I can only watch helplessly on the beach of Broken Cake Island, watching the Tang En family take away the people’s treasure and people’s treasure harvested by Auntie!

Then, watch the huge leisurely number fly away!

So, what happened to Green Bull! ?

Send off the Tang En family, Kizaru, Peach Rabbit, Fujitora and others to the place where Green Bull landed.

Look at the green bull sitting on the ground blankly with a funny expression on his face!

The navy were stunned! ?

What kind of blow did Green Bull receive? It turned him into such a 2B!

Peach Rabbit pulled over a marine and asked:

What's wrong with Green Bull?

Back to Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit, we don't know either.

Tell me what happened at that time!


At that time, after the top cadre of the Tang En family used a weird trick to fly away all the surrounding warships and the Green Bull General, the venue became like this!

As he spoke, he gestured to the cake island that had become a flat area around him.

Several generals nodded.

Then, we all saw this scene.

Then...then the cadres of the Tang En family appeared in front of the Green Bull General in an instant. After just one glance at the Green Bull General, he became what he is now.

Peach Rabbit frowned.

Just took a look?? Didn't you do anything else?

Yes, just a normal glance.

Oh, yo, how scary! Those Kaguya-sama's eyes are extraordinary.

It has to be the senior general Kizaru!

General Kizaru, do you know something?

I'll give you a piece of advice. When fighting against some members of the Tang En family, never look into their eyes!




After hearing what Kizaru said, they were stunned!

Can't look at each other? What the hell!

The yellow ape looked at the green bull with a meaningful look.

The eyes of some of the Tang En family have mysterious powers, including Uzumaki Tang En himself.

You will know if you look carefully. The patterns in everyone's eyes are different, which also means that each of them has different powers!

For example, the current Green Bull, in my opinion, his current expression should be that he is in his own world.

In other words, you are in your own hallucination. This is...how to put it!

It's a terrible illusion!


Peach Rabbit, surprised!

But Fujitora said he was very calm!

What are eyes? I am blind!

Kizaru shook the cloak behind him.

Let's go in quickly! Big Mom was defeated by Whirlpool Tang En, and our arrest of her is not in vain!

Where are the cadres who escaped!

Let them go! I wonder where they will seek refuge?

But that doesn't matter...soon, this era will be over!

Kizaru said such words that left everyone confused.

Chapter 190 The Arrival of the Straw Hat Pirates

No matter what the navy thinks, the Tang En family has gained a lot.

In particular, from Auntie's treasure house, not only were all the treasures she had accumulated for decades collected, but also various devil fruits!

The most important thing, the one that can detonate the whole world, is the huge red stone in front of the Tang En family!

Road sign text!

This is already the third piece!

Just one last piece left.

No, or it could be said that Tang En is already confident of winning the fourth piece!

Because the fourth piece, he knew, was in the hands of the Straw Hat Kid.

My dear, the Straw Hat boy hasn't run very far yet, shall we catch up?

Of course, once we get the fourth piece, we can arrive at Lafdru without anyone noticing and unlock all the secrets of this world!

Including, what are devil fruits! What are ancient weapons, Pluto, Neptune, and King of Heaven!

Why does this world become like this!

What happened to those hundred years of blank history!

Robin looked at Tang En with a smile on his face.

Her goal is about to be achieved!

I feel excited just thinking about it.

On the other side, Straw Hat's pirate ship sailed on the sea.

Oh my god! Have you seen it! The terrifying aura on Cake Island! Is that really a trick that humans can use!?

It was so terrible. The sky and the sea were smashed into several pieces!

Is this the true strength of the Tang En family?

I thought that was their full strength during the war at the top...

Zoro was silent, remembering what his master, Hawkeye, said.

The strongest swordsman in the world is in the Tang En family!

That is the woman named Artoria Arthur Pendragon.

This time, Sauron saw with his own eyes for the first time just how powerful the Tang En family is!

That is completely inhuman!

Luffy...can our goal really be achieved? Are our enemies too strong?

Luffy showed a big little face to his friends!

Of course! I will definitely become the Pirate King! That is my dream! I must realize it!

Hey... look what that is!

Usopp pointed at a black spot in the sky with a dumbfounded expression...

Since it is a black spot, it must be far away!

The Straw Hats and the others, plus Luo and the others who had just met, squinted at the unknown objects that were getting closer and closer!

...Hey, hey, are you kidding?

As a sniper, Usopp was the first to see clearly what it was.

Usopp, what is that?

...We seem to have encountered something extraordinary!

I just want to say, old man, can I get off the boat and go home now!

What nonsense are you talking about!

Zoro...that's the leisure number!!!

Huh? Leisurely number, what the hell!

Sure enough, there were only a few people on this ship who could read newspapers.

What the hell! You don't even know what the Leisure Number is!

There is only one ship in the world that can fly on the Grand Line! It's the Leisurely!

The entire battleship is made of unknown steel. Even if it is attacked by the general, it will remain unscathed!

...Is this still a ship?

Time passed, and Straw Hat and others finally saw clearly the huge super battleship that couldn't be compared to the word ship!

Hey hey...this isn't that...!

The Tang En family's battleship.

The target is us?

We are the only ship in this sea area...

Look, there's someone on deck.

Sure enough, everyone saw a red-haired man appearing on the side of the ship next to the gorgeous deck in the sky.

It is the head of the Tang En family, Uzumaki Tang En!

He jumped slightly and fell towards the Straw Hat crew's ship in a free fall.

Seeing that he was about to fall to the deck, Tang En suddenly levitated for a moment, and then with a snap, he landed handsomely in front of the Straw Hats.

Whirlpool Tang En...

The head of the Tang En family...

Hold the grass...we are going to die!

Usopp, Chopper and other funny guys were so scared that they peed when they saw Tang En!

Straw Hat, Zoro, and Sanji formed a human wall in front of them and made a posture ready to fight.

what are you up to!

Tang En looked at the reaction of this group of people in amusement.

Naturally, he put his hand into his jacket and took out a cigarette.

He slowly popped it out, took it out with his mouth, and then lit it with a lighter.

You don't need to be nervous. I'm here to ask you for something that you can't use right now.

Seeing that this group of people still looked wary, Tang En smiled bitterly.

You don't have to face me like this. If I want to defeat you, with your strength, you won't even have the ability to resist at all!

Tang En's harsh words instantly made Usopp and others dissatisfied!

You're talking nonsense!!!

Usopp, don't be impulsive!

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