Chapter 88 All parties gather

The Whitebeard Pirates sailed towards the designated location.

Similarly, the Kaido Pirates of All Beasts are heading towards the same location.

Move your whole body with one move!

Whether it's Whitebeard or Kaido, both of them have countless pirate groups under their banners.

This confrontation is not strictly a confrontation between two people, but at the same time, it is also a competition of power and influence!

The red-haired Shanks stood on the deck with a solemn expression, facing something unknown.

Beckman said behind him:

Captain, don't we stop them? If they really start fighting, it will be troublesome!

What we can think of, the other side can also think of. Auntie's whereabouts are strange now, and she has no idea where she is. It is estimated that the World Government and the Navy have given her a lot of benefits. The World Government and the Navy arranged this We will definitely not be allowed to interfere in the drama. Since we can’t stop it, we can just watch the drama quietly.”

Is this really good? If Whitebeard and Kaido fight to the detriment of both sides and let the navy pick up the slack, then...

Beckman, have you forgotten something?


Although we don't know the whereabouts of that man, if we think about it carefully, it's not easy to figure out where he is now?

You mean...he came to the new world? And his target is also the devil fruit???

Hahaha, that man is not interested in anything, but he is only interested in devil fruits...

With his strength, what does he need a Devil Fruit for? And isn't he an esper himself?

Beckman, you didn't know this. He's not the only one on his ship!? This is the Great Lover. His family still needs Devil Fruits, which is why he needs Devil Fruits. But there's a little bit I still don’t understand that his family’s Devil Fruit abilities are something I’ve never seen before…”

After saying that, both Red Hair and Beckman fell into deep thought...

Not only do they think this way, but the Five Elder Stars of the World Government are also scratching their heads and can't figure out what kind of fruit power Tang En has?

Judging from the few shots he made, using time ability, space ability, plus super powerful physical skills...

Plus the weird trick that seriously injured Kizaru and Akainu...

Navy headquarters!

This mission is of great significance to our navy! The world situation no longer allows us to wait any longer! This battle must be won!


In this operation, 233 warships were dispatched! I, Garp, and Aokiji will lead the team! The Shichibukai Clown Bucky, Bartholomew Bear, Sand Crocodile, Jinbei, and... Don Quixote Doflamingo!


Warring States actually had no idea how many people would come back from this battle?

Get ready! Get ready to go!


The navy dispatched most of its combat power for this plan!

Just to catch them all in one go!

Even if only one person is defeated, the balance between the strength of the pirates and the navy will be restored!

Following the Warring States Marshal's order, the entire Marine Headquarters Marine Fando began to get busy!

There were running sailors everywhere, and the warships beside the port also lowered their main sails!

Navy, get ready to go!

New world, leisurely number.

The Tang En family was sitting in the luxurious living room, chatting about homely matters.

Perona sat on Tang En's legs, dangling her legs in black and white stockings, looking even more adorable!

According to our voyage, we can reach that desert island in three days.

Tang En chuckled and said:

We must be the last ones to arrive, right? By the time we arrive, Whitebeard and Kaido have already started fighting. I wonder how spectacular this scene will be.

Spectacular? Isn't it just a battle between two pirates?

... As the Four Emperors, how could they be the only pirate group? They are a force, and there are countless pirate groups attached to the Four Emperors' forces. Once the two sides fight, the entire new world will be in turmoil.

What about the navy...

Hehe, you finally got the idea. This time, the navy is like the mantis stalking the cicada and the oriole behind it. It's a clever plan. It wants to take advantage of Whitebeard and Kaido to lose both sides, and even add another one. Play us, and then they come out and catch them all? That's such a good thing.

What???? The Navy is plotting against us??

To be precise, it is the five old men of the World Government who are plotting against us. I publicly said in O'Hara that I am interested in the text of history, and the only people left in this world who can interpret the text of history are Right in our home. Do you think the world government can let us go?

The girls looked at Tang En in surprise, and then at Robin.

You mean...Robin?

That's right, the world government is afraid that the hidden history will be discovered, so O'Hara will be destroyed. Now, it's our turn.

As soon as Tang En finished speaking...

Wow!!! Great! Finally someone is looking for trouble! I haven't done anything for a long time!!! Come and catch us!

Tang En's forehead made a tic-tac-toe... and jumped suddenly.

What's going on with these stupid bitches! ? ? ? ?

