Countless balls of light are like flowers scattered by a goddess!

Boom boom boom!

Click, click, click!

In just the blink of an eye, most of the dozens of pirate ships in front of Kizaru were sunk!

Ahhhh! It's General Kizaru!!!! We were hit!

Panic! Fight back! Aim at him! Fire!!!

boom! ! ! ! !

Captain, our arsenal was hit by Kizaru!

No!!! Help! I'm going to be burned to death!


Looking at the pirate ships below that were either on fire, broken into pieces, or silent, Kizaru muttered to himself in a sinister tone:

Oh yo yo, I just killed this...

Not finished yet!

A bullet hit Kizaru with an ear-piercing scream!

call out!


Kizaru immediately raised his hand!

Fingertips sparkle!

With a buzz sound, a ray of light shot out!

Laser beam!

With a ding sound, the golden laser light and unknown bullets produced a huge explosion!

How scary, Ben Beckman!

Kizaru, I will be your opponent!

Red Haired Pirates, Vice Captain! Ben Beckman!

Standing on the side of the ship, holding up the revolver in one hand, holding a cigarette in his mouth, he said calmly!

the other side!

We'll take action too!

boom! ! ! ! ! !

In an instant, the sky burst into flames!

fire punch!!!!!!


The huge flaming fist violently smashed the navy's warship, while its power remained unabated!

One wears five!

With just one punch, he destroyed five navy warships!

This is not okay, Fire Fist Ace! You escaped with your life in the war, but in my hands, you will only die!



With the roar of the green bull, the deck of the warship was shattered!


Compression·100 times! Air punch!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Green Bull, a black weapon-colored domineering energy appeared on his right fist, with a bang!

A fist formed by an air wave slammed into Ace's fire fist!

The Green Bull General is actually an air fruit!

Another natural fruit ability user!

And facing the Air Fruit, which is weaker than the Smoke Fruit, he actually developed it to the level of a monster!


Like natural gas meeting fire!

In an instant, the sky was illuminated red!

One side is transparent and the other is red!

Clear boundaries!

Ace landed on the side of the ship.

The new admiral! It's interesting!

However, you will never reach Ravdru!

Chapter 195: Landing Operation!

As the war between the two sides begins in full swing!

The sound of cannon fire on the entire sea never stopped!

And the weather at the end of the Great Route is also very suitable!

The gloomy weather made the world war exaggerated even more colorful and heavy.

Every moment, warships on both sides were beaten to pieces!

Either it ignited a fire, or it was broken into pieces by the strong!

Countless naval officers and pirates fell into the rough sea!

This is not a seaside resort!

This is the most dangerous place in the world!

The end of the great route, the waters of Ravdru!

Ouch! Ouch!

boom! ! !

From under the sea, countless giant sea kings suddenly burst out of the sea!

They opened their mouths wide and ate some of the unlucky ones who couldn't escape!

For them, no matter they are pirates or navy, as long as they are human beings, they are their prey!

Seeing this scene, Wu Laoxing frowned.

How can there be such a huge Neptune species here! This is unscientific!

Neptune species should all gather in the windless zone. What's going on here! Judging from the density, it has surpassed the windless zone!


Even if you are the Five Old Stars, even if you know the secrets hidden here, you still don’t know where Rafdru is, and he has never been here!

When the red-haired Shanks saw this scene, the corner of his mouth curled up!

This is all in his calculations!

Rafdru, this is the lair of the Sea King class!

at this time!

The revolutionary army on the side also participated in the battle!

And their goal is very clear!

It is the Tianlong battleship that is heavily protected by naval battleships!

Long, are we just going to rush over like this!

Just rush over! Shanks and the others will help us!

Yes, at Shanks's signal, some of the pirate ships' cannons focused on attacking the warships protecting the Celestial Dragons!

Just to open a hole for the revolutionary army and let them go straight in!

With the strength of the revolutionary army cadres and Dorag, they can completely bear it!

Humph, these revolutionaries are coming towards us!

Let CP0 take action. All the high-level officials are here. We will catch them all!


Bang bang bang! ! ! ! !

The flagship of the revolutionary army, 72 cannons, fire together!

In an instant!

The dozen or so warships in front of them suddenly exploded!

Boom boom boom boom!

It's... it's a revolution!

That's Dorag!! The most vicious person in the world!!!

How to do how to do!

Quiet! Just keep it like this, leave the revolutionary army to us!

At this moment, a voice sounded from behind a kind of navy!

They looked back stupidly.

I didn't know when several people wearing white suits, white coats, white hats and white masks appeared on their warship.

I am Cao!

Yes, yes, yes, CP0!


One of the CP0s raised his finger! Point to the flagship of the Revolutionary Army!

Terrorists should die to apologize!

Iron cannon!!!!

Buzz! ?


There was a loud noise, and immediately after, the navy were stunned to find out!

A huge cannonball with a diameter of 50 meters hit the revolutionary army flagship with a harsh sound of air friction!

Dorag stood at the bow of the ship!

CP0? Humph!

The wind is coming!


With Dorag's wave!

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