Whitebeard looked at Akainu, whose right arm was completely elemental, and grinned!

Boy, you really overestimate your capabilities!


Air shock!

He raised his beard horizontally and looked like a sword with a green dragon and a crescent moon. The whining sound of the wind was like a flying Akainu slashing at him!

Suddenly, everyone remembered the loud clicking sound!

Tang En’s wives exclaimed!

Oh my god! What kind of fruit is that Tang En! It can actually...shatter the air!

This was the first time they encountered something that surprised the girls since they traveled across the world.

Chapter 14 The Fist of Nuclear Explosion

In the square, I saw Lieutenant General Akainu, one of the Navy men's team, with his lower body turning into flaming, high-temperature lava and quickly attacking Whitebeard!

next moment!

Whitebeard, since you are here today, don't leave!

Take the move! Big fire breather!

Akainu retracted his right arm to the level of his shoulder, his biceps bulged like an explosion, and the veins in his forearm were tight. With a loud roar, he was punched out in an instant!

boom! ! ! ! !

With a roar, the lava fist with billowing black smoke struck Whitebeard!

Ku la la la la, you arrogant brat!

I saw Whitebeard holding up a broadsword that looked like a green dragon gnawing at the moon, and then slashed down with the sword vertically!

The sound of the whining wind made by the broadsword was like Akainu's giant lava fist slashing through!

Click... click!

Suddenly, everyone remembered the loud clicking sound!

For the first time, Tang En's wives saw the power of Whitebeard's strongest superhuman fruit, the Zhenzhen Fruit, and they were amazed!

Wow...Twain, what is that! It can shatter the air, so powerful! Is this a devil fruit!

As Kushina's voice fell, the two people's moves on the battlefield had collided!

Boom ka ka ka ka!

Without any suspense, Whitebeard easily defeated Akainu with a single blow of air shock!

Akainu's eyes are about to burst! The shattered air hit his body mercilessly!


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Akainu's air, and then his body quickly flew backwards!


The next moment, it hit the Tang En family...

Akainu was defeated, and the roar of the Sengoku was delayed here!

Akainu, come back! That is Whitebeard, who is known as the strongest man in the world. You are no match!!!

Such straightforward words, Tang En even mourned for Akainu...

Seeing that his attack was easily neutralized by the enemy, Akainu looked unwilling, but he also understood that with his current strength, he was still far behind the top combat power, not to mention the man standing in front of him. giant.

Ku la la la la, Warring States, are you afraid that I will kill this brat?

Warring States was immediately dissatisfied!

Whitebeard, don't think you can do whatever you want, Garp and I are both here!

Hmph, can I be afraid of you?

Come! Fight!

Fight, fight!

I saw Navy Marshal Sengoku throw away his cloak of justice!

Phew! With a cry, he stood in front of Akainu on moon steps.

On the other side, the naval hero, Iron Fist Garp also laughed loudly and greeted Whitebeard!

The three of them are in a confrontation, and the peak battle is about to break out!

The navy generals also confronted the captains of each division of the Whitebeard Pirates!

In the center of the battlefield, the momentum of the three people was rising steadily. The three people were almost reaching the top, and the entire square was silent.

And this scene is also shown in the eyes of people all over the world!

Tang En's family held umbrellas in the corner and watched the sudden battle in amusement.

At this time, beside them, Akainu, who had just been defeated by Whitebeard, stretched out a hand from the ruins.

I saw him crawling out of the ruins he had smashed in embarrassment. His clothes were shattered into tatters, and his black face and traces of blood at the corners of his mouth looked a little happy.


Tsunade accidentally laughed. With her heartless character, this is so normal!

Besides, the Tang En family has been in the world for so many years. Whenever they have suffered a loss, they always laugh.

But Akainu...

Asshole, damn woman! Why are you laughing! I think you are not a good person because you are sneaky, and I will bring you to justice!

Tang En and the other girls were dumbfounded and looked at Akainu 'Kasaski' like a mad dog, completely stupid.

Is this... this horse-riding thing stupid?

