That's right, Pirate King Roger is hiding a good thing here... the natural devil fruit he got.

After hearing Tang En's words, the girls looked happy!

Really? Where?

Well, don't worry. Let's have a rest tonight. Don't worry about getting it tomorrow. Let's go back to the ship first.

After saying that, the family walked towards the port pier in a leisurely manner.

Behind them, a pair of ferocious eyes stared at them fiercely. With the strength of the Tang En family, they definitely knew who it was, but they didn't care at all.

Would you argue with a mad dog? If it bites you, just kill it.

Although the Tang En family didn't care, they still gathered the attention of everyone present.

Admirals, the Whitebeard Pirates have not yet evacuated.

Red Hair, Mihawk, Don Quixote, Bucky, Moria, Long and others...

The red-haired man said to Bucky the Clown:

I want to be like him in the future!

how is it like?


As everyone thought, the next day!

Whether it's pirates sailing on the sea or navy!

Or the dignitaries and common people of land-based countries!

The whole world received a series of news yesterday that shocked the world!

Shock! The mysterious black-clad red-haired Kuroko defeated Navy Marshal Buddha of the Warring States Period with one move and became famous in one battle! 》

Mysterious Man's 4.8 Wife Punches General Akainu 'Kasasky' and seriously injures him! 》

The execution of the legendary Pirate King Gol D. Roger was successful! 》

The beginning of a new era! The Age of Discovery is coming! 》

The Navy is furious! Where will they go when a new era begins? 》

On the deck of the Leisure, Tang En was wearing flowery shorts, shirtless, and wearing sunglasses while browsing today's news.

Several lovely wives beside him were also lazily basking in the sun, and Kushina put her cute little feet on Tang En's abdomen.

Hey, Tang En. What exactly do you mean by the new era?'s the age of great pirates!

The Age of Great Pirates!

Yes, it's very exciting! Let's set off soon to get that thing.

Chapter 18 Wanted Order

Tang En put down the newspaper, stretched, and then put his big hand on Kushina's white and straight calf and touched it.

He smiled and said:

Okay, it's time for us to set off to find this loot.

Hey, Tang En! Is it a devil fruit?

Kaguya, wearing sexy denim hot pants and a small vest, asked Tang En.

Uh...that's right!

Oh, then let's go quickly, we finally have something to study!

Tang En was speechless...

Hey, even if you have been sealed for thousands of years, it is understandable that you are very curious, but how does this curiosity turn into a scholar and a scientist?

When Tang En and his party came to Rogge Town and walked towards a cliff outside the town, they were on the warship of the Navy Headquarters.

Navy hero, Iron Fist Garp, Navy Marshal Buddha's Country, and Chief Staff Lieutenant General He stood on the deck and said something.

I saw Sengoku with a bandage on his body and asked Garp.

What is the origin of that man! And his fruit power is even more terrifying! It feels as if he has traveled through time and space, as mysterious and strange as possible.

Garp laughed.

How do I know where he is from? The first time I met him was because I was bored 27 and went to capture the minions. However, I like his ship better than him as a person.

Ship? Is that the behemoth you mentioned?

Lieutenant General He asked.

Yes, that is an extremely beautiful and huge warship! I have never seen anything so beautiful! It should not appear in this world.

Lieutenant General He was silent...

After a while, she asked uncertainly:

Do you think it could be... the legendary... one of the three generations of ancient weapons... Hades?

Garp took the donut in his hand for a moment, then continued to eat it.

Warring States frowned, looking at the sea and thinking.

It's impossible. Not even the world's government has found clues about Pluto. They only know that it is in that place! And according to the information provided by Garp, the warship named the man named Whirlpool Down has no weapons at all. A traveling ship.”

If the Tang En family heard this, they would laugh to death!

A bunch of old haters and gunpowder cannons! This is the pinnacle of the combination of black technology and magic. Can your broken wooden boat compare?

Forget it, let's leave this matter to the higher-ups. We have an even bigger headache now...

