The distance between their faces instantly became a few centimeters.

Looking at Tang En's pair of deep pupils, Markle was already stunned!

What speed is this? Tang En's sudden appearance caught Marco off guard!

Tang En moved his lips!

Yushu Lei·Thirty Million Volts·Chidori!

Squeak, squeak, squeak, squeak!

Tang En combined the principles of the Ten Realms Divine Wheel, Thunder Realm, and Divine Jade to use the Chidori, and once again recreated that classic trick in the world of pirates!

Crackling! ! ! ! ! !


Marco was instantly hit by Twain's sprint attack!

In the blink of an eye, he turned into a lightning man!

Countless thunder and lightning intertwined from his inner body, and the blue flames on his body could not cover up the gradually emerging smell of barbecue! ?

Tang En raised the corners of his mouth and said softly:

Marco? How does electrotherapy feel?

Marco no longer cared to speak... He was so stunned by the electricity.

Is it true the feeling of being overpowered a joke?

After a pop sound, Tang En ended the attack.

Zizzi... He stood there with electric light on his body, looking down at the Phoenix who was already kneeling in front of him.

The incidental attribute of thunder and lightning is paralysis.

Marco was kneeling on the ground paralyzed, with his head lowered. Tang En couldn't see his expression, but he could guess something...

Hehehe...don't you know what my title is on this sea?

Chapter 91: Hang up and beat

After hearing Marco's words, Tang En raised his eyebrows.

That's right, Marco the Phoenix, the legendary Devil Fruit, the animal-type phantom beast, the Phoenix!

Attack is not his greatest strength.

And his greatest strength is the ability to infinitely regenerate.

Even Tang En had to sigh, it was so fucking perverted.

Marco, who was kneeling on the ground, slowly stood up again!

The blue flames on his body suddenly exploded!

With a bang, it started burning again!

At the same time, Marco's arms turned into wings and he flew up with a whoosh!

Tang En raised his head and looked at Marco, who looked like a divine bird, and narrowed his eyes.

After living for such a long time, what Tang En dislikes the most is looking up to others...

That's right, you are not allowed to be taller than me!

Marco lowered his head and sneered:

So what if you are a natural-type Thunder Fruit user? The most powerful thing about my fruit ability is that as long as I have physical strength, I can regenerate indefinitely! I am immortal!

Tang En sneered, immortal?

If you succeed, then let your physical strength be exhausted, and you can give me another one.

Tang En grinned, showing his white teeth!

Then, the whole person transformed into a purple light of electricity, sizzling and running with lightning, and attacked Marco in the sky!

And behind him, a purple trace of lightning was left!


Marco snorted coldly, then gave a low drink, and then his whole body transformed into a beast!

Although the image is a bit silly.

The phoenix is ​​so good, it actually wears a World War II-era pilot hat on its head, and even has goggles on the horse!

Tang En, who was moving at high speed, almost sprayed out!

Taiyi Thunder·60 Million Volts·Bronto Dragon!

Squeak! A purple oriental dragon composed of lightning wrapped around Tang En and killed Marco the Phoenix!

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, the sky was like brilliant fireworks, so beautiful!

The two turned into two shooting stars, one blue and one purple, dragging their tails of brilliant colors, intertwining and colliding with each other in the sky!

There was a collision sound of Puff! Puff! Puff!

The two of them fought further and further apart!

From the sky above the Moby Dick to the sky above the island, and from the sky above the island to above the sea!

Even the pirates from various factions fighting on the island discovered two dazzling meteors in the sky!

That... Marco and who? No!

That's Captain Marco! There's someone who can fight evenly with Captain Marco. He's a strong one!

Whitebeard and Kaido, who were far away on the peak, also noticed something strange in the sky.

Whitebeard, it seems that your eldest son, the captain of the First Division, is in trouble?

Ku la la la la, Marco will not lose! But what makes me curious is when did such a strong person appear in your team?

Would I tell you?

