In the eyes of people all over the world, only the giant sky man who was beaten like a sandbag by the God-Emperor of the Five Realms was left!

Left hook!

Right hook!

Straight punch!

Adu follows!

Follow again!

Every Bruggen!

Left whip leg!

Knee bump!

Fishing for the moon from the sea!


Tianlong is originally a fat man!

This time is great!

There is no part of his body that has not been taken care of by Tang En!

Tang En's fists are no ordinary fists!

Every punch of the God Emperor of the Five Realms is covered with the supreme power of decomposition!

With the blow, the power of the Tianlong people evaporated in large quantities!

Escape from his body like water vapor!

Grass and mud horse, mama, mama!!!!!!!

Tang En’s last roar! An electric cannon hit the Tianlong man in the face!


Boom! ! ! ! ! !

The next moment, the Celestial Dragons were beaten on the mountain of Ravdru!

Everyone can no longer tell who it is!

He is inlaid on the ground in the shape of a large font...!


The God Emperor of the Five Realms fell from the sky and stepped on the ground with his feet!

He picked up the pig body of Tianlong like a chicken!

Damn it, you dare to use my stuff?

Tang En cursed loudly, but his movements were not slow!

A strange and mysterious noble purple-black light lit up from the arm of the God Emperor of the Five Realms!

Then, a black tiger ripped out the heart!

Pull out the origin of the world!


The Tianlong man spat out a mouthful of blood the next moment!

Ahhhhh! I want you to die! It's you, it's you who made me lose everything!!!! Uzumaki Twain ahhhhh!

Enemy for life!!!!!! Even if I die, I will drag you to death together!!!

Hearing this sentence, people all over the world were shocked!

What are the Tianlong people going to do!

I want to destroy the whole world!!! Hahahahaha!


Bang bang bang!

The Tianlong man's fat body swelled again!

More and more round!

Tang En frowned, actually wanting to blow himself up?

What to do! Captain!

What can I do? I'm confused too?


Chapter 207: Legendary weapon, beyond visual range strike!

What can I do, I'm confused too?

These are the words of the four emperor red-haired Shanks.

One word of praise for Ben Beckman almost made him angry to death!

Damn it, captain, where is your domineering attitude?

Is this really what you can say? ?

Ignore the farce here!

The Tianlong people on the other side are about to explode!

With the power of his self-destruction!

No need to think about it, the whole world will be blown up by him!


Tang En showed a hearty laugh!

Okay, okay, self-destruct!

You're as fat as a ball, right? OK, I'll satisfy you!

Then, under everyone’s stunned gaze!

The God Emperor of the Five Realms actually assumed a posture they had never seen before!

If anyone in modern society sees this posture, they will definitely exclaim!

Grass mud horse! Isn't this a tiger-style shot from the air wing?

That's right, Tang En is ready to kick the Tianlong people out of bounds!

Goodbye, funny!



People all over the world were dumbfounded!

I saw the God Emperor of the Five Realms kicking the ball-like Heavenly Dragon into the sky!

In just an instant, it turned into a point of light and disappeared!

But in Tang En's perception, that guy is already in outer space!

But this is not safe!

I saw the God Emperor of the Five Realms’ twenty-four wings trembling! With a buzzing sound, the God Emperor of the Five Realms flew into the sky again!

Then, he clasped his hands together!

In an instant! Dazzling light lit up from his hands!

His right hand seemed to be holding something, and he began to pull it outward.

Everyone saw that as the hands of the God Emperor of the Five Realms moved away, the shape of something familiar to them formed in the middle!

Yes, it's the gun!

But, isn’t this gun a little too big?

Look at the length, it’s hundreds of meters long!

When the light dissipates.

Everyone finally saw clearly what the God Emperor of the Five Realms was holding!

It was a gun they had never seen before!

Yes, although it becomes a bit sci-fi and mysterious. But the gun is right!

The sniper rifle in Tang En's hand turned into a deep black!

If you look carefully, there are mysterious stars shining on the barrel!

Legendary weapon sniper rifle: Septimia Zenobiaqueenannihilationgun!

Tang En's third legendary weapon, a long-range weapon!

A legendary weapon that can achieve beyond-visual-range strikes and penetrate a world with one blow!

When Tang En raised the annihilation cannon of Queen Zenobia, the God of the Ten Realms!

The stars on the gun began to shine with faint morning light!

Through the expansion of the weapon's perception, Tang En easily aimed at the Tianlong people struggling in the starry sky!

He must be desperate now, right?

The self-destruction cannot be stopped, and he cannot take anyone with him. The only one who will die will be himself!


The God Emperor of the Five Realms took a shooting stance!

Then, the twenty-four wings behind him began to gather infinite energy!

They began to absorb energy from the world and provided it to the God of the Ten Worlds, Queen Zenobia's annihilation cannon!

Then, the entire body of the God Emperor of the Five Realms began to emit a blazing light!

And the most dazzling place is the muzzle of the annihilation cannon of Queen Zenobia, the God of the Ten Realms!

Then, his murmur spread throughout the world!

It's over, Celestial Dragon!

God of the Ten Worlds, Queen Zenobia's Annihilation Cannon, Annihilation Cannon!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Huge black light pillar!

Instantly reach the sky!

There was a hole in the sky!

Around the black light pillar, the space was torn apart!

The Divine Cannon seems to have traveled through space and transcended time!

In an instant, they arrived at the location of the Sky Man!

No, no, no, no! I am the god of this world!

You are from another world...!

The light of the cross star suddenly lit up from the sky!

The Tianlong people finally woke up at the last moment!

Tang En, from another world! He is an alien!

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