Rumble... Rumble... Crunch...

Garp asked Ahe quietly:

He couldn't have appeared from an unexpected place!

Did you set up the wrong formation?


Blah blah blah blah...

It was originally a calm game, but there were a few ripples.

The sound of gurgling is endless!

boom! ! ! !

Huge water splashes rained down from the sky!

It's like it's raining!

Warring States suddenly realized!

That's it! Their ships are all coated and come from the bottom of the sea!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Huge waves appeared instantly!

The Moby Dick's hull, several times the size of a naval warship, appeared in everyone's sight!

Moby-Dick is coming!!!!!!!!

Whoa, ah, ah, be careful!

Ace also opened his eyes wide at the same time!

Looks incredible!

at this time!

I saw the giant, Whitebeard, Howard Newgate standing on Moby-Dick!

Knock the air with both hands!

Click, click, click!

Click, click, click, click, click, click!

The sea around Marinevando boiled in an instant!

The sea set off huge waves hundreds of meters high!

what happened!???

Warring States' expression changed instantly!

Sea earthquake! It actually shook the sea!

Quick, look over there! There's a tsunami over there too!

in all directions!

A huge tsunami surrounds Marinefando!

Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, finally showed his true strength!

Tsunami, tsunami is coming!

Warring States said in a deep voice:

Even if you are good at Ninjutsu, don't be conceited that you will definitely win!

Maybe we will be the ones who fail in the end!

That man has enough power to destroy the world!

Warring States roared!

The huge tsunami appeared in front of people all over the world!

The war is about to begin!

The pirates are ready to go!

Get ready, it's time to go!

Ao Pheasant!


With a whoosh, Qing Pheasant instantly activated!

A big jump comes to the sky!

Both hands turned into ice spikes at the same time and plunged into the tsunami!

Ice Age!

Click, click, click, click, click, click!

With the sound of a blue pheasant echoing throughout the square, the huge tsunami instantly turned into a natural work of art, a huge ice sculpture!

Qing Pheasant, your brother is a brat!

Whitebeard laughed...

Good, good, great!


Two thorn spears!

Qing Pheasant launched an attack on White Beard!


Whitebeard just punches the air!


Qing Pheasant's attack was easily shattered!


Following Whitebeard's attack, Aoki Pheasant turned into an ice sculpture and landed on the sea.

Then, with him as the center, the entire sea surface of the bay began to freeze!

Attack attack!

Target, Moby-Dick!

boom! boom! boom!

The navy's land-based artillery began bombarding!

Brothers, follow me! Rescue Ace!


Swishing, swishing, the pirates, led by the captain, rushed off the pirate ship!

Rushing towards the shore of Marinefando!

Smoker and others, the navy, are not to be outdone!

We can't let them get close to Ace!


And the pirate ship behind them also started bombarding!

Boom boom boom!

But obviously their shelling can't have any effect!

call out!

The shelling fired by the pirates was cut in half in the air!

Look...that's it!

The vice-admirals from the Navy Headquarters have all shown up!

I have never seen so many lieutenant generals gathered together!

Hahaha, if this were an ordinary pirate, he would have been scared to death!

But we are not those idiots!



In an instant, the entire Malinfando group war began!

The war on top, the fate of the world, has officially begun!

Chapter 152 All-out war!

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

There was chaos on the battlefield.

The pirates' rationale for standing is beyond the imagination of the navy!

Especially the great pirates under Whitebeard and the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, each of them is a master against a thousand!

Looking at this one-sided situation, some people can't stand it!

Really, as expected of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, each one is as strong as a monster!

This sentence always feels a bit strange when it comes from General Kizaru's mouth.

Isn't he a monster?

With that said, Kizaru stood up from the chair under the execution platform!

Really, if you want to minimize the loss, then this is how you can...capture the thief first and capture the king first!

As he spoke, Kizaru turned his attention to the white-bearded Edward Newgate who had been standing at the center of the pirate camp.

The next moment, Kizaruno turned into a golden flash of light!

The human figure can no longer be seen clearly, completely assimilating with the golden light!

In another flash, the people had disappeared from the positions of the three generals.

Akainu, on the other hand, is still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai!

Ah! It's so dazzling! What is this!

The pirates covered their eyes with their arms!

The light emitted by Kizaru illuminated a battlefield!

Whitebeard raised his head slightly and looked at Kizaru, who appeared from mid-air.

Eight-foot beautiful magatama!

Kizaru crossed his hands in front of him and used his ultimate move!

With a buzz sound, Kizaru's light bullets were fired in all directions with him as the center!

This is a powerful AOE skill!

Whitebeard moved his lips.

Hey...why is it so dazzling!

The moment Kizaru's ultimate move hit Whitebeard!

A blue figure collided head-on with Kizaru's attack!

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