This made Sauron more determined to practice!

The power of the Shichibukai has been shattered!

And the revolutionary army has become more ferocious in two years!

Faintly, there has been a confrontation with the World Government on land!

The six top powers in the world.

The Down family.



Revolutionary Army.

World God Emperor?


Now, the only ones left that have been silent are the Tang En family and the World God Emperor.

Somewhere in the White Sea.

The Leisurely sailed slowly.

After two years of training, the one whose strength has improved the most is Tina!

With a complete fruit of light, her strength has improved at a rate that can only be described as terrifying.

The other one is Nami.

The Star Fruit allowed her to develop to perfection.

But Nami doesn't like to use abilities to fight.

She loved drawing star charts of the constellations in the sky.

But this is nothing to Tang En.

As a woman, you should live a leisurely life.

When it comes to fighting and killing, just rely on yourself.

In the past two years, Tang En has been paying attention to the world situation...

Taking advantage of the transition between the old and new forces, the supernovas began to cause chaos!

The net worth continues to increase!

Two years ago, they had a bounty of 50 million to 200 million beli, and now they have become big pirates with a bounty of 300-400 million!

However, in front of the Tang En family, these improvements are nothing more than trivial matters!

Look how much Tang En’s reward is now! ?

It has already surpassed Roger the Pirate King’s 1.5 billion.

Now, what is his net worth? ? ? man.

That's right, on Tang En's reward order, his net worth is three question marks.

This also represents a compromise from the world government to him.

In other words, issuing a reward order for Tang En would be redundant.

After a battle at the top, no one in the world knows.

The head of the Tang En family, this man, Whirlpool Tang En, is no longer as powerful as a human being!

The giant that broke through the clouds, the legendary weapon with one battle and one shield!

It put a mysterious veil on Tang En!

In two years, he has become a legend!

And Kaguya and other girls are all the same!

There are three question marks after each reward order.

Now, the whole world knows.

The Tang En family is the most powerful super force in the world!

Don't look at the fact that there are only a dozen of them.

No territory, no subordinates, nothing!

However, their capital is their own strength!

Even two years later, when the navy, pirates, and revolutionary army had greatly increased in strength, no one dared to clamor against the Tang En family!

In the luxurious living room.

The Tang En family are all doing things they are interested in.

He held the newspaper by himself, drank the black tea that Irisviel had just brewed, and enjoyed a leisurely life.

Turning the second page, the report came into view, which made Tang En grin.

The Straw Hat Pirates show up at the Shampoo Islands?

After hearing Tang En's words, Perona flew over in a swish!

The Straw Hat boy shows up again? How long has it just been?

Tang En looked up at Perona's cute expression, and a tic-tac-toe appeared on his forehead...

Little Peipei, your life is so nourishing. Hasn't it been a long time since you looked at the calendar?

Huh? Yes, I never look at it.

...Little Peipei, it's been more than two years since the war began!

Ah! Why so fast!? Show me quickly!

With that said, he snatched the newspaper from Tang En's hand...

Chapter 167 The Secret of the World

Haiyuan calendar year 1524.

Starting with real and fake straw hats, it unfolded in the Chambord Islands.

For Tang En, none of this is important. He only needs a leisurely life.

Now that the Straw Hat Pirates have entered the new world, many flamenco will soon be in trouble.

On the white sea, leisurely.

The Tang En family was chatting in the living room.

Perona has been completely confused about the timeline because she has lived such a leisurely life.

After reading the newspaper, I looked cute.

Wow, Tang En. Time flies so fast!

...Is that good for us? Everyone spends their time practicing hard!

Hmph, do you mean we haven't practiced hard in the past two years!?

Tina is very unhappy!

Tang En's face twitched.

No way! Everyone is practicing very hard!

Kaguya pushed up her glasses and said:

The last major incident in the Supreme War was caused by the bloodline of the Pirate King, Fire Fist Ace. It led to the careerist Blackbeard who had been hiding on the Whitebeard pirate ship.

If that idiot Akainu hadn't accidentally offended us, the outcome of this war would have been completely different.

After hearing this, Tang En took a sip of black tea, gently put down the cup, and crossed his legs.

As the Will of D, Straw Hat's goal is to become the Pirate King. His adventure has just begun. According to my analysis, if they want to enter the new world, they will definitely pass through Mermaid Island.

After saying this, Tang En looked at the family members.

Mermaid Island, you know what a special place it is, right!? Even though we passed by it several times, we never landed on the island.

Robin stood by the fireplace, took off his glasses, shook his ponytail, and then said:

The grudges between Fish-Man Island and the World Government cannot be explained clearly in one sentence.

Tang En nodded.

His face became a little serious.

There is one of the most serious problems in the world, and it will become the trigger for the next big event.

That's the racial issue.

Race is the most serious problem in any world.

In this world, the Celestial Dragons regard themselves as descendants of the Creator and all living beings as ants. Among them, humans and mermaids hate each other.

In other words, the fishmen think that they are a superior race and look down on other races such as humans.

If there hadn't been a princess, no one knows what would have happened now.

Robin also looked heavy:

Back then, O'Hara broke a taboo in studying historical texts. As a result, the Tianlong people sensed the danger and wiped O'Hara off the map in anger. That Fish-Man Island...

Tang En chuckled:

On Fish-Man Island, racial issues will become a trigger, and the one who really triggers the war should be Princess White Star, who is one of the three ancient weapons and can easily destroy the world.

Only then did the girls suddenly realize!

Tang En also said before that he knew where Neptune, one of the three ancient weapons, was!

It turns out that Neptune is the princess of Fishman Island!

Neptune can control the super Neptunes all over the world. You guys think, if someone gets Neptune, what will the world look like?

Robin frowned.

“It’s chilling to think about.”


The world government and the pirates probably don't know about this news yet.

Tang En nodded.

Yes, but as the leader of Neptune, Princess Shirahoshi will awaken as soon as Straw Hat appears, so it won't be long before she is discovered.

What about the last king?

Tang En sighed when he heard the King of Heaven.

The King of Heaven... The King of Heaven must be in the hands of the Heavenly Dragons. According to my feeling, the King of Heaven is the most critical thing. It should be at the end of this world, Rafdru.

Nami supported her chin with her hand and said doubtfully:

Judging from the chart, the Red Continent and the Grand Line circle this planet respectively. The first place where they intersect is the Upside Down Mountain. The second time they intersect is where the Holy Land Mariejoia and Fish-Man Island are located. Location.

The new world is the sea between the Holy Land Mariejoia and the other side of Upside Down Mountain.

Then the end of the new world is at the back of Upside Down Mountain, isn't it?

Tang En laughed.

As expected of Nami! That's right, although we don't have that, the text of the road sign, we do have the sea map of the entire world.

According to calculations, Lovedrew is near Upside Down Mountain.

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