Do you have nothing to do?

Or...are you a violent person at heart? ? ?

Perona turned her head, hugged Tang En's neck and asked:

The World Government, the Celestial Dragons...the navy are all so scary!

Tang En touched her pink hair and said softly:

Don't be afraid. As long as I'm here, no one in this world can hurt you. I'm very strong!

Perona thought for a while:

That's right, Tang En is a big pirate with a bounty of 1.3 billion!

Ahem...Perona! Not a pirate, but a traveler!

Aren't they all the same? They all have reward orders anyway...

Tang En was speechless...

However, he is still looking forward to this big melee. He wonders what strength Kaido has and what capital he has. He has been caught so many times and killed so many times but he is guaranteed to survive?

Is it really the legendary devil fruit?

In fact, Tang En didn't believe it...

Three days later...

A deserted island in the New World.

The sun was shining brightly on this day, the sky was cloudless, and the dense forest looked full of life.

In the center of the island, a peak rises above the clouds, like a fairyland on earth, so beautiful.

However, starting from last night, the fairyland here was broken!

From the coast, to the beach, to the forest, to the mountain peaks!

The loud noise of cannons and the sound of pirates fighting!

The sound of gold and iron as weapons meet.

Plus the various Devil Fruit abilities that occasionally appear.

The beautiful fairy island has become a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire!

On the outer edge of the sea, countless New World pirates are watching. Although they are not qualified to participate, watching this biggest battle in recent years can also give them a huge harvest!

Chapter 89 A brutal fight

The Grand Line, the New World.

On an unknown island, there was a pungent smell of blood everywhere, and scraps of soup and broken arms could be seen everywhere.

The island that was as beautiful as a fairyland half a day ago has now turned into a purgatory on earth.

Despite this, the pirates in the two camps are still fighting crazily!

The roar filled the sky!

The island is filled with what looks like a super haze, making people's vision blurry!

But this is not smog! This is the realm of death mixed with blood and murderous aura!

The island here has been filled with dense pirates!

And in the highest mountain peak, huge roaring sounds kept appearing! Just hearing it makes people feel shocked!

That was the place where two of the Four Emperors, Kaido and Whitebeard, fought.

If you are a slightly weaker person, even if you get even slightly closer, you may be shaken to ashes by the aftermath of them!

At this moment, a figure appeared strangely in the forest.

When the figure gradually became clearer in the void, it was an unfamiliar face.

But this is really Twain. It's just that this guy is a thief. If he does such sneaky things, of course he can't let people know that he is the Great Traveler. Otherwise, won't his reputation be ruined?

Tang En was not prepared to bring the girls to such a stomach-churning place. Especially Perona, it would be bad if she had a nightmare.

The deafening sound of fighting attracted Tang En's attention, and the strong energy vibrations could be felt even dozens of kilometers away from Tang En. The ground, or the entire island, was shaking.

Tang En raised his head and looked towards the top of the mountain.

Eyes narrowed...

Is that Kaido of the Hundred Beasts? Sure enough...

Through his special eyes, he could breathlessly see Kaido and Whitebeard fighting together!

It has to be said that the strength of the two of them is the best in the world! As expected of the Four Emperors!

Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, has a cheerful personality and a supreme domineering spirit. Although Kaido is a young and strong man who has come from behind over the years, he is still considered a junior compared to Whitebeard.

But even if you are like this, you are still on par with Whitebeard, which is a great pleasure!

Looking at the several-meter-tall figures of Whitebeard and Kaido, Tang En's mouth twitched.

This horse-riding man, what is happening to this world? Why is it that every BOSS-level character is as tall as a hill? Are they all descendants of giants?

There were ripples in Tang En's pupils, and he was speechless.

Both Whitebeard and Kaido are giants with a height of 7.8 meters. Their bulging muscles are like cast steel, and they are full of explosive power, giving people a strong impact at a glance!

This is not a body that humans should have at all.

Even among the three navy generals, which one is not a 3-meter-tall giant?

Tang En looked down at his figure...

This horse riding is simply a fool's errand.

If you are an ordinary person and see giants like Whitebeard and Kaido...

Not to mention trying to challenge, even if they take a look at each other, they will probably be so frightened that their liver and gallbladder will burst, and they will urinate and urinate.

However, Tang En is definitely not within the scope of ordinary people.

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