only records one of the locations. According to reports, there are four blocks of text in the road sign. Now we only have one block and it's hard to do anything!

Tang En smiled mysteriously.

He stretched his hand into the void and pulled hard.

A huge red inscription floats lightly in mid-air...

Robin was immediately dumbfounded!

When did Tang En get another inscription without anyone noticing?


Tang En chuckled.

This was found underground on Sky Island. I don't know what kind of bad luck it was, but I speculate that this inscription should have been inscribed by Roger, and after he returned to Sky Island, he came to Kong Island and carved it. After reading that sentence, I also hid this article here.”

So that's it. Let me look at the location recorded on the inscription.

Naked stood up and studied the words carefully.

Several other girls also raised their heads and looked over.

Honey, look, this is today's news.

Tang En was puzzled by the results Hancock said in the newspaper.

Opened and turned over.

Needless to say, the big home page takes up the entire page and is about the Tang En family!

The Tang En family once again set off a bloody storm! 》

One of the Four Emperors, One Hundred Beasts Kaido is defeated! 》

The Tang En family once again demonstrates its peerless combat power! 》

The true strength of Whirlpool Tang En! ? 》

The new world is surging! 》

The Straw Hat Pirates enter the realm of Charlotte Lingling, one of the Four Emperors! 》

Tang En was stunned when he saw the last message!

With this straw hat boy's current strength, is he sure he can defeat the Yonko?

He frowned and then read on.

At this time, Irisviel walked out from the corridor, holding the black tea that had just been brewed.

My dear, just made black tea.

Tang En raised his head and smiled gently at Irisviel.


Tang En took a sip and lowered his head to read the newspaper.

The mystery behind the departure of one of the Straw Hat Pirates, Chef Sanji, has been revealed! That is, the Vinsmoke family is preparing for a trip and the engagement of Charlotte Lingling's 35th daughter!

Pfft, pfft, pfft!

When Tang En saw this, he squirted out all the warm black tea that his beloved wife had just brewed for him!

This time, it was not Kushina who was unlucky, but Tina...

Tina's thin clothes were soaked by the black tea, revealing (Harmony! Make up your own mind!)... Anyway, she can see everything!

Beautiful pink hair is not immune to the same fate.

Tang En shivered all over...

Tina raised her eyebrows and her face darkened.

Tina is very angry!

Tang En quickly threw the newspaper aside!

My dear, listen to me! This news surprised me so much that I accidentally burst out without holding back!

Tina is very angry anyway...

Tang En rolled his eyes!

He grabbed the newspaper he had just thrown away and hurriedly handed it to Tina.

Dear, look! This is the latest news about the Straw Hat Pirates. You must have paid close attention to this boy when you were in the Navy! This is the man who moved the world! Look at their chef, things are getting more interesting now !”

Hinata suppressed a smile and helped Tina wipe the black tea from her body.

Tina, let's take a shower first!

Tina rolled her eyes at Tang En!


Then, accompanied by Hinata, the two walked towards the bedroom.

Tang En spread his hands towards the girls watching the excitement.

Ellie, I didn't mean it, you saw it too!

Ellie covered her mouth and smiled.

I know.

Afterwards, Tang En picked up the newspaper and began to think deeply.

It seems that the Straw Hat Boy will definitely go to war with Big Mom because of Sanji's incident.

At this moment, Tang En's eyes lit up.

Auntie also has a road sign text in her hand, right?

Are you going to add insult to injury? ?

Quack, quack, quack!

Tang En smiled sinisterly and touched his unshaven chin.

Nami was reading a book on modern navigation knowledge and theory brought from the library, and frowned when she heard Tang En's sinister smile.

What kind of conspiracy do you have again! Can you be fine?

Uh... isn't this too exciting? Just do it!

Just as he said, Tang En stood up and walked towards the control room.

Auntie's realm happens to be not very far from their current location, because they are both in the new world.

It can be reached in a week.

Let’s not mention it for now that Leisure has changed its goals.

On the other side, the world government has made big moves!

This time, the World Government has called on all participating countries!

Go to the Holy Land of Marie Gioia to attend this worldwide conference!

It’s not just the franchise countries.

Neutral countries, including Fishman Island and Alabasta, also invited them to attend!

Coincidentally, the representative sent by Fishman Island this time is Princess Shirahoshi!

And Alabasta is also a princess, Nefertari Vivi!

Now, they have boarded the ship sent by the navy to pick them up and are heading towards the Holy Land, Mariejoia.

Although Tang En was on the Leisurely, he was also aware of the World Government's big moves.

This meeting will not be easy!

Chapter 180 Big Mom Pirates

This world became even more turbulent as Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, was defeated!

Countless people want to sit on the throne of the Four Emperors!

A new generation of supernovas.

The various pirate groups who originally took refuge under Kaido.

The Straw Hats, the Law Crew.

However, the most eye-catching thing now is the collision between the Straw Hat Pirates and Big Mom, one of the Four Emperors, and the World Conference that the whole world is paying attention to!

Leisurely sailed slowly in the sky.

Twain, can you make a rough guess about the content of this world conference?

Tang En took a deep drag on his cigarette, glanced at Robin and said:

It's nothing more than the issues of the Revolutionary Army, plus the issue of Mermaid Island, and finally the issue of the Four Emperors and the murky waters of the New World.


I don't know if you have heard the news. The headquarters of the Revolutionary Army was bombed by Blackbeard.

Oh, this matter is nothing to the revolutionary army.

On the other hand, this is also a good thing for the Revolutionary Army. It will be harder for the World Government to find their traces. The Revolutionary Army is in the dark and the World Government is in the open. Just think about it and you will know who has the advantage.

Then...what happened on Mermaid Island?

Tang En took a sip of tea and said:

Mermaid Island hides countless secrets. Whether it's the sacred tree that brings it sunshine, Noah's Ark, or the history of Mermaid Island.

Even if Fishman Island wants to move to the sun, the World Government will not allow it. Because they probably know it now.

The Neptune who woke up in 800 years may have already appeared.

As he spoke, Tang En tapped the picture of Bai Xing on the newspaper.

This time, what countermeasures the world government will take depends on how big the things Straw Hat Boy is doing in the new world.

If Big Mom is defeated, I don't believe it if the world government doesn't come to fish in troubled waters.

And the last key figure, Blackbeard.

Tang En's eyes flashed.

Blackbeard's strength two years ago was only that of an ordinary general. However, in the past two years, both his power and his own strength should have greatly improved. He is probably even stronger than Kaido. That’s right. After all, this guy should have three devil fruits with three attributes!”

Three kinds!???

After hearing Tang En's words, all the girls screamed in surprise!

It's impossible. In this world, apart from the Tang En family, or in other words, only Tang En has this ability!

Moreover, Tang En fused the rule fragments in the fruit, not just ate three fruits!

Tang En narrowed his eyes.

Blackbeard, Marshall D. Teach, this kid is a very special being.

As he spoke, Tang En stretched out his finger and casually drew the pirate flag of Blackbeard's pirate group in the void.

The girls raised their heads, looked at the flag, and slowly began to have questions.

Tang En explained:

According to common sense in this world, the flag of the pirate group represents certain characteristics of the captain of the pirate group.

Straw Hat Boy's straw hat, Kaido's horoscope, Shanks' red hair and three scratches, etc.

Then look at Blackbeard's flag, it actually has three skulls!

But his fruit ability should be the Dark Fruit and another powerful fruit. Maybe he found the Shock Fruit, or maybe it is another stronger fruit.

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