A layer of bright silver energy is mixed with traces of purple-gold stripes.

Gradually, a battle armor was formed that was too handsome to look at directly!

After Tang En put on his armor, his momentum suddenly increased again!

Now he has turned on the god mode!

The supreme, majestic aura pervaded from his body!

The gods only come down to earth for a day!

No matter what happens to the golden lion opposite Tang En, he has no way out now!

No matter who you are! I, the Golden Lion, am a man who wants to conquer the world!

I will never back down!!!!


Tang En raised his head, and a bright purple-gold light burst out from his eyes!

Golden Lion Shiji, I, the head of the Tang En family, Uzumaki Tang En, recognize you!


Shinto Mode·Ten World Divine Wheel Eye·Magic Body Technique·Arahui Tai Chi!

Thousands of rivers and mountains, the ten worlds rotate!

Light and darkness alternate, but I am eternal!

Eternal Divine Fist!!!!!!


PS: Isn’t the screenshot cool?

Chapter 124 Goodbye, hero!

Shinto Mode·Ten World Divine Wheel Eye·Magic Body Technique·Arahui Tai Chi!

Tang En's whole body erupted with brilliance that surpassed that of the sun!

The extremely handsome God's Armor suddenly emits countless purple-gold runes!

Thousands of rivers and mountains, the ten worlds rotate!

Light and darkness alternate, but I am eternal!

Eternal Divine Fist!!!!!!


With this punch, the whole world seemed to have stopped!

There is only this light left in the world!


Divine fist!

A cross of light flashed...

The two collide and explode!

The hundred-meter-tall golden lion was simply vulnerable to Tang En's eternal divine fist!

Boom! ! !

There was a loud noise, and the lion's armed domineering appearance was instantly destroyed!

And the sea water turned into a huge firework falling from the sky!

Tang En's speed did not slow down and he turned into a shooting star and rushed straight towards the golden lion!

Although the Golden Lion was defeated, there was no panic!

Hahahahaha! I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! My golden lion has been traversing the sea for decades and has become a legend! I didn't expect that I would fall into the hands of a red-haired boy today!

I'm not willing to give in, I'm not willing to give in!!!! Hahahaha!


Tang En pierced the heart of Golden Lion Shiji without any appreciation!

Tang En's fist passed through the golden lion's chest and made a big hole!

Ahem! Awesome! I, the Golden Lion Shiji, have only truly admired one person in my life! That is Roger, the Pirate King!

I didn't expect that I would meet a second one before I died!

Whirlpool Tang En, you! You are worthy of being admired by me, the Golden Lion Shiji!

Tang En's expression remained unchanged and he said calmly:

Golden Lion, with your last performance, I, Whirlpool Tang En, recognize you!

Hahahaha! Good, good! King! Hahahahaha!

Way to go!


The next moment, the golden lion's body lit up!

Poof! turned into little stars! Drifting away in this sea!

And Tang En is even more quick-sighted!

A pair of Ten Realm Divine Wheel Eyes were ready to capture the fragment of the broken law!


The patterns in his eyes rotated rapidly, and the next moment, those law fragments were sealed by Tang En!


After closing the Shinto mode, Tang En exhaled.

He looked down at the girls who were almost asleep, and his face twitched...

This is great, he is working here as a coolie, and others are just watching movies.

Look, I fell asleep watching this movie...

Only Perona, Robin, and Hancock watched with gusto.

During the battle, Robin also wanted Perona and Hancock to spread knowledge about the history of the Golden Lion!

Tell them how Golden Lion Shiji is famous, what events he has experienced, and what legendary pirate he is!

When they saw the Shinto mode that Tang En showed in this world for the first time, they immediately exclaimed!

Perona even threw away all the popcorn!

I almost couldn't help but fly up to take a closer look at Tang En!


Tang En landed on the deck.

With a hiss, Perona flew over quickly.

Wow! Tang En, I didn't expect you to be so handsome! Your transformation is so handsome!

Especially that armor!!!

Tang En grinned:

The armor is more handsome, or I am more handsome!

Of course the armor is cool!


Hearing the noise, the girls also woke up.

Oh, it's done!


Where's the stuff?


Of course it's Piaopiao Fruit? Aren't you going to use it to upgrade the leisurely number?

...You already know this.

Here, here!

With that said, Tang En pulled out the law like a ribbon from the void.

Kaguya looked at it carefully and said:

It seems that you have something to do again. Upgrading the leisurely number this time is a big project.

Yes, we need to complete this rule first. This is the rule of the ultimate devil fruit. It is very precious, especially there are very few who can assist the leisurely number.

After upgrading, our ship can be regarded as a true battleship of all realms!

No, no, the Battleship of All Worlds doesn't count. After all, we haven't found the ultimate devil fruit that can jump through space. I guess that thing is on one of the Five Old Stars. It's not easy to get.

Well, it's a matter of time.

Let's go back and eat! The banquet was interrupted by the golden lion in the middle of the party.

At this time, Kushina asked abruptly:

Twain, Golden Lion is a legendary pirate, right?

Tang En said doubtfully:

Yes what's the matter!?

Then...as a legendary pirate, he must have a lot of treasures.


Then let's go get it! It should be on the island above, right?

Tang En's face darkened... Damn!

What are our identities?

Are we the Tang En family?

Your husband and I are even gods in the world, why do I have to deal with a wife like you?

Watching the girls flying towards the floating island with joy and laughter, Tang En shook his head helplessly.

He thought as he walked towards the research room.

The strength of the Golden Lion should be the same as that of the current Four Emperors, right? Or should it be a little stronger? I don't know why, but it makes Tang En feel so weak?

Is it because of a disability?

at this time……

He paused in his steps...

Suddenly his eyes lit up!

Thinking of the thing on the forehead of the golden lion!

Just listen to him murmuring:

I don't believe that someone with a rudder in their head can use normal strength...

If Golden Lion Shiji heard Tang En's words below, he would probably be so angry that he would collapse directly!

By the time the girls returned with their full load, Tang En had already gotten into the research room, fighting for the Leisure to be upgraded to a helicarrier!

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