Folding space????

What the hell is this?

Several people looked at Porusalino with blank expressions.

In folding space, for example, the original distance of 100 meters becomes 50 meters after being folded, but this is obviously not the limit.

Since it is called folding, then 50 meters will be folded again to 25 meters, 12.5 meters, and 6.25 meters.

And through the space he folded, it only takes 6.25 meters to reach the original 100 meters. This is why he can exceed the speed of light!

Impossible! How could there be such a terrifying skill!

Porusalino spread out his hands, tilted his neck and said:

How is this impossible? The reality is right in front of us.

If you want to fight against him, it's impossible for one person to attack him alone. You can only attack him in groups, and these people must possess advanced domineering skills.

What Porusalino said was absolutely correct, the only way to deal with Tang En was to attack in groups.

At the same time, if you want to sense Tang En's figure, you must have such advanced knowledge, knowledge, color and domineering cultivation.

This is also the reason why Whitebeard, Warring States, and Garp were able to contend with Twain for so long.

Because the domineering cultivation of these three people is advanced enough!

Several people frowned, not knowing what they were thinking.

Then what's the second move?

The corners of Porusalino's mouth twitched... This second move is hard to say!

This is a domain skill...the so-called domain...

It means creating an independent space, not in this world, but in a dimensional space. Within this space, Uzumaki Tang En is a god!

So that means there's no way to fight against it?

Garp said in a deep voice:

This is impossible. As long as it is a trick, there will always be a limit!

Porusalino explained:

There is a strange shape in this space, which I have never seen before. It is composed of green and purple. is a circle. Sakaski and I were trapped inside, and there was no place in our bodies that we could move, which meant that we were both imprisoned, and we couldn't use our fruit abilities or domineering energy. In the end, Uzumaki Twain defeated us using weird physical skills, and that was it!


Weird physical skills? Confinement? field?

What is this stuff……

Polusalino, tell me, what is the ability of Vortex Twain?

Of course he has the dual ability of time and space. Need I say that? But this man is so scary!

Hearing what Porusalino said, Sakaski was furious!

Fart! This evil element must be completely eliminated! He is the source of chaos in this world!

What Sakaski said was like brainwashing...

Brother, the person in front of you is either the strongest figure of the older generation or a general. Who are you brainwashing! ?

Sakaski! Don't be impulsive. Although the Twain family does not have any affiliated forces, their own strength is enough! And they don't have any territory, and we can't catch their tail!

Lieutenant General He comforted Sakaski, but her tone suddenly changed.

But...the six major forces currently recognized in the world, in addition to our navy and the King's Shichibukai, there are also the Four Emperors, the Kaishen Emperor, the Revolutionary Army, and finally the Tang En family.

As long as we sow discord a little bit and let the Four Emperors, the World God Emperor, and the Tang En family fight to the death, then wouldn't it be wonderful for us to be the fishermen?

Sengoku frowned.

This method has been used once, and the Tang En family will not be fooled at all. Uzumaki Tang En does not care about his status, so he is fundamentally different from top pirates such as the Four Emperors.

What's the meaning……

It means that he will not fight to the death for fame, power, wealth, these things. For him, the things that interest him are things that are useful to his family. For example, the devil at the bottom of the box that the World Government put out Fruit. If it weren’t for this Devil Fruit, he wouldn’t have appeared at all!”

Chapter 106: One mountain is divided into four seasons, and the sky is different ten miles away!

Then what do you think we are going to do?

The entire ward fell silent, and the five of them were all thinking about how to deal with the Tang En family.

Why should we deal with the Tang En family?

Garp's unintentional words shocked everyone...

Wha...what? Garp, what did you say?

Garp laughed.

Warring States, why do we have to deal with the Tang En family? Isn't it better to let nature take its course? Since we can't deal with it, then this is the only thing we can do, right?

Let nature take its course? Aren't you afraid that this family will do something dangerous?

Garp chuckled.

What are you afraid of? What they do is 'their' business. It has nothing to do with us. If they are nervous, it is 'them' who are nervous.

Kizaru Porusalino and Akainu Sakaski couldn't understand the code words between Sengoku and Garp.

