When everyone heard what the chef said, they looked at Crick. Just now they felt pity for him because he was about to starve to death, but the result changed instantly!

However, it's too late!

While Sanji was stunned, Click smiled ferociously!


He raised his arm and knocked Sanji to the ground with a direct elbow.

Nami's eyes widened!

Is this... is this what you call the strongest in the East China Sea? Is it... a bit too weak?

Ahhhhh! Run!

This is different from what was promised, leader???

Didn't I agree that I would bring you here and you are not allowed to do anything to the people here?

Hmph! Jin, what do you know! We are pirates!

Listen up, prepare food for 100 people! There are still 100 people on my ship who don't have food and water!

Stop talking nonsense and just do as you are told!

These chefs still want to resist, but they are obviously not on the same level as Crick!

Looking at the guests hurriedly looking for coats, Click smiled!

But when he glanced at Tang En's table, he frowned.

Why is something wrong?

The people at this table seemed a bit out of tune with the current environment.

Of course it wasn't just him, the chefs and the Straw Hats also noticed.

at this time.

a voice sounded.

There is food for 100 people at this time, please leave now!

You...you are Zhepu!!!

Red-footed Zipu!



The hall fell silent and the chefs were stunned!

Red-footed Zhepu, what is this? ?

Click grinned!

This is a man who returned safely from the Grand Route! Legend has it that he has super kicking skills. After every battle, his feet are covered with the enemy's blood and dyed red. The name of Red-footed Zhepu is That’s how it came about!”

This time, the chefs were completely confused!

It turns out that their chef is actually a big pirate!

So... so strong!

Hahahaha, Red-footed Zepp, hand over your logbook!

Hearing this, Tang En raised his eyebrows.

Chapter 136 Is there something wrong with you?

Tang En raised his eyebrows.

Is there something wrong with you doing this?

In the originally quiet hall, because of Tang En's words, it was like a pebble thrown into a pool of water, causing ripples immediately!

No one in the room expected that this ordinary diner would have such great courage to be able to sit here safely. Who would have thought that he would dare to talk back to the most powerful overlord of the East China Sea, Click? ? ?


Click looked at the Tang En family.

Who are you? Hahaha, how dare an ordinary person like you speak to me like this? Don't you know my identity? Wait.

Of course, Crick not only saw Tang En, but also saw the girls.

Finally, he set his sights on Nami.

To be precise, it's what's on her wrist...

That was a permanent pointer that Tang En had specially obtained for Nami in order to satisfy her petty desires.

Permanent pointer? Great! Hahahahaha, it's so effortless!

It seems that I no longer need your logbook. As long as I have this permanent pointer, I can recruit my subordinates again and go to the Grand Route again!

I have the strength, and I also have the power! The only thing missing is the intelligence!

Little girl, hand over your permanent pointer!

Suddenly, the entire restaurant could hear a pin drop.

Everyone turned around and looked at Tang En and his group behind them by the window.

Especially what's on Nami's wrist!

Permanent pointer? What is that?

No, no, I don't know...

Straw Hat looked even more adorable:

Grand Line? Permanent Pointer? What is that?

Facing Crick's threat, the girls and their family remained calm and composed, as if they didn't hear it at all.

Tang En took a sip of red wine, picked up the tablecloth and wiped his mouth.

Then, stood up.

As Tang En advanced, the chefs slowly made way for him...

I don’t know why, but they just gave way.

This is also the aura of a strong person.

When Tang En walked next to Zhepu, Zhepu turned his head and looked at Tang En.

I didn't expect that even a big shot like you would appear in the weakest East China Sea!

boom! ! ! ! ! ! !

In a word, let the chef in the restaurant, the Straw Hats, Crick! It's all like being hit on the head with a hammer!

A moment of dizziness!

What did Zhepu just say?

Who is Zhepuna?

The great pirate who sailed on the Grand Line for a year and returned successfully!

This is already a legend in the East China Sea!

Then, from his mouth, he actually said that the red-haired man next to him was a big shot! ?

Could it be that... this man is stronger than Garp! ?

Tang En smiled at Zhepu.

Well, you should also know what our family is like.

Zhepu was thoughtful.

That's right, only you are so special.

Listening to the two of them playing riddles, Click was about to explode!

Who are you! Are you the companion of the woman with the permanent pointer!

Tang En looked at Crick and smiled.

Why, she is not just my companion.

That's right, this year is 1522, which means that it has been 4 years since Nami came to the Tang En family by surprise.

In the past four years, everything you need to do with Tang En has been done, right?

Otherwise, why would Nami exude the aura of a goddess now?

How could a young loli have such a temperament?

Tang En said with a gentle face:

She is my wife, why? Do you still want to pay attention to the permanent pointer? That is my gift to her!

Gift?? I don't care who you are! I'm going to set this permanent pointer today!

Tang En smiled disdainfully.

Are you the only one who is the loser of this Grand Line?


At this time, Zhepu spoke.

With just one sentence, Luffy, Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, and the chefs were all shocked!

Click, I advise you to get the food now and leave here quickly. Before the man in front of you makes a move.

What do you mean!

This man... is one of the highest-ranking people in King's Landing!


The place after the Grand Line!

When Crick heard this, his eyes bulged out!

He looked at Tang En in horror, his whole body was like chaff.

No, no, no, no, no, it's impossible! This is the East China Sea!

Click collapsed!

In his opinion, this is absolutely impossible!

Red-footed Zhepu turned his back to him and said:

There is nothing impossible about this. How can you guess the thoughts of a strong man?

Tang En just stood there casually, and Click no longer had the courage to take action!

He is like an extremely high mountain, intimidating!

Take action? How can it be……

Crick tremblingly picked up the food and turned around to leave...

At this moment, Tang En took out his cigarette case, took out one and lit it.

He took a deep breath and sighed:

You are really unlucky. Even if I don't do anything, you... probably won't be able to leave!

Everyone in the restaurant immediately focused their attention on Tang En.

they know!

This is a big shot.

Although I don't know the name.

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