The weaker navy and pirates were already feeling numb and their minds were in chaos.

Akainu looked at Tsunade among the girls with a ferocious expression!

Haha...hehehe...hehehe! You finally appeared! Senju Tsunade! I don't know how long I have been waiting for this day! Today, let me take your life with my own hands! You, the most evil people in the world, man of!

With the whole world watching, Tsunade spoke:

What's wrong, Magma Boy? Didn't that punch from twenty years ago make you remember it?

Akainu's face twisted and he yelled:

I have been through many life-and-death battles, and it still hurts. Only the scar on my right right side still hurts faintly! This is all what you left for me! I am no longer the person I was twenty years ago. !”

However, just when the battle was about to break out, another arrogant voice remembered!

Ah hahahaha! It's so lively! One more is not more, one less is not more, how about you count me in!????

Chapter 157 Blackbeard appears

Naval Headquarters, ruins of Marinefando.

The crumbling island is buffeted by the sea that has not yet calmed down.

Countless buildings were in dilapidated condition, with rubble falling from them.

Apart from the roar of the sea and the sporadic sound of gravel, there was no sound in the entire square.

Everyone was shocked by the momentum of the highest cadre of the Tang En family and the highest combat power of the Navy!

That is simply not something ordinary people can bear.

Even if neither party showed any domineering force, some people could not hold on and their eyes turned white!

Ah hahahaha! It's so lively! One more is not more, one less is not more, how about you count me in!????

Just then, a third voice appeared.

In an instant, the balance between the two parties was broken!

Whoever comes, grins widely!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is missing several teeth in his mouth.

The person who came was a middle-aged man with a rough appearance, thick hair and a tall build.

He has pale skin, black and fluffy hair, and is wearing a headscarf.

She wore two necklaces around her neck, bracelets on her wrists, and different styles of jewelry rings on her ten fingers.

There are three flintlock muskets on the left waist and a bottle of strong rum on the right waist. He is wearing a red shirt underneath and a black coat similar to the navy style.

Behind him, there is also his partner, no! Or they are both careerists!

Ah hahaha! It seems that my appearance surprised all of you!

Warring States raised his head and his mood suddenly worsened when he saw the visitor!

Blackbeard, you guy! How did you get here!?

The navy were shocked!

Why are those guys here!

The shaky white beard, protected by the captains, turned around!

Look at Blackbeard with cold eyes!

You bastard!

huh huh huh huh!

Blackbeard looked at Whitebeard's body greedily.

Look at those people behind him! Each of them is the ultimate criminal whose existence was concealed because he was too cruel!

Blackbeard Pirates! Why are they here!!!

Hahahahaha! Long time no see! I can see you before you die, Dad!!


Warring States remembered a message before the war started!

I was shocked!

What happened to Magellan? What happened to Impel Down!!!

How did you get here!!

Hum hum.

Blackbeard sneered, making Warring States grit his teeth!

Don't we answer your question by being here? Marshal of the Warring States Period!?

Ah ha ha ha ha!

If you want to know the specific situation, you can confirm it yourself later!

Sengoku made the Blackbeard Pirates furious!

This guy had just completed a deal with Ace and obtained the title of King Shichibukai.

did not expect……

You got the title of King Shichibukai just to sneak into Impel Down City???

Ah hahaha! That's right! This is my purpose! Now I don't need it anymore!

And that's all, you'll find out soon!

Just when Sengoku and Blackbeard looked at each other.

Whitebeard whispered:

It doesn't matter what happens to that kind of thing!

The next moment, Whitebeard raised his giant arm again, his muscles trembling violently!

Even if he drags his broken body, he must punish this person who has violated the taboos that must not be violated among pirates!


Click, click, click!

Ah ah ah ah ah!

A huge transparent ball of light instantly hit the Blackbeard Pirates!


The place where the Blackbeard Pirates were located collapsed instantly!

Damn, it's so dangerous!

Blackbeard lifted up a piece of gravel and got up from the ground!

You really don't care about friendship! But you can't be merciful!

You are the only one who is not worthy of being my son, Tikki!

Whitebeard, he is really angry this time!

The two sides stood looking at each other across a large crater created by the meteorite.

Ah hahaha! Let you see the power I got!

After speaking, a large amount of black smoke came out of Blackbeard.

He activated his devil fruit ability, darkness!

What is that black thing coming out of his body?


Just when Blackbeard was about to use the range skill, Dark Acupoint.

From the other side, a cold voice came.

Blackbeard, Marshall D. Teach. Have you forgotten something!?

In the sky, the sacred light turned into a thick beam of light, and with a bang, it hit the arrogant Blackbeard under the astonished gazes of everyone including Whitebeard, Sengoku, Akainu, Ao Pheasant, and Kizaru!

Suddenly, Blackbeard made a sizzling sound like being grilled!


Then, Blackbeard's screams echoed through the entire Marinefando Square!

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! !


The next moment, a huge explosion appeared with a deafening sound where Blackbeard was standing.

Everyone who saw this scene shuddered deeply in an instant.

Just before the explosion, they saw it clearly.

Blackbeard and the smoke on his body, under the attack of the beam, slowly dissipated like heavy snow being melted!

In the final explosion, all the attacks were eaten by Blackbeard himself!

Looking at the huge smoke and blazing flames in the middle, everyone present looked at the steel battleship docked in the harbor and the women who looked like goddesses on the bow of the Leisure.

What made them even more suspicious was that the one who took action was not the woman with golden twin tails who was shouting for revenge from General Akainu.

Nor is she the strong woman Marco said with her blond hair tied behind her head.

But a purple-haired woman wearing a black dress and red high heels.

Because she hasn’t put down the finger that launched the attack just now...

A cold voice and a cold temperament.

Everyone present could not help but look askance!

Not to mention, that terrifying attack power!

That...that's that!

It seems to be called... Xiaonan.

What was that light just now! It was so scary!

It's scary, but I feel warm.

At this time, screams came from the center of the explosion again!

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!!

It hurts me so much! Damn it! What is this!


Everyone turned their heads again and looked at Blackbeard at the center of the explosion.

I saw that Blackbeard still looked as high-spirited as before!

Now, his whole body is in tatters, and his skin is even more unbearable to look at!

It's like being burnt.

What kind of terrible attack caused such horrific damage to Blackbeard!

No...impossible! Even if I have to endure three times the damage, it is absolutely impossible for someone to cause such serious injuries to me! Who are you! What have you done to me!

Blackbeard roared at Xiaonan on the Leisurely!

Chapter 158 He’s not here, let’s go together!

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