
Gradually, on the navy playground, all the officers and soldiers watching started dancing to the music!

Warring States had bulging veins on his forehead and his face was getting redder and redder! ! !

Seeing the officers and soldiers dancing SEVE together on the playground, he was already confused...

Mechanically, he turned his head and found Garp...

This dance... is so magical! Wow, hahaha, I like it!

I saw Garp also swaying and jumping!

Warring States finally couldn't help it, and a mouthful of old blood spurted out!

really! It's definitely not good for the Tang En family to show up!

Look, on the playground, there are soldiers, school officers, generals... grass and mud horses! And naval heroes…

Now Sengoku's mind is blank.

Only the demonic brainwashing SEVE is left.

Since the mind is blank...then the resistance will naturally disappear.

In the end of the Warring States Period... I also joined the large group of square dances...

Speaking of self-control, even the strictly disciplined naval headquarters has been brainwashed... not to mention the squares of kingdom cities everywhere...

The inhabitants of the world are already dancing with joy!

At this moment, Tang En on the screen spoke!

To all those watching on television around the world! Good afternoon, everyone!

Everyone must know my identity. Let me introduce myself again. I am the head of the Tang En family, Whirlpool Tang En.

This time, in order to give back to the residents around the world, I made up a dance, this is it! I call it SEVE!

Add a little spice to everyone's life!

Whether you are a child, a young man, a middle-aged man, or an old man, this dance is suitable for you!

Then, let's continue to dance with our Tang En family!

When Tang En finished saying this! The whole world is boiling!

For this boring world, such a dance came out of nowhere, coupled with the brainwashing song of the model.

Instantly popular all over the world!

From the princes and nobles to the ordinary people.

Everyone fell in love with SEVE!

The influence of the Tang En family has evolved from one to a small group that keeps a low profile but likes to cause trouble every time they show up.

In an instant, it became a group that is well-known to ordinary people all over the world, whether they pay attention to world news or not!

It can be said that once this brainwashing dance came out, the influence of the Tang En family skyrocketed!

From now on when I go out and ask questions, I will say this:

Do you know the Tang En family?

We know him! He's the founder of SEVE, which is popular all over the world!

Ah! So it's them!

Not only did his influence skyrocket, but his identity was instantly cleared!

No matter how evil the world government is, it is useless!

Because the Tang En family has brought happiness to people all over the world!

And on this day.

SEVE’s square dance was born out of nowhere!

Breaking the era of zero entertainment in the pirate world!

Seeing the essence through things is the special skill of the strong.

For example, the Four Emperors, although they are also addicted to SEVE, but... they also see the purpose of the Tang En family.

They used this god-like SEVE to instantly change their identities.

Even if there is still a dizzying bounty, in the hearts of ordinary people, the current Tang En family is not evil.

If pirates appeared in front of the people, people would just run away in fear and shout that the pirates are coming.

Then when the Tang En family appears in front of the public, they will be treated like celebrities.

This is also the reason why the Tang En family is one step ahead of them.

The original Tang En family had strength, but its influence and power were basically zero.

So now, their influence has surpassed the navy and pirates!

Whether it is pirates or the navy, their influence is good or evil, and it is based on strength and power.

The influence of the Tang En family is based on music and dance that have no national boundaries or crystal wall boundaries!

This is the essential difference from them.

Thank you for your support! We are the Tang En family, and I am Whirlpool Tang En. Goodbye, everyone!

After saying that, Tang En and the other girls held hands and bowed.

After that, the film and television phone bug went dark.

Although the brainwashing song disappeared...

However, senior officials such as the Warring States Period and the Four Emperors have been able to predict that SEVE, which is sweeping the world, is about to become popular!

Warring States also looked at his body with a collapsed face, recovering from the magical music.

On this day, the affairs about the Tang En family and SEVE once again filled the front pages of every house!

And what made everyone look weird...

Not only SEVE, but also a ranking given by an organization that doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Ranking of world goddesses.

Damn it, is someone trying to cause trouble? ?

And the top 11 are all top cadres of the Tang En family!

This scene almost makes people’s eyes pop out!

Leisure number!

The family who got today's newspaper also looked at each other strangely.

Princess Kaguya pointed at the list in the newspaper with her slender finger and said to Tang En:

How is this going?

Tang En broke out in cold sweat on his forehead...

Who on earth came up with such a conspiracy!

He actually tried to provoke the unity of the Tang En family!

Your sister, isn't this going to start a family dispute?

The corners of his mouth twitched...

What... Kaguya, someone is definitely trying to mess with our family! This kind of thing is all a lie! We must resist it resolutely! Besides, in my heart, you are all equally beautiful! There is no priority!

The girls raised their heads and looked at Tang En with cold eyes.

That means that if what you say is a lie, you will definitely die miserably.

Tang En's scalp was numb from being stared at by them, and cold sweat was dripping down his back!

He was madly cursing the newspaper that ranked the list in his heart. He wanted to know who was causing the trouble and I would kill him if I didn't!

The popularity of SEVE continues, and the topic of the Twain family has been hotly discussed.

But, still the same sentence.

There are many popular people.

There are always people who are unhappy with you, or are jealous or something like that.

For example, a rebellious man who never knew how high the sky was or how big the sea was had already set his sights on them.

The original plan had not yet been implemented, but he saw the daughters of the Tang En family and the invincible battleship.

He couldn't hold back anymore and was ready to take action!

Chapter 120 The world of the strong!

Haiyuan calendar year 1516.

The windless zone of the Grand Line.

The Leisurely sailed slowly in the calm zone.

The Down family is celebrating a successful debut.

For Tang En, he had seen this kind of thing many times, but for the wives, this was their first experience.

World live broadcast!

In Tang En's hometown, this was a joke that was played badly, but in the world of pirates, it is still a new thing.

This is just great.

Not only was SEVE an instant hit by the Twain family, but her wives were also selected as goddesses around the world!

Thousands of meters in the air.

A huge floating island flew across the sky.

If you look carefully, there are countless small islands surrounding this island.

It is as majestic and majestic as a city in the sky.

But don't be fooled by his appearance.

This is not a natural landscape or a floating island.

Because on the largest island, there is a pirate flag hanging on a tall building!

A golden lion roars on the pirate flag.

And the name of the captain of this pirate group is also coming out.

That's right, it's Shiki the Golden Lion, one of the three most powerful pirates!

And he also saw the women of the Tang En family through the phone bug...

Ah hahaha, these girls are all good, each one is powerful and beautiful, just perfect to strengthen our fleet!

I saw a man with golden hedgehog-like hair hanging behind his head and wearing a golden striped coat, smiling crazily!

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