Chapter 161 The red hair is coming!

The girls who were fighting fiercely saw that under the leadership of the Vice Admiral, these people were preparing to attack the Leisurely, they just glanced at it and stopped paying attention!

The pirates also reacted!

They also picked up weapons, rifles, cannons, and cold weapons!

Together with the naval soldiers, we launched an attack on the Leisurely!



Boom boom boom boom!

Countless cannonballs, bullets, sword lights, sword waves, and slashes!

Head towards the leisurely number!

Then, a series of explosions sounded on the surface of Leisurely!

Did you make it?

It should be successful!

Even the most powerful warship cannot withstand a simultaneous attack by tens of thousands of people!

However, when the smoke cleared, the pirates and navy were dumbfounded!

Impossible! How can it be unscathed!

What kind of material is this battleship made of?

The Tang En family's flagship is indeed terrifying!

But fortunately, it has no ability to fight back! Take advantage of the moment and continue attacking!

But they got it wrong.

This is a super battleship composed of super black technology beyond this era plus magical power and rule power.

If it weren't for the lack of some necessary conditions, it would have broken out of the planet!

In the control room of Leisure.

This ship is under attack, and the energy loss of the protective shield is ignored. Start the automatic counterattack mode!

Just as a group of people were preparing to launch a second round of attacks, they were shocked to find that the behemoth in front of them had deformed!

The Leisurely made a roar, sprayed out huge energy from its tail, and then slowly flew up!

Then, under the horrified gaze of everyone, countless huge black barrels were revealed from under the armor!

It’s so dense that it’s terrifying!

Especially those gun barrels, which were actually shining with the same magic circuits as the surface of the ship's hull, they knew that this thing was definitely not easy to mess with!

next moment!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Thousands of artillery fire!

The huge sound also attracted Sengoku and others who were fighting!

Seeing the super saturated bombardment like a goddess scattering flowers, I was stunned!

If this cannon is hit, the navy and pirates will probably lose their last fortunes!

The navy and pirates raised their heads and stared blankly at the rapidly flying light beams of various colors.

Their weapons were thrown down one after another, and some even knelt on the ground!

God! What on earth is this! Why does it have such powerful firepower!

My life is at risk!

At this critical moment!


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Countless sword lights flashed...

Most of the light beams launched by Youxian, which came from the center of both sides' forces, were intercepted!


Fireworks were set off in the sky!

Boom boom boom boom!

At this time, Kaguya, who released the expanding Tao-seeking Jade in the sky, also revealed her figure.

She raised an eyebrow.

Oh? So it's this kid.

The people who broke in again forced the fighting between the two sides to stop.

However, looking at the appearance of the senior officers of the Navy and Pirates, it was obvious that the girls were no longer able to find their way to the fight.

Looking at their relaxed looks, this is clearly a crushing force of strength!

When the smoke and dust dispersed, everyone finally saw the face of the visitor.

It's the redhead!

It seems it's not too late, Whitebeard is still alive.

The pirates and navy who had just escaped the disaster all looked at the red-haired man who suddenly appeared next to them...

Oh my god, oh my god! It's actually the red-haired one of the Four Emperors!

How come he is here!

Another Yonko is here, what is this war...what on earth is it!

The redhead glanced at the current situation.

Aokiji and Kizaru were okay, Hinata and Konan obviously didn't kill them, but they were still in a mess.

The Qibukai also have their own merits, especially Hawkeye.

During the Warring States Period, Garp faced Mikoto and Kushina, who were the strongest in the family except for Kaguya.

These two old men were beaten black and blue by two beautiful little girls, which made them lower their heads in shame and anger!

How can I see people like this in the future?

All Blackbeards fought against Robin, and the two sides barely managed a draw, but judging from Robin's uninjured body and calm face, he didn't exert his full strength.

The worse one is Akainu.

Tsunade obviously didn't hold back.

Seeing this, the redhead frowned.

If any of the high-ranking officials of the navy or pirates are killed, the balance will be broken!

He slowly walked towards Akainu and Tsunade's position.

If Tsunade gives Akainu another blow at this time, then the immortal will be half disabled...

Warring States couldn't help but feel relieved when he saw the red hair.

If there is no spoiler now, then the navy will be severely damaged!

Especially this time, the culprit, Akainu, will definitely not be saved!

The red hair walked towards Tsunade and Akainu. This is the most dangerous place!

He also knows about Tina!

Step by step, the redhead walked slowly.

The pirates and navy ahead consciously made way for him!

If you look carefully, you will find that the air around the red hair is actually distorted!

As expected of a redhead, he is still so domineering!


Finally, the redhead stood between Tsunade and Akainu, who was kneeling on one knee.

Then, the red-haired man spoke domineeringly:

Stop fighting anymore. This era has gone crazy. If we continue to fight, one side will only perish! Then who will check and balance those truly evil people?

Everyone, give me some face and stop!

If anyone wants to continue fighting! Then... our red-haired pirates will be your opponents!





Sengoku, Garp, Marco and others were all stunned!

Facing such a powerful Tang En family, the red hair dared to say this!

Is it confidence in one’s own strength?

Doesn't he know how terrifying these women from the Tang En family are?

Tsunade looked at the redhead in front of her with amusement.

Red-haired boy, I haven't seen you for decades. The brat you used to be has now become a king who dominates the world. I should praise you.

The redhead remained calm in the face of Tsunade's teasing.

Haha, in front of your Tang En family, I don't dare claim to be the king who dominates one side.

However, please... give me some face. If you really want to kill Sakaski, then!


The red-haired man took out the one-handed sword hanging from his waist!

You have to get through me first!

Seeing this scene, the girls seemed to notice something, and a smile appeared on their lips.

Tsunade crossed her arms and just looked at the redhead.

Akainu Sakaski, he has crossed the bottom line in our family. Even if all of you come together, you can't stop his inevitable death.

The loud sounds from all directions resounded throughout the entire Marine Fando Square!

Chapter 162 The King Returns!

Like a loud voice from the starry sky, it suddenly exploded in everyone's ears!

The entire Marine Fando Square, pirates, navy, Shichibukai!

Through the phone bug, people all over the world are paying attention to this incident!

Holy Land Marie Joa, Five Old Stars!

Everyone was shocked!

Wu Laoxing suddenly stood up from the sofa!

It's him!

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