During these 077 days, not only the navy, but also pirates hid their identities and came to this legendary town one after another.

The sun sets in the west and its light shines slantingly.

A special ship arrived at the port of Rogge Town.

This ship is much larger than warships, it is more than 100 meters long.

Beautiful white appearance, elegant streamlined hull.

That's right, this is Tang En's yacht.

It exists in the warehouse of the mothership Youyou. After all, the mothership's more than 500-meter-long hull is too conspicuous, so such a yacht is quite convenient.

But this is obviously for the Dunn family.

Look at the eyes of the pirates at the port.

They all stared greedily at this beautiful white swan-like super yacht, and they knew what they were thinking.

The girls standing on the bow deck smiled disdainfully.

How can they be pirates like this? Aren't they afraid of being beaten to death by big waves on the sea?

Twain, the looks in your eyes are really not ordinary disgusting.

That's right, when these pirates saw the stunning beauties on the bow deck, their eyes fell out and their mouths watered! !

Kushina, Mikoto, Konan, Hinata, Tsunade, Kaguya, Airi, Saber, which one is not stunning?

Not to mention being placed among ugly guys like Onepiece!

Chapter 9 Sideways glance

PS: Handsome little leisure super yacht

Chapter 9 Sideways glance

East China Sea, Rogge Town, port.

A beautiful white yacht that is eye-catching is parked on the shore.

The surrounding navy, pirates, and people looked at the eight character beauties standing on the side of the ship, and their eyes almost popped out!

Charming, lively, cool, gentle, virtuous, queen, you name it!

But it's not just that. Each one of them has a strong aura, a shining halo, and is a being that attracts everyone's attention.

Today they were wearing uniform OL outfits, with ultra-thin gray stockings on their legs, black butt-covering skirts, white low-collared shirts, and small black suits. Their hair was pulled up behind their heads, looking like professional elites. look.

Can you imagine the scene of eight goddesses with such beauty that eclipses the heaven and earth, appearing together?

Just look at the eyes and expressions of these people at the port of Rogge Town.

Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! I love you, little sister!

Big sister, please accept my knee!!!!

Wow, I miss your feet TIAN!!!!


Tang En, who had just parked the boat and walked out of the cabin, was stunned when he saw the beautiful backs of the women standing on the side of the boat.

He whispered absently:

Oh my God, what kind of bad luck did I get...

Thinking of this, he burst out laughing, then shook his head.

He came behind the girls, used a lighter with a 'pop' sound, lit a cigarette, and said softly:

Let's go, my lovely women, this is Rogue Town.

After speaking, he smiled tenderly at the girls.

While everyone was absentmindedly admiring the beautiful figures of these goddesses, suddenly an eclectic red-haired man wearing black trousers, black shirt, black leather shoes, and black tie broke into their sight.

And this bastard is actually standing next to the goddesses!

Asshole, who is that kid? I'm going to cut him into pieces!!!!!!

Damn it, stay away from my goddess!!! Otherwise the knife in my hand won't have eyes!

Looking at the clamoring people below, Tang En smiled bitterly.

The helpless wives beside them all giggled and said:

Look, what is this?

It was better for Ellie, who came up and hugged Tang En's arm, holding back her smile and comforting her:

You still care about this? It smells so vinegary.


Looking at Aili's dazzling face, she even wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses to match her OL outfit today.

Not to mention those ignorant pirates, even Tang En, who had experienced hundreds of battles, was distracted for a moment...

let's go.

After saying that, Tang En and Ai Li took the lead to leave.

The other women also smiled slightly and walked off the boat.

After bringing all the girls to the ground, Tang En and the others gathered together, chatting and laughing as they walked towards the town as if no one else was around, leaving only a group of resentful onlookers behind.

In the cab of the ship, Tang En's shadow clone chuckled and looked at the sneaky figures.

Obviously there are a lot of people with evil intentions towards this extremely beautiful superyacht, but they are obviously going to be disappointed.

Just before Tang En and others disappeared from the port, they heard a violent explosion behind them!


