
Luffy's Rubber Fruit can indeed resist the Shock Fruit to a large extent, but...

The internal organs cannot be as hard as the outer skin!

Even it's rubber!

Boy, you are no match for me!

Luffy is the man who wants to become the Pirate King!

Zoro pulled out three knives!

The next moment, he killed Blackbeard!

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, your opponent is me!

Shiryu of Rain!

Just when there was a big melee between several parties, no distinction was made between the superior and the inferior...

The originally dark sky became dark again!

This time, it’s not a dark cloud!

Instead, a huge ship dropped from the dark clouds!

The entire battlefield suddenly became quiet...

People present.

Whether it's the navy, CP0, the world government, pirates, or the revolutionary army!

Or the royal families of various kingdoms, or the reporters!

Including people all over the world watching the live broadcast of this world war!

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at the behemoth in the sky with horror!

Everyone knows that huge steel hull!

Mysterious magic circuit lights flicker on the surface!

A super battleship with several black English letters printed on the bow!

This is the legendary super battleship that everyone knows and knows about!

Leisure number!

The Tang En family's super battleship has arrived!

On the flagship of Wulaoxing.

Five people stood up at the same time!

They never took action because they knew!

In this world, the only ones who can threaten them and the Tianlong people are the D clan!

So now the Straw Hat Boy and Blackbeard of the D family are either Luo or Ace!

These people are not capable of fighting against the world government alone!

Originally, in their impression, only the D family would become the enemy of the God family!

However, things develop in the end! They had to admit it!

This disruptor who appeared out of nowhere has become their biggest enemy!

The Down family!

It is the world government that is the most feared force!

Although they have no resources, no territory, and no power!

He doesn’t care about reputation, he can even be said to be extremely low-key!

However, vaguely, whenever they think of Tang En's eyes that are like gods, Wulaoxing and Tianlong people feel uneasy!

Their feelings gave them a premonition!

This mysterious enemy with no traceable history seems to know everything in the world!

And as things develop!

Their premonition came true!

Just when they had just used their intrigues to control Neptune and Pluto, the Twain family actually informed the world of the location of the final island of Rafdru, the end point of the great route that even they didn't know where!

This completely disrupted all their arrangements!

According to their original script, after the World Conference was held!

Abolish the Shichibukai system! At the same time, the five old stars control Neptune and Pluto! The Celestial Dragons control the Heavenly King!

In this way, all pirates can be wiped out in one fell swoop!

End this era of great pirates!

However, they never expected it! The Down family actually chose to let everyone in the world know the secret of Rafdru!

Then, their plan was disrupted and they could only get into the script written by Tang En!

That is, concentrate all your forces and fight against the pirates and the revolutionary army head-on!

They were driven to a dead end! Why!

Because of Raff Drew!

If the pirates or the revolutionary army get the secret of Rafdru, then!

No one will be on their side! Their righteous, aloof, god-like image will collapse in an instant!

And the pirates and inferior races who were shaped by them into evil will become the righteous side!

Even if they still have great power, even if they can destroy all living things in the world!

But what is the use of a world government without the people?

Chapter 197: World God Emperor: Whirlpool Tang En!

With the arrival of Leisurely, the battlefield became strangely calm!

Both sides maintained a tacit balance.

Whether it's red hair, black beard, Wulao Xing, Qing Pheasant and others.

Their eyes were looking solemnly at the sky.

Since the Tang En family appears here, it is a sign!

They found OnePiece.

The Wulaoxing and Tianlong people looked ugly! They didn't know what the Tang En family saw there.

What worries them the most is that the Tang En family will expose everything!

Right under the spotlight!

Whether it is the pirates, navy, onlookers of the royal family, Garp of the older generation, Sengoku and others.

Or people all over the world in front of the big screen!

They all stared at the Leisurely.

They were not disappointed.

A total of fourteen figures slowly appeared on the huge and gorgeous deck of the Leisurely!

It is all the members of the Tang En family headed by Uzumaki Tang En!

Uzumaki Tang En! You are a heinous person! What do you want to do by provoking this war?

One of the old men in Wulaoxing shouted angrily!

Tang En glanced at him indifferently.

Old immortal, you are not qualified to question me.


Tang En ignored him.

He glanced at the entire battlefield, everything, whether it was a warship that had become a mess or a dying person struggling in the sea.

Or the pirates or navy staring at him with weapons.

He said slightly:

I have never introduced myself before. Now, I will formally introduce myself!

The messages on the wanted order are all defined by the World Government itself. This is completely inconsistent with ours.

I come from some far away place, and you wouldn't know it even if I told you.

And my full name is Uzumaki Tang En. You are right to say that I am a traveler.

But I hope that from now on, you can call me...



World God Emperor?

Isn't the World God Emperor that person?

The words Tang En said were like triggering a super earthquake!

The name of the powerful man who has always been more mysterious than the Tang En family in everyone's mind was actually spoken by Whirlpool Tang En!

Looking at everyone's reaction, Tang En was obviously very satisfied.

The title World God Emperor certainly has a certain origin.

Whether it's a world, a god, or an emperor; I fully deserve any of these three words!

Humph, that's so arrogant! Even Roger is just a king!

How dare you call yourself a world, a god, or an emperor!?

We are the gods!!! We Tianlong people are the descendants of gods!!! You trash!

Suddenly, a scream interrupted Tang En's words.

Yes, it is the idiots who are under heavy protection, the Tianlong people!

Tang En raised his eyelids and looked over with an indifferent expression.

A group of the biggest moths in the world dare to yell at me? Who gave you the courage!

As he said that, Tang En raised his arm under the unexplained gaze of others.

He stretched out his hand and moved his lips.


Buzz buzz!

Behind Tang En, countless golden space ripples appeared!

The Golden Realm unfolds!

Then, countless gorgeous treasures poked their heads out!

Under everyone's stunned gaze!


next moment! They flashed with cold light and blasted towards the Tianlong battleship at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye!

In people's eyes, they saw a series of golden lights!

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