Hmph! Air shock!

Hahaha, it's useless, Whitebeard!!!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

In the sky, Tang En and Marco collided and fought crazily!

From the outside, the two are evenly matched, and neither can ignore the other, but is this really the case?

Tang En had a layer of Thor's armor attached to his surface, which made Marco's attack unable to achieve the desired effect at all. In other words, even the defense cannot be broken.

Tang En looked relaxed and content, but Marco was severely beaten by Tang En's attack.

He can only rely on the BUG skill of the Phoenix Devil Fruit to confront Tang En again.

Marco's brows were tightly knitted together, and his eyes were fixed on Tang En's movements, because Tang En had brought him huge trouble, or in other words, he had no room to fight back.

You know, both are people with the speed of light, are Kizaru and Tang En on the same level?

Marco just left...

Tang En seized the opportunity, and in an instant, a purple and black energy sword condensed in his hand!

In an instant, the figure disappeared from Marco's sight!

Marco was shocked!

No, this person actually hides his strength!

And this's actually a bit faster than Kizaru!

At this moment, Tang En had appeared behind Marco.

A strange flash of electricity flashed in his eyes, and then...

The Thor's Sword in his hand made a crackling sound and slashed towards Marco with a trace of hot light.

How fast does light travel?

Anyway, I don’t know.

But Marco should be shaken down.

Even if Marco used his increasingly mature knowledge and knowledge to observe Tang En's traces, he still couldn't react in such a short period of time!


The Thundergod's Sword came down, and in Marco's desperate eyes, it fell from the top of his head, and then divided his bird body into two halves, and the blue flames also turned into pieces with Tang En's sword. Two small fires.

Tang En grinned. It would take a lot of energy for Marco to recover from this blow, and he was probably almost done.

I saw two blue flames falling on the ground of the island, and then the split flames gathered together again, and the small fire turned into a big fire! It's like rising from the ashes!

With a bang, the flames burst into flames!

Then, Marco's figure reappeared in the blue flames.

However, Tang En could tell at a glance that Marco's expression became a little abnormal and he was too burdened.

After all, this is resurrection from the dead, not healing from injuries.

Tang En was like a god of thunder, with purple arcs flashing all around his body. He lowered his head and looked playfully at Marco, who was breathing heavily, and said with a chuckle:

Didn't you say that you are immortal? Infinite regeneration? Why are you so exhausted now? If I chop you once, can you... still regenerate?

Hearing Tang En's cold words, Marco raised his head.

The murderous intent in his eyes cannot be hidden at all!

This man is too dangerous. If he is defeated and meets other crew members, it will be a disaster!

The one-sided massacre flashed through Marco's mind like a movie.

This further determined the determination to drag this man here!

With a bang, Marco, who had stimulated his potential, burned the blue flame representing immortality again, raised his head and roared! Soaring into the sky!

Die to me!

The flame wings transformed into his hands opened to the maximum extent, like a sharp sword, attacking Tang En!

It's useless, you can't defeat me! Then this one blow will defeat you!


A large amount of thunder and lightning spewed out of Tang En's body as if it were free of charge. With a loud and ear-piercing sound, the thunder and lightning on his body began to materialize!

Then, a huge avatar appeared from around Tang En!

Yes, it’s Odin wearing knight armor!

In his hand, there was a huge hammer, even longer than the giant Odin's body!

Marco, follow my move, Tai Chi God Thunder·**Volt·Thunder's Hammer!

Chapter 92 Double Kill

Marco, follow my move, Tai Chi God Thunder·**Volt·Thunder's Hammer!

Tang En was like a god, condescending, looking down at Marco like an ant.

He was wrapped in a giant tens of meters high formed by thunder and lightning. In the giant's hand was a hammer that was hundreds of meters long!

I saw the hammer head flashing with deep, dark and strange black thunder, and crackling arcs of electricity dancing on it!

Tang En shouted softly and waved his hand down!

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