Yeah, it's a more troublesome problem...

Damn Roger, he dared to join us before he died!

Yes, what Sengoku was worried about finally happened. He thought that catching the Pirate King would balance the power of Haishan, but he didn't expect that the Pirate King would usher in a new era.

That? Who knows what it will be like in the future.

On the other side, Tang En and his party have arrived.

The girls looked around and found nothing special.

This is it? There's nothing special here.

Of course, the Devil Fruit that Roger hid is for his unborn son. This Devil Fruit is a trap for him to use and will eventually harm him, so I will reluctantly accept it...

What you said is really high-sounding! can feel it if you turn on your senses. There is a very special energy body underground here.

The girls were stunned for a moment, then followed Tang En's words and opened up their senses.

Hey, what is that?

It's a very magical devil fruit. It has a familiar feeling that I have seen... in the root, as if... it is a fragment of one of the rules.

Tang En nodded.

Yes, that should be it. The rules of this big world are very complete, and the connection between its outer crystal wall and the void is very strong, which shows how complete this world is. Since the world is extremely complete, then it can The power it can hold will be more and higher! It is not an exaggeration to say that devil fruits formed from these fragments of rules will appear.

So that's it? Since Devil Fruits are essentially rule fragments, does that mean that better fruits can be synthesized?

Of course this is no problem, but the prerequisite is to get the rule fragments, right?

That's right. Devil fruits are hard to find.

Okay, let's grab our things and leave here. We've been in Rogge Town for quite a while.

Starting today, the world will become a more lively place!

What does it have to do with you.


The family returned to the Little Leisurely, and then slowly set off against the waves, facing the sun, and finally disappeared into the horizon under the awe of everyone in the port.

After arriving dozens of nautical miles away, the body of the Leisurely floated out from the seabed, and the Leisurely slowly drove in.

When they returned home, the family's faces were full of joy. After all, this is their root in this world!

Kaguya came to his own research room with the burning fruit that looked like balls of flames in her hand, and the other women followed her.

Tang En looked at this scene amusedly, and then he began to think deeply.

According to the plot, it is now the year 1500, so... in the next few years, heroes will begin to rise together, and finally a great pirate called the Four Emperors will be born.

While Tang En was thinking, today's newspaper arrived.

He bought a newspaper and started reading it, but a wanted notice caught his eye!

Tang En was stunned and yelled!

I'm so sorry for you! The government in this stupid world actually dares to arrest me!?

I saw that this wanted notice was a screenshot of Tang En's handsome kick kicking away the Warring States Marshal!

I don’t know which bastard took the photo.

Name: Whirlpool Twain.

Identity: Traveler

Introduction: This man and Whitebeard, the naval marshal, and the naval hero were 1 enemy and 3 enemies, and defeated the Buddha's Warring States with one blow and severely injured him. This person is extremely dangerous, and the world government has decided to issue a wanted order to the whole world!

Reward price: **Bailey!


Tang En was confused...

I... I actually got a bounty on my head and didn't tell you, and ended up riding a horse with 400 million beli???

Am I worth only 400 million beli??

Tang En was very disappointed...

At this time, Ellie and Hinata came over with brewed black tea. Looking at Tang En, who was stunned, the two women were confused.

What's wrong honey?

The two girls came over and sat on the sofa. Hinata, who had sharp eyes, saw the wanted poster falling on the ground.

He picked it up and looked at it doubtfully.


What's wrong Hinata, what's so funny?

Hinata held back her smile and handed the wanted notice to Ellie.


Same reaction...

Giggle, my dear... you are worth 400 million? Giggle!

Hinata and Airi couldn't hold it in any longer and were laughing so hard!

Tang En had a dark face and didn't know what he was thinking.

Chapter 19 Heading to the South China Sea

On a sea surface in the East China Sea, a huge, fully enclosed mothership with graceful arcs and smooth surfaces was cutting through the waves and sailing forward against the billowing white waves.

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