at someone with a teasing expression.

Then he said:

My dear, I wonder how many more sisters we can have when we go home this time?


Tang En looked really embarrassed!

He doesn't have any secrets, just such a small secret, and his wives can see through it.

When Tang En was in front of his wives, it was almost as if he had no clothes on.

And Tang En's character is also easy to guess.

Lazy, confused, gentle, passionate about friends, and doting on lovers.

If you are facing the enemy, haha...

Tang En is a terrifying man. As long as he can kill you, he can do anything cruel!

At home and outside, we are completely just two people.

Privately, Perona nicknamed Tang En, Chaos and Impermanence...

Listening to this nickname, there is no one else!

While thinking about the good times he had with his wives, Tang En hurried forward unhurriedly.

Just then...

Tang En's face was stunned!

Looking at the deep darkness ahead, his eyes almost bulged!

His face was twitching, and he couldn't say a single word for a long time!

Finally, he uttered a curse word!

I'm a fool!!!

Tang En was stunned!

What on earth made Tang En, a man who had experienced great storms in three worlds, become like this?

I saw, deep in the deep tunnel of all realms ahead, through the Ten Realms Divine Wheel Eye...

Tang En could clearly see that there was a dimensional wall there!

This is nothing, Tang En has seen the dimensional wall countless times.

As a World God Emperor traveling among thousands of worlds, he has passed through countless small worlds.

However, this time Yuanbi is a bit special.

This time, the thickness of the elemental wall made it impossible for Tang En to see any scenes in it.

Generally speaking, the dimensional wall is as transparent as a bubble. It is just a protective film for the world.

Don't underestimate the bubble-like dimensional wall.

Even the ordinary gods in this world cannot break through!

If Tang En had not possessed the supreme noble bloodline of all realms, he would not have been able to travel freely among all realms.

But... the dimensional wall in front of Ta Ma surpassed Tang En's imagination!

This time the Yuanbi is completely like an egg shell, so thick that it is not transparent at all!

The entire dimensional wall has no boundaries at a glance! This shows how huge this world is...

Tang En stuttered and said:

Holy shit, this world is a bit too big, isn't it? It's tens of thousands of times bigger than the world of Tama Haize!

And this high-level dimensional wall, who is blocking it?

He hurriedly reached for the cigarette case from his trouser pocket, quickly took one out, dropped it into his mouth, and lit it with a lighter.

After taking a deep breath, he spit it out heavily.

A cigarette brought Tang En's wildly beating heart back to normal...

He calmly analyzed the world in this dimensional wall...

Since this world has such a huge and solid dimensional wall...

So anyone who doesn’t have a pig brain knows what’s going on!

Because the world is too big!

Because the level of the power system in this world is too high!

In order to maintain the balance of the world, the world naturally evolved like this.

In other words, the power level of the world is always relative to the solidity of the dimensional wall.

The strength of the dimensional wall will always increase with the improvement of this world's power system.

Nah... In this world, demons are not everywhere, and angels are not as good as dogs, right?

Tang En muttered to himself.

While talking, he was touching around on the dimensional wall like an archaeologist.

Now Tang En feels a little guilty...

He himself doesn't know that he is also the highest-level existence among the worlds. If he knows this, he is still a fool! I have already gone on a crab walk every day!

However, the mystery of this world still successfully aroused Tang En's curiosity.

After wandering outside the boundary for a long time, this guy gritted his teeth and made up his mind.



Who is it! Are you annoying? It's so late at night and you can't let anyone sleep!!!

On the other side of the communication magic circle, there was a roar from a girl!

Then, Kushina's beautiful figure appeared in front of Tang En...

Looking at Kushina's naked figure, Tang En's eyes bulged out! Then, nosebleeds spurted out! ! !

Kushina saw it was Tang En, and then gave him a look of contempt.

Look at how promising you are, why are you having a nosebleed now? Are you still called the Love Saint of All Worlds? Damn you!


Tang En is so wronged!

It's obviously because of your great figure!

How can you say it's my fault?

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