I saw only two people coming.

One of them is the warden of this prison, Magellan!

And Tina also knew the other person.

It is the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Flying Squirrel!

The flying squirrel uses a katana as its weapon and has a special hairstyle, with a punk head and a mustache.

He is good at swordsmanship and is also a master of six forms.

Among the Vice Admirals of the Navy Headquarters, he is also one of the strongest in the ranking!

The two of them walked slowly towards the depths of LV6.

When passing by Tina's cell, Flying Squirrel paused, glanced at Tina who had become a prisoner, and said coldly:

Major Tina, I didn't expect to see you here. And you look so embarrassed.

As an official of the Akainu faction, Flying Squirrel knew about Tina.

He also knew why Tina was here.

Everyone will make sarcastic remarks.

Tina raised her head, and the chains on her limbs clattered!

Hmph, you people who desecrate justice, you will not be able to die a good death one day!

Haha, you are already a prisoner, and you are still so venomous.

But, it doesn't matter anymore. You must know where the deep-sea prison and Impelton City are.

Now that you're here, spend the rest of your life here!

Director Magellan, I'm in a hurry, let's go!

Finally, he looked at Tina playfully, and then walked deeper.

However, Tina said in a strange tone:

Flying Squirrel, you came here to take Ace away, right? But he seems to be gone now!


The flying squirrel was suddenly startled, and ran past Magellan towards the innermost cell!

When he stood in front of the cell door, he didn't see Ace!

How can it be!

Director Magellan, what's going on!?

Oh, I don't know about this either? Did someone take him away?

Magellan was also confused.

He said with an embarrassed look:

You also know that I have diarrhea for ten hours a day. Squatting in the toilet is what I must do every day. Plus eight hours of sleeping time, minus the time for eating and resting, my daily The working day is only four hours.”

It's possible that someone took me away while I was going to the toilet!

The veins on the flying squirrel's forehead were beating wildly!

Nima, why would such a person become the warden of Impelton?

Nima’s working hours are only four hours, can you let me be the one?

The flying squirrel walked back with an angry look on his face, passed by Tina's cell door, and glared at her fiercely, but seemed to have thought of something and smiled sinisterly.

Gaga left with a smile.

Tina looked calm.

I don't want to get angry with this kind of person at all.

If a dog bites you, will you bite the dog too?

That's the truth.

So who was taking Ace away?

Needless to say, he was taken away by Garp at midnight.

Karp was originally entrusted by Roger to take care of his wife and children.

And Ace is Garp's recognized grandson, so it is necessary for him to come to Impelton to meet Ace in person.

At the same time, they were escorted to Marineland Square.

Just as the flying squirrel and Magellan were walking towards the LV1 prison with an angry look on their faces.

The whole prison alerted!

Grrrrrr! Grrrrrr!

The gas mask Magellan carried with him The phone bug rang!

Hello! I'm Director Magellan!

Director, the Director is in trouble!

Fart, you are not good! I am very good!

No, Director, something big happened! Imperial has been invaded!

Huh? Impossible. This is Imperial!

Director, it's true, we have been invaded!

Chapter 146 Legendary Weapon!

When the deep sea prison was invaded.

The Marine Headquarters, Marinefando, is ready.

Today is the day to deal with the pirate Ace!

The navy dispatched 100,000 officers and soldiers.

At the same time, all combat forces are assembled!

Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru, the three admirals of the navy!

Warring States, hero Garp, two of the strongest men of the older generation!

There are countless lieutenant generals and countless major generals!

Even King Shichibukai helps out!

It is conceivable how important this world government regards this war.

This is the beginning of this violent era!

Whether the pirates or the navy win, the world will be shaken!

This is not what they want to see.

Moreover, the person they are more afraid of has not yet surfaced.


The world's largest prison - Impelton.

It is located in the windless zone in the first half of the Grand Line. The security is extremely tight. All the felons are imprisoned in the prison. It is very eerie and scary inside. There are various monster guards and video phone bugs monitoring it. There are a large number of large-scale monsters on the seabed outside the prison. The Poseidon type, thus giving Impel Down City the title of Iron Wall.

The rules here are terrifying.

In terms of the process before a prisoner is imprisoned.

Before being imprisoned, prisoners must first go to a place similar to a bathhouse, take off all their clothes, and then be pushed into an iron pot inside to be baptized by the boiling 100-degree hell water.

To enter the prison, you need to wear sea-floor stone handcuffs and undergo a physical examination just in case.

Impelton, it has a total of six floors.

It consists of one underground floor to six underground floors.

Each level is a strange world.

The first to fifth floors were nothing special to Tang En.

Only to the sixth floor.

Boom boom boom!

A series of explosions resounded from the prison!

Magellan, who was standing at the door of the sixth floor, finally heard the huge vibration.

It's interesting that someone dares to invade Impelton, which has never been successfully invaded before!

I saw Tang En falling from the sky, and with a bang, a huge crater was created in the port!

Then, under the gaze of the stunned navy and jailers who didn't react, they slowly walked into the deep sea prison!

Tang En didn't want to think too much about this maze-like terrain, he could just violently open the way!

In an instant, his body was covered with a bright diamond-colored energy shield!

Click, click, click, and in the next moment, a diamond-colored giant formed!

This giant is wearing a handsome battle armor, with a V-shaped logo on his forehead!

A pair of golden eyes, with a trace of brilliance flowing in them!

I saw this giant holding a huge chamfered tower shield in his left hand, and the tower shield exuded diamond-like light!

Just a huge shield has illuminated the entire Impelton!

Looking at its right hand, it holds a huge staff that exceeds the height of a giant!

The handle of the entire staff is composed of two spiraling and intertwined mysterious metals, emitting nine colors of brilliance!

The battle head is composed of a galaxy like the Milky Way, in which there are many nebulae, stars, comets, and planets of different colors!

There are two wings on both sides of the main body of the huge galaxy!

This is Tang En's supreme legendary weapon!

Legendary Weapon Staff: God of the Ten Worlds - Emperor Hongguang's Staff! (ThetenfrontierAvision)

Legendary Weapon Tower Shield: God of the Ten Realms Shusado Realm Shield! (The tenround of GodShuShaflowers!)

Tang En waved his hand gently, and the armored giant held the Rainbow Emperor's Staff in his right hand, and waved it gently in accordance with his own movements!

next moment!


The entire Imperial Prison superstructure began to collapse!

It seemed that it was not destroyed by the blunt force of the weapon, but directly cut into countless pieces.

In front of Tang En, these seastones and high-strength steel, coupled with the world's largest prison impelment city, Impelton, which has been run by the World Government for hundreds of years, are like a baby that can't walk.

In an instant, he was completely destroyed by Tang En!

The building collapsed, Tang En chuckled, and then he and the giant flew into the sky at the same time!

Tang En looked down at the collapsed prison in the giant's forehead.

Just listen to him murmuring to himself:

Since it's at the deepest point, that blow will penetrate it!


Following Tang En's soft drink, the next moment, twenty-four diamond wings suddenly spread out from behind the giant!

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