
Twain, you look so stupid!

Suddenly, in the gorgeous living room, the card players stopped playing, the people reading books stopped reading, and the mahjong players even pushed their tiles and stopped playing!

A group of cute girls rushed towards Tang En!

In an instant, the garden is filled with spring (manual comedy)!

This horse riding is really a happy life!

Half a month later.

Tina returned to the navy headquarters, and Smoker, who returned early, finally passed the news back to the headquarters with his perseverance.

The Navy quickly organized a team to search for Tina and Doflamingo, but when they arrived at the sea area designated by Smoker, nothing was found.

So after Tina came back, everyone in 287 was surprised that she was not killed or imprisoned by Doflamingo. This is a very strange thing.

So there is this scene again, where Tina is being questioned in the marshal's office.

In other words, that man saved you and defeated the Don Quixote family?

Admiral Sengoku frowned and said.


Then why did he save you? You must know that you are a navy.

Tina hesitated for a moment and then answered:

I don't know the reason. I don't even know how he appeared. There were no ships around. It was like he fell from the sky.

After Tina finished speaking, Sengoku, Garp, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru, and Lieutenant General Crane in the office all fell silent.

That man has always been a thorn in everyone's heart.

The strength is unknown, but the strength shown in just one shot is extraordinary.

The purpose is unknown, no one knows what his purpose is.

With an unknown origin, this man seemed to pop out of a rock and suddenly appeared at the execution ground of Pirate King Roger.

Mysterious identity, mysterious strength, mysterious everything.

Everything gave this young man named Whirlpool Tang En an even more mysterious aura.

A veil was thrown over him.

If everyone wants to see him clearly through the layers of fog, then... there is only time.

Chapter 59 The gears of destiny move forward slowly

Haiyuanli 1511, the first half of the great sea route.

Naval Headquarters, Marinevando.

In the marshal's office, there are Sengoku, Garp, Crane, Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru.

All six of them were silent.

Tina, who had been promoted to major, told what she had experienced from beginning to end.

How did Tang En appear, how did he fight the Don Quixote family, how did he save himself, etc.

Although everyone was silent, their thoughts were different.

Sengoku has a headache... He has no idea what the purpose of this mysterious man is! ?

He has no purpose and is powerful. How can the navy catch him?

Garp ignored it. He had a big event recently. His grandson had been born. He would go back to Windmill Village to have a look.

Lieutenant General He didn't consider Tang En's affairs at all. She was now solely responsible for the affairs of the Don Quixote Pirates. In other words, Doflamingo, who had just been defeated by Tang En and was completely wiped out, was the weakest. Time, if you seize this opportunity, you can have great hope of catching him all in one fell swoop!

Maybe we can also uncover the dark forces underground!

When Qing Pheasant heard that Tang En appeared again, he recalled the scene in O'Hara...

And Tang En's words made his original belief in benevolence and righteousness more firm. He has done the same in these years.

Kizaru completely pretended not to hear.

As a neutral person, he is best able to catch weak people. When he encounters a more troublesome and powerful enemy, he will do his best not to take action if he can.

It would be better to leave a troublesome opponent like Tang En to this extremely righteous person beside him.

The extremely righteous person... Akainu Sakaski, when he heard Tang En's name, the veins on his fists tightened, and his face became even more ferocious.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Tina's back.

If you look carefully, you will find that Akainu's eyes are shining with a fierce light, and he doesn't know what he is thinking...

For him, the hatred with Tang En was so deep that it was completely irresolvable!

Slap in the face, slap in the face again! It’s still the pirate identity that Akainu hates the most!

Tang En has been Akainu's lifelong enemy.

And the little major in front of him was actually saved by that evil man...

This woman...has tarnished the justice of the Navy!

She no longer deserves to be called a navy!

I don't know what he thought of, but a strange smile appeared on Akainu's face.

But everyone in the office was thinking about their own things and didn't even see Akainu's fleeting and weird smile.

Of course Tang En didn't know all this. He is now busy helping Hancock improve.

As a person born as Amazon Lily, he has been exposed to the practice of domineering since he was very young, and domineering and domineering was originally Boya Hancock's qualification.