I saw a group of pirates flying away angrily like a goddess scattering flowers, some smashed on the road, some directly smashed the glass, flew into the building, and there was a splashing sound of falling into the water.

Tang En smiled obscenely, knowing what had happened.

Ellie covered her mouth with one hand and smiled.

Honey, are those people going to steal the ship?

Ha, that's natural, such a beautiful little leisurely number.

Saber frowned.

Twain, the people here don't seem to have any chivalry at all.

After hearing her words, the girls all giggled.

Kushina held her stomach and put a hand on Saber's shoulder, laughing so hard that she couldn't breathe.

Ha...haha, Sab...Saber, they are pirates! Pirates are people who do anything for money, power, and status! This has nothing to do with chivalry!

Ah? Is that so?

Saber is already cute.

Listening to her question, Tang En also smiled.

The family was in a harmonious atmosphere, chatting warmly, and walking towards the commercial street. They were going on a shopping spree!

Rogue Town Naval Headquarters.

Garp, who was sitting on the sofa and eating donuts, paused for a moment, then continued eating as if nothing happened.

But who is Buddha of the Warring States Period? Even when he was looking at the document, he noticed the movements of his old friend.

What's wrong, Cap?

Nothing, I feel a familiar breath.

Huh? Who is it?

After hearing the conversation between the two, Lieutenant General Crane, Lieutenant General Aokiji, Lieutenant General Kizaru, and Lieutenant General Akainu also looked at Garp who was eating donuts in silence.

It's... the man I told you about. I didn't expect that he would come to join in the big event this time.

Hearing Garp's answer, the others looked confused...

Only Warring States heart thumped.

Crane asked Warring States.

What riddles are you two playing?

Warring States stood up from behind his desk, turned around and looked out the window with his hands behind his back. He was silent for a while and then said:

It's not a big deal. It just happened a few days ago. Garp went on a mission to track down a wave of pirates and met a mysterious man on the way.

Mysterious man? Is he a pirate?

No, he is not a pirate. He calls himself a traveler.

At this time, Akainu banged the table!

Hmph, this time the execution of the Pirate King is broadcast live all over the world. There must be no mistakes. If there is any sign, I am willing to take the lead and remove that obstacle first!

The green pheasant and the yellow ape were carefree, one was sleeping and the other was drinking tea with their legs crossed, as if they didn't hear anything.

Garp glanced at Akainu Kasasky and said nothing.

Warring States turned around and said:

Put this matter aside for now. After all, that kid is just an ordinary person. He is not a pirate or a villain. We don't need to worry about it. Let's talk about other news. The Whitebeard Pirates have been staying in the second half of the Grand Route. He suddenly disappeared without a trace under our surveillance, can you tell me what happened?

Everyone was shocked when they heard the news about the Warring States Period!

Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the world!

The combat power is astounding. If you resist the Buddha's Warring States and add the hero Garp, you can defeat 1 against 2!

Not to mention the three generals who have not yet fully grown up!

You know what to do if Edward Newgate the Whitebeard kicks the bucket!


As time goes by, the sun gradually sets in the west.

The Tang En family also had enough fun in this town. The girls all bought all kinds of specialties, food, clothes, decorations, and so on. Many trophies were thrown into the void by Tang En.

After playing for a day, the family came to the door of a bar.

Let's go in and have a drink.


Chapter 10 A Gathering of Heroes

As time goes by, the sun gradually sets in the west.

The rays of the setting sun fell on the stone-paved streets, lengthening the shadows of the nine members of Tang En's family.

After arriving in this town in the morning, the Tang En family had a lot of fun in the town. Except for the execution platform which has been put under martial law.

The girls all bought all kinds of specialties, food, clothes, decorations, and so on. Many trophies were thrown into the void one by one for Tang En to store.

After playing for a day, the girls were very happy. They kept chatting about the trophies they bought and the unique scenery of this town.

After a while, they came to the door of a bar.

Tang En's eyes lit up and he suggested to his wives:

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