After speaking, Tang En raised his eyebrows and looked at this stunning beauty from top to bottom.

Her skin is white and tender, and her bare feet are just on the thick carpet.

Under the denim hot pants is a pair of beautiful white legs.

With a smile, Kaguya's exclamation came from the research room!

1501 AD, Windmill Village.

On this day, a small life was born in the small village.

And his birth also heralds that a new chapter is about to begin!

The post-One Piece era, the real age of navigation, is here!

Fortunately, the child was born without his mother.

Garp stood on the beach of the island, enjoying the sea breeze, grinning with relief.

Chapter 24 An Unquiet World

The year 1502 of the lunar calendar.

A year flies by in a blink of an eye.

This year, the entire situation in the second half of the Grand Line became more and more crazy, and countless big pirates swarmed away!

Of course, because of the words of Pirate King Roger, the number of pirates around the world began to increase dramatically!

Some civilians living leisurely on the island complained endlessly.

This gave the navy even more headaches, and the young Sengoku was about to grow old.

Naval Headquarters, Office of the Marshal.


Roger, that bastard, tricked us before he died!

Sengoku complained while rubbing his forehead. Looking at Garp who was eating donuts crazily on the sofa, he couldn't even lift his breath.

I said Garp, can you help me?

Huh? Do you want to eat donuts too, Warring States? Here, I'll give you one.

You old bastard!!!!!!!!!

Just then, Dangdang remembered the knock on the door.

Come in.

Report to the marshal, the general marshal's phone number.

Okay, I know.

In the vast and endless sky, there is no trace of pollution, and the sky is blue.

Whoa, whoa, whoa

On the shore, the waves gently lapped at the golden beach, making a pleasant sound.

In the distant sky, the sun hangs high in the sky. The blue sea and the blue sky are connected in the distance, making it impossible to see the end at a glance.

Not far away, there is a small island, and the waves rush toward it.

Looking carefully, a small figure wearing a rose-red dress walked on the golden beach with a lost expression, leaving a long set of footprints behind him.

The howling of seagulls and the crashing of waves played the symphony of nature around this little figure.

The little figure was walking, and suddenly seemed to find something.

Ah! Huh?

There was a fat, huge figure lying on the beach not far in front of her.

Many seagulls settled on his huge body or hovered over him.

The sea water also washed his body repeatedly, but the owner of this body did not react at all.

It seems that he is in a coma.

This small figure walked a few steps and came to the side of this huge body.

As I walked in, I realized that this huge figure should be a giant.

He has orange hair and a huge hat on his head.


Uh uh uh uh! Ahhhh!

The giant struggled for a moment, opened its mouth and looked up at the small figure.



Huh... I saved my life. I wonder what happened to that guy.

Anyway, thank you for saving me.

I never thought there was a town on this island.

The little figure clasped his hands behind his back and looked up at the huge head in front of him.

Well... there's a town here.

Is it……

Yes, this giant giant is Vice Admiral Saulo.

Somewhere in the West Sea.

This is Navy Headquarters, calling Chief Spangdyne.

On a ship with green paint and white sails, the phone rang.

One of the men in a black suit held a phone and said to a man on the bow:

Sir, I'm looking for you.

Ah... just pick it up. I'm here to confirm the situation anyway.

Why should I come to this damn place?

Needless to say, this is a warship!

And it is a warship directly affiliated with the World Government!

Everyone on the ship was wearing uniform black suits, which was not a navy uniform.

They are sailing on the West Sea, and their destination...


Dr. Kloba!!!

What's wrong?

There's... there's a navy ship!

Huh? Inform the scholars immediately!

On the coast, the giant's raft is ready.

The little figure looked at him reluctantly.

Well, be happy, Robin!


By the way, can you tell me where this place is?

Here, this is the West Sea, O'Hara Island.

What!???? O'Hara!!! Ward day!

Holy shit, how did I end up drifting to O'Hara!? Now is not the time to be ink-stained, listen up Robin!

Hurry up and tell everyone this information now.

The Navy warship should be heading to O'Hara now!

Navy, why?

To...obliterate the scholars on this island!

You absolutely cannot, tell the people in the government... and neither do you!

Quick, Robin, leave now!


In the town of O'Hara, Robin is running wildly!

The words of Haguwal D. Sauro echoed in my mind.

And on the other side.

You, report to headquarters that we have arrived!


Quick, quick, one after another!

Countless government officials in black suits disembarked from the warship, holding guns and quickly executing orders!

Oh, it's really troublesome, but after completing this mission, I can be promoted, right?

Looking at the soldiers scattered throughout the town to perform tasks, three figures stood under the warship.

One of them was wearing a black suit and a striped coat!

It is Spangdine, the chief of CP9, a department directly under the World Government!

Go and control all the scholars on the island!


In the small town of O'Hara, civilians have been evacuated!

And Robin just ran to the library and informed the scholars of the horrific news!

Just as Robin finished speaking, the door was kicked open!

Everyone put your hands up and gather outside!

We suspect that you, the O'Hara Institute, are guilty of violating the highest standards of interpreting historical texts!

We need to conduct a thorough search, everyone get outside immediately!

The town of O'Hara.

Notify all people that now that we have taken control of O'Hara Island, we will search the entire island. During this period, please take items that can prove your identity to the refuge ship!

Escape ship? Why did it get to this point?

Since it's a scholar's problem, what does it have to do with us?

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