You are the fish-man dragon, right? Judging by your nose, you should be right.

The fish-man dragon, or Aaron, is a saw-tooth shark man.

Murlocs are much taller and stronger than humans, and they are invincible underwater.

The power is also many times that of humans.

This is also the reason why fish people say that humans are an inferior race.

Aaron opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, and a fishy smell came towards him!

Human, who are you! Why don't you kneel down when you see me, Arlong, the captain of the Dragon Pirates???

Tang En's mentality is really messed up.

He frowned, not wanting to talk nonsense to him.

I won't say more. You should know what you did. I really don't know if Fisher Tiger and Jinbe had their brains kicked by donkeys back then, so they allowed villains like you to live until now!

Aaron was shocked when he heard Tang En tell what was hidden in his heart!

Who are you? Why do you know this!

Tang En said sarcastically:

I know a lot. This is just one of them. Also, Navy over there, when are you going to show up?

As soon as the topic changed, Tang En raised his finger, and in an instant, a beam of light shot towards the corner!

boom! ! ! !

The huge explosion instantly destroyed a corner of the pirate headquarters!

The two Nami who were watching from the periphery almost vomited their eyes out!

This... this man is so powerful!

The evil dragon trembled in his heart. From the power of this move, it could be seen that this man was not a match for him!

Ahem! Bastard! How dare you attack the navy!

A scream came out of the smoke!

After seeing the person clearly, Tang En almost laughed out loud.

Isn't this the legendary Mouse Navy...

Unexpectedly, there was a whole bunch of them.

Okay, you two don't need to talk nonsense, I don't want to hear it either. And I'm in a hurry, so I'll let you two die together!

With a whoosh, Tang En's whole body turned into a silver light, and he came behind Aaron in an instant.

With Tang En's speed, how could Aaron, who had no sense of domineering power, predict it in advance?

Space is king and time is supreme. Have you ever been kicked by time and space!?

The flowers fell, and under Aaron's horrified gaze, Tang En's right foot flashed with a dazzling light!

The next moment, the cross star flashed and exploded!

boom! ! ! ! !

The two Nami girls in the distance were shocked! The whole island seemed to be shaken three times, and the two girls were a little unsteady!

Looking at the huge mushroom cloud in the yard, the two of them were like statues, completely stiff...

...Okay!! So strong...Why would such a person appear here!?

At this moment... Nami seemed to have thought of something.

After all, she has been hanging out all year round and has read some newspapers.

She swallowed her saliva and said stutteringly:

Sister...sister, when that man introduced himself, what did he say his name was!?

It seems like...Uzumaki Twain!

Nami murmured...

Whirlpool...Twain, whirlpool Twain, whirlpool Twain! ??????

Nami's scream echoed throughout the sky!

Nuoqi was shocked!

Nami...Nami, what's wrong with you?

Her delicate body was trembling, her whole body was tight, and her eyes were looking at Tang En with admiration!

I didn't... I didn't expect it to be Whirlpool Tang En! That's... the founder of SEVE!

Tang En was actually eavesdropping on the conversation between the two women.

When Nami said these words, Tang En spurted out a mouthful of blood!

Damn... Beauty, you got it wrong, right?

Shouldn't it be said that I am the head of the Tang En family, Uzumaki Tang En? Is it powerful? Is he handsome?

Who is this founder of SEVE?

Is the influence so great? ? ? ?

Tang En feels a little regretful now...your sister!

Aaron, who seemed to have been kicked to death in the corner of his eye, stopped paying attention.

He turned his head and looked at the incontinent mouse Lieutenant Colonel.

You corrupt man, go to hell too!

Raising his hand, a beam of light formed at his fingertips, and in an instant, the mouse Lieutenant Colonel was headshot!

The beauty of a headshot is like a rose in full bloom!

This scene almost made Nami scream!

Tang En turned around, shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands towards them.

Sorry for frightening you. doesn't matter!

Okay, let me tell you, it can be solved in a few minutes. Don't you two ladies treat me to a meal? problem!

at this time……

The huge noise here attracted many villagers.

When they saw the killed fish-man Aaron, they couldn't believe their eyes!

Aaron...Aaron was defeated!?

Ah!!!!!! Aaron is defeated!

We are liberated!

Long live!

At this time, a group of murlocs emerged!

The leader has a tattoo on his forehead.

Tattoos of the Sun Pirates.

Tang En glanced at it.

You are Xiaoba, right? Sorry, I killed Aaron. You guys, go back to where you should be!

Xiaoba was immediately confused.

This man is so strong...

Tang En turned around and walked outside.

At the same time, he winked at Nami, meaning I am awesome.

Nami rolled her eyes.

The three of them quietly bypassed the fanatical villagers and returned to their hut.

On the dinner table.

Nami, how about you go to sea with me?


Chapter 131: Frightened Nami

Nami looked at her sister.

Nami, go and chase your dreams. The village has returned to peace and we can live a happy life! I will help you take care of the orange grove!

Tang En was thoughtful.

Nami turned her head to look at Tang En.

Since you invited me to be your navigator, can you introduce your team in detail? You can't keep me in the dark, right?

Tang En smiled awkwardly, and that was right.

Oh, I forgot.

Just as Tang En was preparing to introduce...

There were all kinds of exclamations, disbelief, and screams outside the room!

Holy shit! What is that!

Ahhhh! Run! There are monsters like this!

Run quickly! Wife!

The evil dragon just died, so what is this!

Why are we so miserable!

inside the house.

Tang En looked confused...

What...what's going on!

Bang bang bang!

There was a knock on the door.

Nami also looked confused, what was going on.

The moment she opened them, she understood...

I saw a row of women standing outside the door... women who were as beautiful as flowers, and whose temperaments were like goddesses.

A woman with special eyes standing in front smiled.

You are Nami, please. Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Kaguya Otsutsuki, and I am the wife of Uzumaki Tang En.

They are all just like me, they are all my sisters!

Nami was completely dumbfounded!

In the room, Tang En felt like 10,000 Pippi shrimps were rushing past, Your sister! Why are you here!

His face kept twitching, and he stood up.

He rubbed his hands with a smile on his face!

Dear, why are you here! Didn't I ask you to wait for me at home!

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