A dark gap was cut into the sky!

Extremely shocking!


A thunder rumbled across the sea!

The strongest collision between two Yonko, just the breath they exude can change the natural environment!

Hey, hey, what did that red-haired bastard do to daddy?

Wait a minute, he's not a man who does stupid things!

But it looks like the negotiations have broken down!

Look at the sky!


The sky is going to crack!

The pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates looked up at the sky and looked at this shocking scene!


The atmosphere on the Moby Dick must be solemn.

No one knows what will happen next when white beard and red hair take action!

But at this moment, a pirate who had just returned here hurriedly rushed onto the ship!

Dad, dad, it's not good!

Marco grabbed the pirate's shoulders.

Do you want to die? Just rush up! The red hair is over there!


Why on earth did you get so panicked just after you came back!

Captain Marco, look at this letter!

With that said, the pirate handed him the carefully kept letter.

Marco opened it and looked at it in confusion...

When he saw the content, his whole body shivered, and then his face changed wildly!

No way! It's not true!

Diamond Jozi and other captains also gathered around.

What happened, Marco!

Ace... was actually defeated by Blackbeard... that guy Tikki!!!


How is this possible? Ace is the captain of our second division!

That's Fire Fist Ace!

How is that possible for that guy Tikki!

Marco didn't have time to explain to them. With a hiss, a black shadow ran towards the white beard and the red hair.

When he ran onto the deck, he immediately saw the white beard and red hair with swords intersecting!

Dad!!! Something big happened!

Hearing Marco's words, the red hair and white beard turned their heads at the same time!

Marco, what on earth is going on!

Dad!!! Look at this information! This is from an informant within our navy!

Ace... was actually defeated by Teach!

Moreover, Teach exchanged the title of Shichibukai with the navy!

Now Ace is imprisoned in the underwater prison!!!!

Whitebeard put away his weapon with a calm expression.

The red-haired man was also silent.

Ku la la la la, good, good, very good!


The red hair bloomed at this time:

Whitebeard, the times have gone crazy. It seems that none of us can stop it!

Also, I will tell you Ace's identity.

He is Roger's biological son...





Just as Qiao Zi and others ran over, they happened to hear the red hair's words.

They are all stupid!

Ace...he said Ace is Roger's biological son!

Who is Roger?

...Is it that Roger?

Is there another Roger?

That...Pirate King Roger!????

A bunch of pirates were stunned!

This breaking news left them stunned.

Whitebeard suddenly raised his head, his face darkened.

Kid, please don't fool me about this matter.

The red-haired man replied in a deep voice:

Do you think it's necessary for me to fool you now that things are so bad?

So that means that Ace will be publicly executed by the World Government and the Warring States Period!?

That's right, that's right!

Ku la la la la, interesting, interesting!

Do you think I'm afraid of him? I'm a white beard!!!!

At this moment, the pirate who sent the message ran over.

Old...Dad, there is another oral message, that is...there is a female marine who was sent to the Deep Sea Prison LV6 by Akainu because she spoke for the pirates.

It doesn't matter what happens to this kind of thing, it has nothing to do with us.

The red-haired one asked:

Female Marine? What's her name!

It's...a naval lieutenant commander, named...Tina!

The red-haired face suddenly changed!

Chapter 144 The world went berserk in an instant

The red-haired face suddenly changed!

He vaguely remembered that this naval lieutenant commander named Tina seemed to have a close relationship with the love saint of the Tang En family.

For people like them, Tang En's reputation as the Love Saint is well known to everyone.

The red-haired man quickly asked:

Do the top brass of the Navy know about this?

The informant said that it seems that the higher-ups didn't know about this matter. Sakaski acted on his own initiative and hid it from the higher-ups.

The red-haired man was shocked, and finally understood the whole story.

Sakaski, Sakaski, you are asking for death!

After saying that, he shook his black cloak and turned around to leave the Moby-Dick.

He paused, turned his back to White Beard, and sighed:

This world has gone crazy! No one can predict what will happen next.

I didn't expect that the group of monsters who had always been aloof would be involved!

Whitebeard looked at the red-haired back and pondered.

He also understood what the red hair said.

And depending on the situation, it might be lucky for the pirates.

Above the 20,000-meter white sea above the sea somewhere along the Grand Line.

The Leisure sailed quietly.

The magical thing about this world is that no matter where you are, you can receive reliable pigeon newspapers.

Even the navy and the world government could only stare blankly, unable to find any trace of the Twain family.

But pigeons never get into trouble.

As long as you are on this planet, no matter where you are.

As long as you can make money, as long as you buy newspapers, then I can find you!

No, on the deck of the Leisure at an altitude of 20,000 meters, standing on the side of the ship was the carrier pigeon that had just arrived to deliver the newspaper.

Tang En put the money into its pocket, picked up the newspaper and read it...

The huge headline is that Ace has been arrested and will be executed in three days...

Haha... Blackbeard is really fast.

Then he looked down.

In the last little corner of the last page of the newspaper.

Reported on subsequent events in Alabasta.

I don’t know which reporter who wanted to earn royalties reported the incident of Akainu arresting Tina.

Although this matter is not eye-catching to ordinary people.

But when Tang En saw the news, his face calmed down...

Eyes narrowed...

Sakaski, are you looking for death? It's interesting.

Tang En's hand burst into flames, instantly burning the newspaper to ashes.

Then, he turned around and walked towards the control room.

He looked at the map on the huge screen and pondered.

Their current location is still some distance away from the Deep Sea Prison.

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