What's even more terrifying is that two huge speakers appeared strangely from both sides of the ship's hull!

Look at that signal, you bastard, it can be heard throughout the sea!

Auntie continued to release sonic attacks in the air, and when she saw Tang En's actions, she frowned! But she didn't believe that there was anyone in this world who could not be affected by her sonic attack!


Tang En raised his head and smiled strangely at her!

next moment!

The pirates on Cake Island, the navy in the distance, and the daughters of the Twain family!

They were all overturned by thunder!

Roaring on top of Auntie's cake, the huge music from the leisurely number filled the sky!

Bring feeling! ! !

Dang, Dang, Dang!

I'll get drunk alone!

Drunk to pair up the beauties!

The two eyes are alone and follow each other!

I just hope that one day we can both return together!

My dear girl, I caress the piano!

Yan plays in my purple bamboo forest!

I am infatuated with beauty!

I am willing!

I have searched for you thousands of miles away!

When you talk about beauty, I laugh infatuatedly!

The music moves me and the sound of the piano is wonderful!

Young, frivolous, ignorant!

I just blame him for being too young!

Tang En's rap is well-known in the field of aunties!

Coupled with mental power, it spread to an unknown distance in an instant!

I saw that the person who had just been shocked by the aunt's roar suddenly woke up!

Then, somehow, they jumped up unconsciously to the BGM in the sky and Tang En's rap!

This shows how powerful the magic power is!

Of course, this is only for people with weak self-control.

It is of no use to cadres and elites, it is just music!

But Tang En's goal has been achieved.

Just look at the aunt in the sky whose face is as black as the bottom of a pot, you will know!

She was obviously not at peace now.

Auntie, isn't your square dance BGM very powerful!?

Tang En teased her!

I am going to kill you!


Although the aunt is fat, her agility and speed make Tang En unable to look directly at her!

Flexible fat man!

Ta, ta, ta!

From Auntie's feet, three sounds of kicking the air erupted!

Then, Auntie ran and accelerated in the air, and instantly turned into a black shadow and headed towards Tang En!

Huh? It's actually a derivative of Moon Step!

Tang En raised his eyebrows!

Then, click!

Boom! It turned into a silver light and rushed into the sky again!

The ground beneath my feet instantly shattered into countless pieces!

In the sky!

Boom! ! ! ! !

There was a loud noise, and Auntie and Tang En collided!

The two fists collided directly!

The halo formed by a circle of air waves spread instantly!

This is the collision of two people's momentum, strength and spirit!

Boom boom boom!

This halo instantly blew away the clouds in the sky!

A clear blue sky appears above your head!

And the ground collapsed with a strange click!

My cake island, my castle! You actually took advantage of my decades of hard work!

I want you to compensate!

Bang bang bang!

Auntie’s left fist also hit hard!

Not to be outdone, Tang En also punched him with another punch!

Afterwards, the two punched faster and faster!

From a distance, you can see rings of light erupting from the center of Cake Island, spreading to the entire sea!

Time Kick!


A silver flash of light turned into a cross star and exploded instantly!

boom! ! ! ! !


With a whoosh, the aunt suddenly jumped out of the smoke of the explosion intact!

On both arms, lightning flashed on one side and flames burned on the other!

Fruit of life, activate!

Big Mom gives life to thunder and fire!

Tang En's red hair was blown up by the aftermath.

Look at the aunt rushing towards you!

I saw the turbulent power in his eyes surging out!

The magic symbols circulated, and then the pattern turned!


Thunder World! Open!

Fire World! Open!

boom! ! ! !

In an instant, Tang En's energy erupted with an intensity visible to the naked eye!

Sizzle! Crackling!

Tang En's entire body became like a black and white Zetsu!

The left half of the body turned into a body composed of blue thunder!

The right panel of the body turned into a body composed of orange flames!

The body has become elemental!

As for the eyes, one side is purple-black! One side is golden red!

The whole person became weird!

No matter how you look at it, it looks like the skills of a villain.

Auntie’s eyes bulged!

Impossible! What kind of fruit power user are you!? How can you transform into fire and thunder elements at the same time!!!!

Auntie's face was twisted, her men were merciless, and she fired fire fists and thunder fists angrily!

Boom boom! ! ! ! !

The elemental fist leaves Big Mom's body and instantly grows in size!

It formed a crushing force, covering all Tang En's escape routes!

Cake Island!

Hahahaha! It's mom! It's mom's Prometheus and Zeus! What a Twain family, what a whirlpool Twain! The strongest in the world! They are all vulnerable to mom's two gods!

Long live mom!

The cadres who were confronting Perona and the others also laughed when they saw the battle in the sky!

Did you see it! This is our mother! She is so powerful! There is no way anyone in this world can defeat mother!

The girls of Perona also glanced at Zeus and Prometheus in the sky.

Then he looked at the people opposite him playfully.

Do you really think that Tang En's strength is only like this!?

As if in response to Perona's words.

Tang En raised his head! Mysterious smoothness flows slowly in a pair of divine eyes.

Then, I saw him slowly lowering his horse stance and retracting his fists to his waist!

Following Tang En's movements, the surrounding air seemed to solidify...


With a roar, suddenly from Tang En's mouth, every word came out like a motto!

A circle of light exploded instantly!

Then, he took a step forward!

Click, the ground cracked into several pieces under this kick!

Fire Realm·Fire Industry·Fire Emperor Fist!!!

With a tiger's roar, Tang En's flaming right fist shot towards the sky in an instant!

Meet the thunder and flame fist in the sky!

boom! ! ! ! !

The moment Tang En's Yan Emperor Fist was struck, it expanded several times with every passing second!

It's like blowing up a balloon!

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