In the gravity room. this the overlord's domineering spirit? It's not as powerful as you said? Didn't you say that everyone who gets hit will faint? Why doesn't anything happen to you?


After Tang En heard this, he rolled his eyes wildly!

Damn it, if I could be stunned by the overlord's domineering energy, what a fool!

He spread his hands and said helplessly to Hancock:

Hancock, although the name Bawang Se Haki sounds very powerful, it is just the most basic application of mental power. How can I put it, only people with a strong will and a strong self can awaken Bawang Se Haki , that is to say, born with strong mental power.”

And you are one of those few people.

But... we can't be complacent, because there is no way to cultivate spiritual power in this world, so domineering domineering power can only rely on qualifications, which are decided from the moment of birth.

But obviously, our family members are not within this scope. Because we can practice and exercise the strength and control of our mental power. For example, the idea of ​​​​the Great Sun View.

Hancock was thoughtful after listening.

So that's it! No wonder I feel like my thinking is faster than before this time, and even my memory is much stronger. Is this a manifestation of increased mental power?

Yes, mental power has many wonderful uses. Things that people in this world think are completely impossible can be done with mental power.

For example, in the body, in addition to physical strength, we can also rely on the fusion of mental power and physical energy to generate a new kind of energy, and this is the foundation of our strength.

After speaking, Tang En raised his hand and condensed a small ball of energy light in his palm.


Is this the magical energy you were talking about?

Of course, everyone in our Tang En family has it. The difference is that some people are slightly stronger and some are weaker.

And the attributes are also different. This is also related to each person's physique.

I really want to understand.

This is just the basics, but the good news is that there is a treasure in this world that can allow people to take a shortcut to improve their strength, which is the devil fruit.

Its foundation, or core, evolved from the fragments of rules, and I have the ability to make it perfect and evolve. For example, Robin.

Yes! Robin's abilities are really amazing!

Haha, right, there are even more powerful ones. As long as you practice hard, you will become stronger and stronger.

It makes my blood boil! Tang En, let's continue training!


Looking at Hancock who had entered the cultivation state again, Tang En's thoughts flew far away, and he thought of Tina who had returned to the navy.

The corners of his mouth quirked up strangely.

Letting Tina return to the navy is Tang En's bait. I wonder what funny guy can't help but jump out to cause trouble for Tang En?

Is it the wise general of the Warring States Period? Or that extreme mad dog?

The Warring States Period wouldn't fall for this obvious conspiracy, right?

The image of Akainu gnashing his teeth flashed through his mind, and Tang En wanted to laugh.

the other side.

The Don Quixote family, who returned to their base camp in embarrassment, are working hard to recover.

Doflamingo was bandaged and sitting on the main seat in the hall with a sullen face.

On the huge dining table in front of them, the family cadres were devouring the food in their hands like hungry ghosts reincarnated. Having just experienced a life-and-death crisis and narrowly escaping from death, they were hungry, and their mental and physical consumption was unprecedented.

At this time, Doflamingo spoke.

Our plan is about to be accelerated. Have the transactions over there been completed?

Young Master, the transaction over there is going very smoothly, and the other party is eager to rush for the next batch of goods.

Next time, we're going to do something big!

Young Master, isn't this good... what we were doing just now!

What are you afraid of, as long as we have this!

After saying that, Doflamingo raised the object in his hand, smiled strangely, and let out his representative laugh.

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa... As long as we have this artificial Devil Fruit, we will be invincible!

Chapter 60 Heading to Amazon Lily

Haiyuan calendar year 1511.

This year, an incident occurred that attracted the attention of both the navy and the world's governments. That is, the Don Quixote family was defeated by that strange young man and fled back to their nest.

But what happened next made Warring States frown.

After Doflamingo failed at the hands of that man, he was not discouraged and started doing business in the dark underground world again.

Drugs, arms, everything.

Among them, there are also various devil fruits, and the trading partners of these fruits...

Because of this, Lieutenant General He attacked repeatedly, but none of the Don Quixote family escaped again and again, and he had no idea why.

Doflamingo smiled strangely.

Yeah, it's because there are spies, you idiot!

And the last thing that almost caused the Warring States Period to collapse was that during a crucial pursuit and siege, his proud subordinate, Clason, died! ?

This made Warring States furious!

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