Lieutenant General He suddenly realized it!

Yes, isn’t that what happened?

The strength of the navy now means that not to mention dealing with the most powerful Tang En family, but also against any of the four emperors, it has to use its full strength.

How can I still have the energy to pay attention to the Tang En family?

Since you can't deal with it, just let nature take its course!

Warring States was enlightened by Garp's words!

Garp, I didn't expect that your muscular brain could have such a method!! Hahahaha, let's go, I'll treat you to some senbei!

Wahahahaha, let's go, let's go!

After saying that, the two brothers seemed to have their arms around each other and left the ward.

Lieutenant General He shook his head and followed...

Akainu Sakaski and Kizaru Porusalino, who stayed in the ward, had different moods.

Akainu Sakaski is an extremely righteous person, so since he is evil, he must be resolutely and completely eliminated!

No stain left!

And the Tang En family is his biggest enemy!

Akainu is absolute justice - radical and persistent.

The Down family: must be eliminated!

On the other side, Kizaru Polusalino didn't think so.

He is a centrist.

Kizaru's justice, or principle of life: is ambiguous justice - doing things smoothly.

Do what you can do, don't force what you can't do.

Originally, Kizaru was not a serious person.

Being defeated by Tang En this time was also a last resort. Who let the Tianlong people be on top.

Apart from this, Kizaru's life in the navy was very fulfilling.

There is no Akainu's persistence, nor is Aokiji's confusion.

In Tang En's opinion, Kizaru might be the biggest winner.

On the other side, Sengoku, Garp, and Lieutenant General Ahe were chatting as they walked back to the office building.

at this time……

The Navy Headquarters' alarm suddenly sounded throughout Marineventor!

The three people in the Warring States period were stunned. Damn it! How many years has this alarm not sounded?

The last time it sounded was when the Golden Lion struck more than ten years ago, right?

Who is this Tama who wants to attack the Navy Headquarters?

Looking at the panicked marines on the playground, Sengoku grabbed one and asked sharply:

What's going on! Why did the good alarm go off? Or is it the highest level alarm?

The marine was startled when he was grabbed by someone. When he looked up, he saw that it was the marshal.

Marshal! That's it! The alarm sounded not because Marinevando was attacked, but... but...

Tell me! What's going on with your hesitation!

Yes... the Gate of Justice was attacked!

The eyes of Sengoku Capuahe and the others almost popped out!

What did they hear?

The Gate of Justice was attacked?

How can this be?

Since the construction of the Gate of Justice, no one has dared to attack! ?

What is the Gate of Justice?

Along the Grand Line, there are ever-changing and strange weather conditions, chaotic magnetic fields, and various natural disasters.

Of course, there is another danger that is not on the sea, and that is ocean currents.

In other words, various ocean currents or undercurrents.

They are in the middle of the sea.

The most famous one is the Windless Zone.

Not only is there no wind at all on the sea, but below the sea it is as quiet as a pool of stagnant water, which is a wonder in the pirate world.

Therefore, in the windless zone, the pirate ship has no way to move forward.

Likewise, the Gate of Justice was built using ocean currents.

Take the Navy Headquarters: Marine Vando, go to the underwater prison: Impelton City, and finally go to Judicial Island.

The world government's three islands form a triangle and are connected by a huge deformed whirlpool.

Form a special channel for the navy!

Similarly, the Gate of Justice cannot be bypassed because the sea currents on both sides of the gate are reverse vortices caused by whirlpools, and the ship cannot move forward.

Taking advantage of this natural geographical advantage, no pirates or hostile forces of the World Government dare to take this exclusive naval channel.

As a result, the sailor told Warring States that the sacred and absolutely defensive Gate of Justice had been broken down!

This horse riding was like a bolt from the blue, shocking him to the core...

Seeing that the marshal didn't respond, the navy turned around and ran away!

Garp and Ahe looked at each other and saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

What is going on? Is someone going to attack here?


Warring States finally came to his senses!

Come on, let's get on the boat and see who has the courage to walk through the Gate of Justice! What's happened to this world? It's turned upside down!

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