The girls nodded at the same time in confusion.

Just when the Tang En family was confused, Akainu had already arrived in front of Tsunade!

The same thing was the big fire-breathing, lava fist with billowing black smoke, hitting Tsunade mercilessly!

Looking at Akainu's angry, crazy and ferocious expression, it is obvious that this blow was not merciful at all, it was a killer!

On the other side, Whitebeard, Sengoku, Garp, including Aokiji, Kizaru, team captains and navy generals were all attracted by Akainu's crazy behavior!

Warring States shouted in frustration:

Asshole, Akainu! What are you doing! It's live broadcast all over the world now!

As for Garp, his heart was extremely cold...

Akainu is going to be in trouble...

Hearing Garp's words, Whitebeard and Sengoku were shocked at the same time, and the next moment they looked to that side!


A loud noise!

In an instant, the whole town of Rogge was resounding!

Relayed through the telephone bug, this loud noise seemed to shake the whole world three times!

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

I saw a huge mushroom cloud rising into the sky where Akainu was!

Boom, crack, crack, with the explosion as the center, the ground began to shatter, and the cracks extended in all directions at an extremely fast speed!

Everyone present, Sengoku, Whitebeard, Garp!

Captains, generals!

Redhead, Bucky, Hawkeye, Don Quixote, Dragon!

Everyone looked at the woman wearing a black OL secretary outfit who was still in a punching position in shock.

Black stockings and 12cm high heels accentuate the slender legs, and the hip-covering skirt is even more captivating!

But it was obvious that the people who saw this violent scene had no desire at all.

Just look at the huge fan-shaped pit extending from the white and tender little fists of that charming beauty, and you will know how difficult this woman is to mess with!

How dare you label me? You're looking for death!

Tsunade slowly withdrew her fist and said in a nonchalant tone.

Tang En stuttered and said:

Nuclear...nuclear blasting punch??? Damn it!

Warring States on the other side was also confused, especially when he saw seven other people wearing the same clothes as the woman. His mood could not be described as eating shit.

Why does this idiot Akainu want to cause trouble?

Ku la la la la, that little girl is no ordinary person! She's awesome, she's awesome!

Garp's face was tangled for a moment, and he smiled bitterly when he looked at Tang En, who was looking at him with a half-smile.

The onlookers, looking at the whole world opposite the phone bug, were stunned when they saw the red mushroom cloud reaching into the sky, completely dumbfounded, and everyone was stunned.

The entire square was silent, and the atmosphere was eerily silent...

Aokiji and Kizaru's jaws dropped to the ground, their faces were in disbelief, and their horrified eyes almost popped out of their eyes.

How could they not know what strength Akainu is!

I didn't expect this woman to be so terrifying and so powerful!

The two looked at each other and saw the look of horror in the other's eyes.

Chapter 15 Give me a face

Donghai, Rogge Town.

The square was filled with civilians, pirates, and navy.

Whether it's a general, a captain, or a leader.

Everyone stared with bulging eyes at the huge mushroom cloud that had not dissipated.

When they came back to their senses, they all gasped for air-conditioning, then took another breath of air-conditioning, and kept gasping for air-conditioning...

The scene was filled with all kinds of hissing sounds.

Through the video phone bug, people around the world who watched this big event were even more confused.

Is this...different from what was promised? Isn't it to execute the Pirate King?

Is that foreplay? Is this the real deal?

After a long time, facing the pattering raindrops, the mushroom cloud finally slowly dispersed.

Everyone looked carefully and saw a humanoid thing with blood all over his body lying in a huge pothole several meters deep. His body was like charcoal.

Who else could this be if it wasn't Akainu?

Seeing Akainu's miserable condition, everyone turned their attention to Tsunade Senju, who was standing there gracefully.

Tsunade's temperament now is completely different from before, or in other words, she is completely different!

Now she is obviously a charming and mature royal sister, okay?

Thinking about the violent scene just now, everyone shuddered deeply, sweat poured down their backs, and their scalps were numb!

Just listen to the whispers of the people again.

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