Like a goddess scattering flowers, the unparalleled energy cannon unfolds in an instant. The dragoon system locked by black technology makes its accuracy infinitely close to 100%.

When the starting point starlight started to flash from the leisurely number, Warring States and others secretly exclaimed that it was not good!

Damn it! Garp!

Armed color domineering, hardened, big Buddha, golden body!!!

Armed Haki·Hardened·Fist Bone·Meteor Swarm!

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel on the other side also launched a defense!

Armed color domineering, hardened, thirty-six stacks of waves!

Ghost Spider also activates the Devil Fruit ability, using its hair to transform into six hands like a spider, and slashes countless swords with swish!

The next moment, the two sides collided!

Boom boom boom boom boom!

A series of explosions came from the naval fleet!

Even if the lieutenant generals and major generals were able to withstand some of the leisurely attacks, some of them still slipped through the net!

And the unlucky guy who was hit in this part exploded instantly!

The warships burst into flames in an instant!

Or it could be directly penetrated from the middle, and the entire warship would be broken into two halves!

Warring States roar!

Uzumaki Twain, what exactly do you want to do!!!

Tang En grinned!

Unexpectedly, this group of navies still had a chance to survive, and this AOE attack only sank a few ships.

Tang En clicked his ears and said to Warring States:

What are you not doing? This is just an excuse.

Chapter 108: Leaving gracefully without taking a single cloud with you

Nothing to do, just a way out!


Click! ! !

Warring States' ears were filled with thunder, and his mind was buzzing...

Just to borrow a way...

Just borrowing a way...

That's all...

I...**\u0026\u0026**()(You are so spicy!

The Warring States Period exploded instantly!

Completely at a loss, he kept swearing in front of many subordinates!

A group of marines stared at their respected Marshal of the Warring States Period in stunned silence.

In peacetime, the Warring States Marshal was dignified, wise, and kind, giving people a sense of reliability and special justice.

but now……

This horse has even thrown away the cloak of justice!

Pointing at the whirlpool on the opposite side, Tang En spitted and sprayed wildly!

Is this... is this really the majestic Warring States Marshal?

The contrast between riding a horse is too great!

Garp closed his eyes and held his forehead, quietly taking a few steps away from Warring States...

Lieutenant General He lowered his head in shame and anger, as if he didn't recognize the Warring States Period at all...

This is too embarrassing!

Watching Warring States spraying wildly on the opposite side, Tang En's family was stunned!

This, this, this...

Hahahaha, I'm laughing so hard, Tang En... look how angry you are at Warring States?

Tang En shrugged innocently.

Are we just taking advantage of the road? Who made them come here in such a hurry!?

Forget it, let's leave as soon as possible. After a while, it will be time to take action again. It will be very troublesome...

With that said, the Leisure rides the wind and waves, looking at the naval fleet as if it were nothing, and continues to launch bombardment while heading towards the direction of Judiciary Island!

Originally, Leisure's sailing speed was beyond the reach of these old wooden Galen-type sailboats, and coupled with the effect of ocean currents...

In just a few minutes, these navy fleets could not even eat the exhaust of Leisure.

The difference in speed, the difference in firepower...

Let Warring States and others truly experience what technological suppression is!

Why, even if you lose your character, can you still catch up with my ship?

Besides, aren’t the masters on the leisurely number yours?


Sengoku smashed the side of the battleship with one punch!

This was Tang En's teasing, and he didn't even get angry!

Watching Tang En escape.

Fuck! The navy has been disgraced! I am such a useless marshal!

Then... Garp poured down another basin of cold water!

Warring States, I remember there is also a Gate of Justice on Judiciary Island...





The Warring States Period was confused.

Lieutenant General He was stunned.

The ghost spider is confused...

The nearby naval officers and soldiers were stunned when they heard what Garp said...

Their eyes almost bulged out!

Just listen to the roar of the Warring States Period!

Whirlpool Tang En, I'm a fool!!!!!!!

Quickly, get rid of the phone bugs on Judiciary Island! Let them open the door!

With the combat power of Judiciary Island, how can it possibly resist the Tang En family!

Strategic retreat!!!

Yes! Marshal!

It is indeed the wise general of the Warring States period!

Escape can be said to be so refreshing and refined, strategic retreat!

After giving a series of orders, Warring States wiped the sweat from his forehead...

What the hell is this? This is truly a disaster.

Looking at the Gate of Justice that disappeared not far away, Warring States felt like crying without tears.

Rebuilding a door to justice? How long will this take?

Damn, what a huge thing!

Back then, the World Government spent a lot of manpower and material resources on building these Doors of Justice.

However, in the Warring States Period, the door of justice that had persisted for hundreds of years was mysteriously missing...

I wonder if the World Government would choke to death if it knew about this!

Not far away, the Holy Land Marie Gioia.

What happened here quickly reached the ears of Wulaoxing.

Asshole! Do you regard our world government as nothing? This Twain family is simply arrogant!

Now let's not provoke this Tang En family. We haven't figured out their bottom line at all. What is their purpose!

Didn't Uzumaki Twain say that during the O'Hara incident, he was interested in the historical text.

Humph, he was just talking. He has not been found in the historical texts under our surveillance over the years.

How many times has our world government been slapped in the face by Uzumaki Twain! How can we still let him continue to be so arrogant!? Are you all stupid?

Old Five, calm down. Uzumaki Tang En is not an easy man to deal with. Wait, wait for the opportunity. There are four emperors at sea, the missing Kaishen Emperor, and a dangerous revolutionary army on land. Our navy The pressure on Prince Shichibukai is very high, so don’t let things get out of hand. At least the Tang En family has not occupied the land to become king, and there are no signs of overthrowing the World Government, which is completely different from the Four Emperors and the Revolutionary Army.

All right……

The matter about the revolutionary army...

Hmph, the revolutionary army is getting more and more dangerous, and they actually started to liberate those kingdoms.

It's time to hold a meeting against the Revolutionary Army!

Tang En doesn't care what the world government and navy want. Now he is only interested in the Seven Waters Capital and the big toy Pluto.

I don’t know what kind of funny expression the World Government will have when they find out that the design drawings are in his hands...

It’s funny just thinking about it…

Twain, there is another door of justice ahead...and is it still open?

Ah? Opened? What the hell!

Tang En was stunned when he heard Irisviel's words and turned his head to look ahead.

Sure enough, this door of justice is actually open?

Tang En's thoughts raced, and then he knew what was going on!

The Navy Headquarters and the World Government must have known that with the combat power of Judiciary Island, it was impossible to stop the Tang En family from traveling together. Since they couldn't resist, they might as well let them go.

Tang En's expression turned a little strange...

Isn't this a bit illogical?

Does the navy mean... to be subdued?

I can't understand it at all...

Ellie, tell me, what do the top leaders of the world government and navy think? Are you going to let us go?

Irisviel tilted her head and thought carefully:

Maybe it's an order from the Navy Headquarters, or maybe it's because the chief of Judiciary Island tends to bully the weak and fear the strong?

Bully the weak and fear the strong?

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